RELEASED Taco Bones: Item+Crop graphics (over 30 itens done!)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Boneberry, Nov 3, 2016.

  1. Boneberry

    Boneberry Space Spelunker

    I was browsing the entirety of topics about modding information, and found the item sheet thanks to you guys, so thank you very much before hand.

    There were many reasons. The very first part was, I wanted to edit the look of the blueberry, so it'd not look like a blue gumball (sorry, CA).
    It should be just this, but my inner mind started to scream at squeaky with some of the other designs, so I decided to revamp them quite a bit. In case you wondered what items were changed, there's a list. Also edited the look of some crops. I wanted some to be less bulky, but also not too slim.

    1) Item edits: Download here. This one goes in the Maps folder.
    2) Crop edits: Download here. This one goes in the Tile Sheets folder.
    3) Plant cropping edit (beta): Tried to change the data for the artichoke planting. With this, it should be possible to plant artichoke (or keep it) in all seasons and to get its crop every season (beta), and the strawberry and blueberry bushes should be giving at least two fruits each (alpha). *Also changed the color for the Fairy Rose so it doesn't look weird! Download here. (Remember to change its name to Crops.XNB and place in the Data folder!)
    4) *Update! Craftables: Changed the looks of some craftables. Download here.

    ** IMPORTANT: The files will be named file-update.xnb or file-update2.xnb, make sure to rename it to file.xnb and put it in the right place!





    *I didn't take screenshots of ALL the craftables. For a list of what I changed, see the spoiler below!

    Hope you enjoy my edits, humans. If you have suggestions or requests, or found any bugs, feel free to speak your mind.

    **TO DO LIST:
    1. Starfruit
    2. Make the Stafruit crop a small tree
    3. Testing the Fairy Rose crop - Since I failed to change the way those crops work, these ideas are cancelled.
    4. Furnace
    5. ALL Scarecrows
    6. Wicked Statue
    7. The WTF statues I don't know the joke about
    ** DONE SO FAR:
    1. Blueberry (item+plant+cropping)
    2. Blackberry
    3. Grape (item+plant)
    4. Strawberry (item+plant+cropping)
    5. Salmonberry
    6. Spice Berry
    7. Blueberry Tart
    8. Cookies
    9. Sashimi
    10. Chocolate Cake
    11. Pink Cake
    12. Spaghetti
    13. Wine
    14. Juice
    15. Milk (both gallons)
    16. Orange
    17. Coconut
    18. Parsnip
    19. Cauliflower (item+pant)
    20. Fairy Rose (item+plant)
    21. Melon (item+plant+giant)
    22. Leek
    23. Rainbow Shell
    24. Nautilus Shell
    25. Nautilus Fossil
    26. Aquamarine (item+boulder)
    27. Diamond (item+boulder)
    28. Artichoke (cropping conditions - it should be plantable and croppable year round)
    29. Pumpkin
    30. Gold Pumpkin
    31. Carved Pumpkin
    1. ALL braziers
    2. Mayonnaise Machine
    3. Cheese Press
    4. Recycling Machine
    5. Casks
    6. Tub o' Flowers
    7. Oil Maker
    8. Lamp posts (though I think you might not like those because they're a tad bit more urban than the other designs)
    ** The Mayonnaise Machine was a challenge, but it was inspired on this. The one I picked is actually the station which mixes the concoction before cooling it down; mayonnaise making requires a few machines in a line.
    ** This is the Cheese Press I used for inspiration. With minor tweaks so it'd fit in its size ingame.
    ** The oil maker was another challenge, but I eventually found this. Basically, you put the corn or soy grains in the big "mouth", then it extracts oil from them, and those bottles are filled and you cap them later.
    ** Coconuts are green or light brown when harvested or foraged, the latter which is how you catch them ingame; that brown coconut you know is actually the same thing except with the bright-colored part (its "outer shell") taken out. I know I shouldn't get too accurate though, but for game and convenience purposes, I've decided to make them yellowish green, to simulate a mid-riped fruit.
    ** The image of the vanilla juice in the preview is wrong, but it replaces the juice item.
      Last edited: Nov 22, 2016
    • prince_medion

      prince_medion Void-Bound Voyager

      Nice! Is there any chance you could recode the artichoke into a multicrop that survives all seasons? In reality artichoke is one of the only perennial vegetable with the asparagus.
      • Boneberry

        Boneberry Space Spelunker

        Thank you! I will try to make that happen. I'm still pretty new to modding aside the graphics part.
        • eemie

          eemie Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

          This is very nice! I wish you'd do all the items
            dollbae likes this.
          • Ardalis

            Ardalis Subatomic Cosmonaut

            Those are very nice changes, thanks
            • Boneberry

              Boneberry Space Spelunker

              Thank you all. :D

              I think I might be able to change the plant crops dispositions, but that needs testing. If I get some nice results, I'll tell you. BINGO! Added the files in the first post, and updated the strawberry shrub.

