*His men teleported, but before he follows and enters the battle, he said something that may be his last word* "Never lose hope, my friend, and keep fighting in the name of good." *He teleports and accidentally drops his communication device*
*A few hours later, a transmission comes in to the device he accidentally drops before* "This is Admiral Hiroshi of the 49th Evergreen Marine speaking to the captain of Black Lotus. Do you copy?" "We are here in response of a distress signal you send a few hours ago. I repeat do you copy?" "We brought 4 frigates with us to help you out and we are on our way. Hello, anyone responding? Saxon? Furan? Jetpike? Are you there, anyone?"
"This is Sergeant Augustyn of NAS Division 12. I seem to believe Captain Saxon has dropped his device, send a message to one of his guys that he dropped his device"
"Sergeant Augustyn? NAS Division? We never heard anything about you or the NAS Division from Captain Saxon. What's going on here?! What happen to Captain Saxon and his crew? And why his communication device is on you?!"
"Like I told you, he dropped it when he teleported to the Paragon!" "I need coordinates of the Paragon ASAP!"
"Before we can give you the coordinate, we need to ask you a question of what is really happening right NOW! I don't mean to be rude, but many of our frontier outpost and colony is now under heavy ATTACK by the Occasus, all at ONCE! So now, we can't just trust someone we just MET! So now, PLEASE, tell us everything we need to know, before we can decide you are a friend or FOE!"
"F*ck, okay. Listen the Occasus attacked a cafe and my unit helped Saxon his group in fending them off. Right now I don't know what's going on but if it's attacked all at once the a lot of us are in deep sh*t! "All you need to know is that he trusts me, ok?" "Our unit has been going after the Occasus for months."
"Woah, I think we are kinda facing the same situation." "Alright then, I trust you, but I can't send you the coordinate from here, the Occasus may track us, so I will send you the coordinate manually. I will go to your place. Please stand by." *You overheard them talking in the back* "Robert, send an order to the other ships to go straight to Paragon without us. Tell them that we need to go somewhere else in search for Captain Saxon and his men." "Copy that, admiral!" "This is Vanguard 33, Admiral Hiroshi ordered the other ships to go straight to Paragon without us. We need to search for Captain Saxon and his men. Do you copy?" "Green Guard 72, floran copy on that order!" "Understood. Iron Fist 44, copy that!" "Shooting Star 99, I copy on that, partner!" *Realising that the device is still on* "Oh sorry, I think you overheard us talking. If you have something more to tell us just contact us. Vanguard 33 out!"
*A person approches* "Good day, partner! You must be Sergeant Augustyn, correct me if I am wrong, because I ain't good at remembering something." *Raising his hat*
"I am Xenon, the foreman of the 101st Evergreen Worker. The captain sent us here to rebuild the Fox Box Cafe. Do you remember that, partner?"
"My home planet is in Mesa Inferior VII, a barren planet located in the star system Mesa Inferior. It is very very far from here."
"Well, it is mighty fine to know where you came from, partner." *Examining* "Hmm... you must be Kamii, right? Kamii Holen Kolter? The owner of Fox Box Cafe?"