Talents / Skill Trees

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mildeen27, Oct 8, 2013.

  1. Mildeen27

    Mildeen27 Void-Bound Voyager

    They make every game better. I just love being able to customize my characters skills in some way and the skill tree or talent system is definitely my favorite.
      Hollow likes this.
    • Witness

      Witness Giant Laser Beams

      While I am long-time RPG player, I somewhat disagree about flat-out 'skills make every game better'. Customization, however, and variety are very nice, but I'd rather have them applied to character's attitude, looks and interaction with others, and keep the farming/fishing/battling/whatever aspect to base solely on player's skills (with possible support through better equipment for said character).

      That being said, this game will have talents and several skill areas improved through performing tasks associated with them, so you should be covered.
      • oath2order

        oath2order Parsec Taste Tester

        I do agree, I think the talents are good for the game

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