The character of Ragna

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Yavor, Feb 4, 2019.

  1. Yavor

    Yavor Big Damn Hero

    Dear Chucklefish,

    First of all I absolutely love each and every character, which you have created. They are amazingly characterized and unique in their own way, each with his/her own soul and spirit. Mercia is superbly likeable, as is, of course, Nuru. And that holds true also for the majestic Caesar, for the noble Emeric, for the Greenfinger Zawan and the rest. However I can’t help but sympathize and love Ragna for the whole time. She is like this noob gamer, who always starts every game in the highest difficulty, for whatever reason (usually something cheesy like “to learn from trial and error”), and manages just to frustrate himself (or herself) further and further. I love that about her! I respect that! She reminds me of that mentality in each of her steps.

    That is why I would love to see her character grow. After all of the beating which she received, it is only fair to have her learn from her mistakes, and amend her attitude a bit. I would love her to find some positive traits about herself, which would make her (even more) likeable. One of the things I love about her is her weapon of choice – namely her shield! I would love to see her learn to use it as a tool for protection (as it should be) rather than an instrument of destruction. Perhaps she could become the patron guardian of the undead folk, and all of the Felheim’s lost souls. She could find out that each and every unit and soldier matters and holds importance on the battlefield and will no longer call them “stinkin’ skeletons”, but would rather care for them and protect them.

    Furthermore, I would really love her to attain the Fell Gauntlet and become the new Queen of Felheim. One that this tormented land deserves. But for that she would have to grow, she would have to change her ways a bit. Don’t get me wrong, she would be just as badass, fiery, tough and hardcore, she would still pertain her soul, but she would use her talents and strength in the defense and prosperity of her kingdom (or queendom), rather than seeking senseless slaughter.

    She is without a doubt one of my favorite characters so far! (I still love the good guys a lot) So I would love her to borrow some traits from Mercia, and perhaps they both could eventually even become friends (sort of). I do believe that such a shift of character would be in the spirit of this good game’s story and plotline. Plus it would send a very positive message.

    I have not completed the campaign yet, so I speak for what I have seen. (I am in the middle of Act 4)

    Thank you for everything! And keep up the great work!

    Kind Regards!

    • bumblecatto

      bumblecatto Space Hobo

      Off Topic / Not a suggestion, but I agree with you on the love for Ragna and I'm not even as far through the game as you (just bumped into the first Heavensong Commander). She's so feisty and stubborn. I'm creating a custom campaign to satisfy my want for Ragna to become somewhat closer to happy and healthy because I'm just so inexplicably attached to her.
        Yavor likes this.
      • Yavor

        Yavor Big Damn Hero

        Maybe I should focus also on the Custom Creator (or something), and build my own minicampaign. There is a lot the game offers there. :)
        (I believe the Heavensong commander is exactly in Act 4? )

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