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RELEASED Supper's Monster Additions 2018-11-19b

Many improvements to rando-monsters, including different stats and behaviors.

  1. SentientSupper

    SentientSupper Cosmic Narwhal

  2. bk3k

    bk3k Oxygen Tank

    I know a certain part of your mod is integrated into FU. Do you know if it is it mostly the initial state of the mod, or are they keeping up to date on it? Or perhaps are you directly committing changes into FU? I haven't looked at their files for a little while now.

    If there are massive differences between what you have now and FU, I'd rather be able to use both and get the most recent changes that way. I suppose that would necessitate using test conditions in patch batches, thus allowing it to work with or without FU. That isn't too hard, but might be more bother than you're willing to entertain though. Otherwise directly committing your changes to FU's github would also work nicely(if you aren't already). I'd assume they'd accept your changes if they're partially incorporating this mod anyhow.
  3. SentientSupper

    SentientSupper Cosmic Narwhal

    It's pretty much the earliest version of the mod. I do not on committing my changes to FU either because I don't use the mod and the amount of work required would be a lot.
  4. TyrantScrafty

    TyrantScrafty Void-Bound Voyager

    I love this mod and it's Idea, however whenever I install it I crash. I have the crash log to provide a better insight.

    Attached Files:

  5. SentientSupper

    SentientSupper Cosmic Narwhal

    Thanks for the crash log! I'll fix this in the next update.
    TyrantScrafty likes this.
  6. SentientSupper

    SentientSupper Cosmic Narwhal

    SentientSupper updated Supper's Monster Additions with a new update entry:

    Addition of Minibosses Among Others

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. SentientSupper

    SentientSupper Cosmic Narwhal

  8. bk3k

    bk3k Oxygen Tank

    All minibosses shoot lava droplets
    erchiusghost renders behind the foreground layer - rendering it undetectable while passing through blocks
    erchiusghost also has laser beams that do indiscriminate damage
    All critters have the "thorns" status to deter poaching
    Novakid villagers are all now nude - don't ask why
    Villagers now use skyrail hooks to get around and rails are a high priority while pathing
    All space enemies will be cloaked until they detect a player in range


    Seriously though keep up the good work.
  9. SentientSupper

    SentientSupper Cosmic Narwhal

    Oh no my plans have been exposed.
  10. Pachi3080

    Pachi3080 Void-Bound Voyager

    Is this mod compatible with FU?
  11. SentientSupper

    SentientSupper Cosmic Narwhal

    Depends on your idea of compatibility. If it doesn't crash on startup and loads after FU, it is compatible in my book.
  12. Pachi3080

    Pachi3080 Void-Bound Voyager

    Well, Will try to see what happens then. Thanks for the answer!
  13. SentientSupper

    SentientSupper Cosmic Narwhal

  14. hellenicshaco

    hellenicshaco Orbital Explorer

    Hello, have tried at 1.3.2 not working and always crash, seems nice mod through.
  15. SentientSupper

    SentientSupper Cosmic Narwhal

    Can you provide me with a crash log?
  16. SentientSupper

    SentientSupper Cosmic Narwhal

  17. andhar

    andhar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I get this error message when starting up my server:

    [Error] Could not apply patch from file /monsters/generated/flying/largeflying/largeflying.monstertype.patch in source: ..\mods\sup_monsters.  Caused by: (JsonPatchException) Could not apply patch to base. (JsonPatchException) Could not apply operation to base. (TraversalException) Could not find "windupTime" to remove
    I did not see any errors in game yet, though.
  18. SentientSupper

    SentientSupper Cosmic Narwhal

    That may be an issue caused by using the mod is used together with FU. I don't know about its effects yet but I'll fix it when I can.
  19. SentientSupper

    SentientSupper Cosmic Narwhal

    andhar likes this.
  20. andhar

    andhar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    My server starts without errors now, thank you! :)

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