Hi, I'm Zailiner. I'm also new to the TAW forums/game. I've decided to purchase this game after release, as I've spent too much on pre-ordering games that haven't come out already.
Finsol here, newb to the TAW forums and game as well. Will be pre-ordering the game once I get a few extra gold pieces in my coin purse. Hello everyone!
Hi, I'm new to the forums! I've played through TAG about a year ago and pre-ordered TAW because: Awesome!
I've been around since I saw a review of TAG somewhere and downloaded it off GOG. Anyway it's made my all-time fave lists for being uncannily able to guide you when you think you're lost and for all its awesome boss fights and gameplay.
Saw the original on GOG some time ago and proceeded to download, play and love it all in a single motion. Saw that it was getting Chucklefish'd a while after I'd first read of its development, which made me a happy little man. I have yet to pre-order, though as of next week I should have the T3. Hope to see the fanbase grow as the development progresses, and well after release.