                Attached Files:

                Last edited: Nov 5, 2016
                dollbae likes this.
              • Coolwyngs

                Coolwyngs Giant Laser Beams

                This looks very nice good work.
                  Boneberry likes this.
                • Pawserve

                  Pawserve Subatomic Cosmonaut

                  These look great, good job :)
                    Boneberry likes this.
                  • Meevers

                    Meevers Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                    I love your edits so much, especially the berries. So good! I'm really looking forward to seeing more from you. :D Also having artichokes all year round is awesome. I wonder if there's any way to make Pierre sell the seeds year round as well.
                    • Boneberry

                      Boneberry Space Spelunker

                      Thank you. :D

                      I'm not sure, but I believe there is. I might try that after I finish my furniture mod (almost done!) and the melons, at least.
                        Meevers and Zalkyria like this.
                      • prince_medion

                        prince_medion Void-Bound Voyager

                        I suggested this not as a cheat but so it is more realistic. Artichoke are a relativ of the thistle and normally are sown in march and flower heads are harvested in july. The more is harvested and the older the plant is the more crops it will produce. The plant normally survives winter in its native mediterranean clime (France, Spain, Italy etc) but needs mulching in colder climes like the UK. Eventually after several years, the plant will start to become woody looking and will become less productive, so commercial growers tend to pull them out and replant fresh new plants.
                        • Meevers

                          Meevers Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                          Yeah I know, that's why it's great. It's realistic. It's just like if say asparagus was in the game, that'd be another year round crop.
                          • Boneberry

                            Boneberry Space Spelunker

                            Thanks for support, people. :D

                            *points to attached image* Alright, folks, melon finished (and also a new fairy rose). After a good thought, decided to go for the honeydew melon.

                            I still have to edit the giant melon crop and add the new pumpkin to the item sheet, so I'll release their files on Friday.

                            PS: does anyone know if you can add another fruit tree or something? Because... I was going for the starfruit, but starfruits grow on trees, and they're tall enough to fit in those, but couldn't find any info about...

                              Attached Files:

                              eemie likes this.
                            • foghorn

                              foghorn Pangalactic Porcupine

                            • Boneberry

                              Boneberry Space Spelunker

                              Ouch. I figured it'd be borderline impossible to add another tree. (Actually, it's because I'd ***** up the game real bad if I wanted to make the starfruit a tree fruit ingame.)

                              Still, thanks. I will make a small tree for the starfruit and edit its cropping.
                              • eemie

                                eemie Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

                                I'm so excited for this mod. One question though, will the leek look like your new version when it's on the ground? How does that look in-game?
                                • Meevers

                                  Meevers Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                  It does look like that on the ground, and personally I think it looks much better because it actually looks like a leek. But it really depends on personal tastes. :)
                                    eemie likes this.
                                  • Boneberry

                                    Boneberry Space Spelunker

                                    Thank you for those waiting. The melon crop is finished, and already updated the FP.

                                    For now, work is done, and I will update this later when I've got the fairy rose bush working.
                                    • Boneberry

                                      Boneberry Space Spelunker

                                      (Sorry for double posting) If anyone still cares about this mod, two news:
                                      • On the down side, I wasn't able to make the Fairy Rose a renewable bush (some roses grow in bushes, I tried to do that but couldn't figure this out on my own). I still made the crop image change.
                                      • On the bright side, the rest is pretty much done. I liked how the pumpkins turned out, and made another update to the Spice Berry, so it's easier to see now.
                                      • Also fixed weird pixels in the images for pancakes and crispy bass, and the weird transparecy for the diamond.
                                        Snarkypie and Meevers like this.
                                      • Ruevian

                                        Ruevian Big Damn Hero

                                        I super care about this mod, I've been watching eagerly! Thank you for your hard work.
                                          Meevers and Boneberry like this.

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