I could make a consumable that requires monster hearts. So that if you get like 10 monster hearts, but die and lose SP all the time, you can craft an item that gives you extra strength for x minutes. Monster Soup or something!
MADE A GUIDE FOR THE MOD! http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?threads/survivalist-mod.63988/
it would be nice to give a use to the Monster hearts. Sometimes i end up having 50 and 2 skins. I always thought that if monster skin give you a little health, monster hearts should give you a little hunger
yeah but in the first place, monster hearts were meant to craft things later on. You can craft red stim packs and such with it when you get the chemistry table!
I like that idea! or maybe since now armors can give tech, have the bush armor give a cloaking ability.
Okay Anton, I fucked up yesterday and your mod only got like 10-15 views total I wanted to apologize for making such a big mistake at such a key time for people logging out for the night; to make it up to you I tried again and this time I'm getting this mod A CRAP TON OF VIEWS! http://www.reddit.com/r/starbound/comments/1yh1lk/everyone_has_such_a_pretty_ship_yet_im_stuck_here/
So, some food for thought.. I have the Copper gear, and just now found the Tailors table. So im already past it. Copper being the first set of armor i made because i did not know of the tailors table. This could just be a derp on my part, but maybe make the progression path require the table? or point towards the table more? A lot of people seem to be having trouble with starting out (and that's the point of the mod) and the table is an amazing feature for early on, but very easily over looked. Also, Shadow armor.. Love the name! =D
yes, the different classes are explained in the new mod guide I made today. http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?threads/survivalist-mod.63988/ Your ore suggestion has been added as you can see! But will only affect new characters with the 0.921 update!
Right now I'm working on ideas mostly. As I feel the foundation of the mod is done, I now have to mainly focus on adding more content. This being items, objects, guns and so on. I might be going for a particle accelerator or something, where you have to do proton and neutron research to get various tech. I'm also thinking of how to create a balanced farmable which you can gain survival points from. But because of starbounds limitations it is a bit hard.
Hmm, any chance you can add a leveling system and maybe perks? As in, something we can hopefully see in a few days? I feel that that would not only expand on what people can do with your mod but might also make it something that others might pick up for eventual mod pack status. Don't get me wrong, the mod is great and I love it! I just again wish that the game made it feel like you were actually learning from your survival. Still adore your mod something fierce
yeah I agree, allthough my hands are tied... I have so many ideas myself for this mod that is not possible with state starbound is in atm. It is only a beta, and things like leveling system and stats aint possible I really want leveling and stats too!!! Let's hope the chucklefishes will make it possible very soon! But keep suggesting I'll add what is possible for me to make!
ah, i didn't read the guide because i didn't want any spoilers. I like playing a game blind unless im just completely stuck. Even knowing the differnt tiers of armor or planets for me is a spoiler because i know what to expect, and can't discover it on my own. i'll take a look at it though and hopefuly not spoil to much of the experience =) I should be on the newest model. Thinking about it i did notice the later ores were a lot more rare. We did get to gold pickaxes on the starter planet though. I also want to note, your idea for lower tier pickaxes only doing 2x2 is so well done. once you get to the 3 by 3 square pickaxes it feels so rewarding and just.. mmmmm
I think it has survivalist potential: "Bees!" http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?resources/bees.1585/
This mod sounds really cool. Backing up my massive mod folder/universe now so I can check it out! I deleted everything in the: player folder mods folder and universe folder. Verified the integrity of my game files through steam. Then installed your mod to the mods folder. and now I get this error message on boot. **This error appears to be related to something that changed with the new SB hotfix #5 that just hit**
antonsenlarsen updated Survivalist Mod with a new update entry: 0.922 Death Bow Read the rest of this update entry...
Did a fresh install of both the game and mod... still crashes before even loading up. We put the mod in the mod folder right? No fancy stuff?