from what i played its fun a few sounds missing (grabbing to ledges and stuff) other then that i love it, its cool to see fetalstars art come to life
Played through the first level and up until the bird in the second level. Really love the art style and the overall feel of the game. The fact that you can finish the first level in about 5 minutes or hang around and do all the optional side-stuff is real neat. The puzzles and having to take some notes/remember stuff is a great way to go about it. Some small bugs will hopefully be fixed, being able to go down a platform would be cool too. Overall a good and enjoyable demo, A+.
Oh! Are you talking about how you can't just push down when you're on a platform, and drop down? That's actually kind of a puzzle element that you'll see in other areas. I'm not sure how much of the puzzle design from TAG is going to carry over, but there are some areas that you can't just drop down to, you need to unlock the other entrance.
Very impressed! Sorry for so many bug reports - best to get them out of the way now, and they don't really detract from the enjoyment. Played through both parts and think I found everything - shame there's no boss to fight at the end but there's plenty of content there to whet the appetite.
The demo looks great! Gotta be the cutest demo I ever played. How do I get under the outhouse? I tried digging. One thing I have to say is the way into the basement is invisible and I am just lucky I found it.
Can't be absolutely certain, but going off TAG the route under the outhouse is not available at this point in the game BRAWW you can get in there just fine . The basement entry is hinted by the to-do list on the table in that house. There are a few genuinely invisible and unhinted secrets in the demo though
Another thought - although I appreciate the new honky-tonk mix of "Two Weeks' Notice" playing in the saloon, I hope something closer in theme to the original is still in there somewhere (maybe in town). It's not up on the music blog yet, but that, "The Chase", "Fight or Fight" and "All Hands on Deck" (all the others being up on the blog) were my favourite themes from the original, and the new mix is quite a radical change, being much less "high energy" (but probably more appropriate for the saloon). I grew up with a C64, so "beep boop" music is sort of my thing also It was also nice to get a "teaser" for it in the saloon, before running into the "clean" version later on - though perhaps the honky-tonk version is serving precisely this function. Bring on the full game!
You can get into the outhouse after you talk to your grandfather, sleep, then head back into the cave and go to the sandy-part, dig to the right and head down. You get a lockpick item and see the big sewer monster. Yeah, the somewhat more hidden stuff is a neat feature!
Ah, yet more stuff! Now I'll have to play again - thank you BRAWW. I headed there, but just got a message indicating I could go no further - presumably I missed something. I will have a look Still no dice after doing all that - but it did open up later on, apparently after I got the hat - or it may have been the boat, which would be more logical I suppose. I have the lockpicks, but still can't find a monster down here - there was one in TAG, that's for sure
@JDA It's the boat - and the reason is actually technical. There's currently no code that would handle the player jumping into the water without the boat. And since there's water in the sewer I just locked it down until you get the boat. Also - don't worry the "two weeks notice" song gets a lot of love in the remake. We decided to do a Honkey Tonk version for the saloon but the original will show up. And there may even be a couple other variations of it in there too
Glad to hear people are finding the honky-tonk bit of Two Weeks Notice in the demo! Perhaps I'll post a different, full-length remix variation to the music blog on Monday
Thank you both for the responses - the sewer unlock being tied that item makes much more sense (that's why I said that would be more logical ). Suspect I will have to play through a few more times anyway whilst waiting for the full game to come - been re-playing the TAG soundtrack also...