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Outdated Survivalist Mod 0.925 Broken Lantern


  1. DevineShadow

    DevineShadow Yeah, You!

    yeah, i agree. I just didn't know about it. So it felt more like a bug than a variation. Especially since it was a house i built and could run around freely without death :p I really like the direction the game is taking
  2. RamsiC

    RamsiC Pangalactic Porcupine

    To be fair though if we were looking at it from an oddly realistic manner you could land just fine from a 4-6 foot drop without suffering any real damage in a real life setting.
  3. DevineShadow

    DevineShadow Yeah, You!

    If im not mistaken, i was told it varies planet to planet. Low grav you can almost fall a screen and a half and live, but high grav you fall like half a screen, and die with starter armor.
  4. mister moon

    mister moon Void-Bound Voyager

    hey i have a idea why not making 2 forms of survival 1 with fog and 1 without fog and you can take with one you will have? idea? :)
  5. julz19

    julz19 Phantasmal Quasar

    So...i have no weapon on startup, how am i suposed to survive? the old version gave you a broken thing that was used as a weapon.
  6. mister moon

    mister moon Void-Bound Voyager

    cut a tree dude do it!
  7. antonsenlarsen

    antonsenlarsen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Anyone progressed to tier 2 yet?:) id like to know how many hours it took for you to get there. And what you think of tier 1
  8. mister moon

    mister moon Void-Bound Voyager

    i don't know i have not played in som time have pain in my right arm so you know its not funny playing right now wen its over i will try! :D
  9. Durlock

    Durlock Pangalactic Porcupine

    I have a question Anton. Where do i get cotton? Is it harvestable? Or it follows the idea of killing a birdy with a specific weapon?

    Other than that, tier 1 is pretty balanced. I´d only add SP to harvesting crops (like talked yesterday), and traps
  10. antonsenlarsen

    antonsenlarsen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Chemistry table if u cant find any on the surface of forest planets;)
  11. julz19

    julz19 Phantasmal Quasar

    you're right dude, now i remember...i have to try again but yesterday i spawned right in the middle of 7 mobs lol there was 3 to the left and 4 far away to the right that saw me right away.
    I was lucky enough to beam in time :rofl:
  12. julz19

    julz19 Phantasmal Quasar

    I dont know if its just me, but the mod is extremely frustrating at the beginning...i'm always swarmed by super fast super strong enemies and everytime i'm close to have enough survival points i die from those damn annoying monsters. I used to play hat mod 2months ago and it was very fun, but now it's just frustrating.
  13. mister moon

    mister moon Void-Bound Voyager

    i know i got all what i need to make the first workbench BUT i can't get it as soon as i get 100 200 points 3 monster's show up and i have NO way out :( but try
  14. julz19

    julz19 Phantasmal Quasar

    I know, i'm always on edge and ready to beam out, so i'm scared of going in caves lol...but on the surface there is always some damn rock storm and the rain destroys the large campfire?
  15. antonsenlarsen

    antonsenlarsen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    gather a lot of plant bandage, get the death bow and bush armor, and you'll do just fine? :D
  16. julz19

    julz19 Phantasmal Quasar

    for that...you need survival points...but i'm always swarmed by annoying monsters
  17. antonsenlarsen

    antonsenlarsen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    plant bandage requires only plant fibre ;)
  18. julz19

    julz19 Phantasmal Quasar

    I know, but when swarmed by 3 super fast, jumping, earthquake thingy making monsters that do 1/3 of my hp in damage each, bandages are worthless :p

    honestly these kind of monsters should ONLY spawn at night and/or deep in caves...it's way too crazy and not fun!
  19. antonsenlarsen

    antonsenlarsen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Stay close to your home, make a bunker, use the hunting bow to initiate fights and finish monsters off with your stick. If you're in trouble, just jump back down into your bunker :p
  20. Durlock

    Durlock Pangalactic Porcupine

    An idea:
    "Survival Abilities"
    Use resourses to make a survival technic (the way techs work) like camouflage, better lungs or whatever abilitie you can recall from Predator 1 :I
    Craftables in the "survival table" maybe?
    julz19 likes this.

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