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Outdated Survivalist Mod 0.925 Broken Lantern


  1. antonsenlarsen

    antonsenlarsen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    1. Delete all mods
    2. Backup your entire starbound folder if you don't want to lose anything.
    3. Go to starbound/universe folder, delete all files, together with the files in the starbound/player folder.
    4. Download the mod and put it in starbound/mods folder.

    the end result should be empty player and universe folder and mods folder structure like this: starbound/mods/survivalistmod
  2. FractalPrism

    FractalPrism Void-Bound Voyager

    Confirmed, that error message has been dealt with. Now I get to check out your mod :)
  3. geo793

    geo793 Orbital Explorer

    Is there anything different that I would need to do to get the mod working since I'm on the Mac?
  4. antonsenlarsen

    antonsenlarsen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    not that I know of. i know of many mac users who play the mod;)
  5. geo793

    geo793 Orbital Explorer

    I ask because I downloaded the mod and put it in the mod folder, as well as deleting the universe and player files, and nothing happened. What should I do?
  6. antonsenlarsen

    antonsenlarsen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    does the structure of folders look correct? starbound/mods/survivalistmod - with survivalistmod.modinfo and assets.pak inside

    not starbound/mods with survivalistmod.modinfo and assets.pak directly inside
  7. geo793

    geo793 Orbital Explorer

    Its not even a folder. I don't know what it is, but it is appearing as a piece of paper with the top right corner folded.
  8. antonsenlarsen

    antonsenlarsen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    ahh, you probably haven't unpacked it with winRAR.


    theres the link for mac winRAR I think
  9. geo793

    geo793 Orbital Explorer

  10. antonsenlarsen

    antonsenlarsen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    antonsenlarsen updated Survivalist Mod with a new update entry:

    0.923 Death bow

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  11. antonsenlarsen

    antonsenlarsen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    antonsenlarsen updated Survivalist Mod with a new update entry:

    0.924 Death Bow (Important)

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  12. Viper romani

    Viper romani Big Damn Hero

    The mod ain't working for me at all no matter what i do
  13. ahappydude

    ahappydude Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Wow you have been busy with the updates kudos! Sandstorm sounds wicked
  14. OldGameLover

    OldGameLover Big Damn Hero

    Can make it compatible with FPSBooster?
  15. antonsenlarsen

    antonsenlarsen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'll look into it :) not sure if it's possible though with my custom parallax, but I'll try as the game really does have poor performance atm.
    OldGameLover likes this.
  16. OldGameLover

    OldGameLover Big Damn Hero

    Many thanks , your mod is great , but laging to much
    Waiting for news...
  17. ontans

    ontans Orbital Explorer

    I've been digging for many hours on all types of tier 1 planets and I haven't found any silver and gold. Only good amounts of coal, copper, iron and about 15 diamond and platinum ores. It used to be fine in 0.922.
  18. antonsenlarsen

    antonsenlarsen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    hello, yes, that is how it's supposed to be. I'm working on a lot of changes to the game so that you cannot stay and farm what you need in previous and easier tiers.
  19. ontans

    ontans Orbital Explorer

    I actually played through about 20 permadeath characters who all are dead now. It was interesting. The only thing I didn't like was the acid rain because it only barely gives you enough time to save and exit to main menu.
  20. antonsenlarsen

    antonsenlarsen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    acid rain on the starter planet? that shouldn't occur

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