The pony modpack adds a lot of stuff to the game. Much would need to be taken out and changed. I could try to make it work still, but it's unlikely it'll function correctly with this mod. The game is supposed to start you with a ruined ship and very little for starting supplies. I would have to change so much, but I'll try. x.x
Wait shirowildwolf you fixed the mod? which post of yours has the best place to get it? Finally Starbound is worth playing again!
I had to take out the monster ai for now and revert it back to the default, but everything else is working. The link along with info on what's added and included can be found in the most recent review of this mod I posted on the main mod page. Check there for a link. ^^
Ok thanks, from what i remember the AI seemed much more... aggressive. But I will try to check it out tonight and see whats up. Thank you!
It was. So they will be a bit nicer, but yeah. No problem. I love this mod and really wanted to keep it going how I could.
I don't think so. You could try it but I can't even get the nightly versions to run on my computer so I can't even test it.
With news of a new update... finally!.. What are your plans with this mod? Seems like so much is changing that this mod might have to be totally redone or something. If you plan on making a mod like this from the ground up, let me know I can try to help.
Anytime I try to start Starbound, I receive a runtime error. I've gotten rid of all other mods, wiped my characters and universe, and I never had problems with Starbound up until I tried to play this mod. I can't even get to the menu of Starbound. I would love and appreciate any help anyone could give, I'm desperate to play this mod.
Shirowildwolf, do you plan to pick this mod up officially? I can try to speak with the original modder to see about transferring it over to you. I plan on starting up another lets play on this mod because of your hard work and dedication and it is also my absolute favorite. My community also loved it.
The problem is that some of the stuff from this mod has already been added to the game offically in the latest stable release. The broken ship and with the new mission system it would have to be fully reworked to be balanced. The game is rather hard already for sure. Long story short, the mod would have to be completely redone. All of it, especially since they even have a new code format for their files.
Modder comment: "People can do what they please with the mods files. I don't think I'll ever come back to modding Starbound. The game is heading in a completely different direction then I anticipated. I HATE banana hats and all the 1000 other childish items in the game. I hate the fact that they focus on !"&%#ยค%&! bad wire-systems, unrealistic colorful bases, PETS?!?, etc., instead of actually making the gameplay better, immersive and more "realistic". The fact that you don't have to travel to planets to explore them because UI already tells you everything about the planet is just breathtakingly bad. THEY EVEN REMOVED HUNGER?!?!? I'm mad. Whats the point of this game? It's not survival, it's not exploring, it's not PvP, it's just MINDLESS crafting and slaughter of STUPID AI POKEMONS. Potential gone to waste. And I wasted 500 hours of modding this crap. -antonsenlarsen"
Hey, if anyone can help me, thanks. I downloaded the mod, all right, I have FURIOUS KOALA Beta v, and if I install the mod Survivalist, that's my gift: DBException: DB content identiefer does not match expected value of "Assets1" 009A345A starbound.exe 0086F1A7 starbound.exe 006F20CB starbound.exe 00519879 starbound.exe 004EC8D7 starbound.exe 004F349E starbound.exe 00407A85 starbound.exe 004EBCA1 starbound.exe If you can help me. I will thank you. I really really want to play with this mod, I think that's all I need in Starbound to have fun, and a duel. :c System: 64 bits Windows 8.1 SL Running: 32bit launcher (The version I downloaded 'Furious Koala Beta v' only have this launcher, 32 bits) and OpenGL (also crash with the same, but OpenGlstarbound.exe... bla bla) I only have this mod 'Survivalist' Universe: nothing (wiped) Character: to create (wiped) Oh, other thing, when I download the mod, I looked in survivalistmodinfo archive, it says: { "name" : "survivalistmod", "version" : "Beta v. Enraged Koala", "path" : "assets.pak", //"dependencies" : [ ], "metadata" : { "author" : "antonsenlarsen", "version" : 0.925, "description" : "The Survivalist Mod!" } } I tried to start the game and it saws Mod 'survivalistmod' is of wrong version 'Beta v Enraged Koala' expected 'Beta v. Furious Koala' and the same: starbound.exe starbound.exe etc,etc... Then I tried to change it to: { "name" : "survivalistmod", "version" : "Beta v. Furious Koala", "path" : "assets.pak", //"dependencies" : [ ], "metadata" : { "author" : "antonsenlarsen", "version" : 0.925, "description" : "The Survivalist Mod!" } } And splash the screen: DBException: DB content identiefer does not match expected value of "Assets1" 009A345A starbound.exe 0086F1A7 starbound.exe 006F20CB starbound.exe 00519879 starbound.exe 004EC8D7 starbound.exe 004F349E starbound.exe 00407A85 starbound.exe 004EBCA1 starbound.exe Please help me :c
i kinda wish that rant on the front page is printed and put in the devs office so they all can see it all the time