SO! My contest submission is based on one of my NPC suggestions, namely the Wacky Jack. However i've decided to expand it a bit. Here's how it works. The Jacks are a group of criminal Jack-in-a-box Toys, they are fully sentient and have decided to take revenge on humanity for discarding the classic toys as technology evolved. Their box is black with a random design (an example would be a skull) on the side, and a creepy looking eye in the front. Although the skulls are only for decoration, they use the eye to see while they're inside their boxes. The windup handle on the back is also black. The jack itself is a black clown, with no hair, a randomized hat and a mask covering their faces (the mask is also randomized). They move by jumping around. Unless captured & trained they are unable to fly or swim. There are 2 Main types of jacks: 1 - Regular 2 - Trap Regular Jacks are always awake, they're slightly weaker than Trap Jacks, but are usually found in large numbers. They will sometimes be holding a NPC captive. This type of Jack has 3 sub-types: 1 - Melee 2 - Ranged 3 - Big Bad The Melee Jack: Jumps further and moves faster then any other jack. They will try to hit the player with a a pair of melee weapons and will sometimes leap at the player and start hitting him/her for a small time period. They can be knocked off the player by another player or by a melee attack. The Ranged Jack: Somewhat slow however it carries around a pair of powerful ranged weapons which it will use to harm the player from a distance. The Big Bad Jack: The biggest of them all (pretty much a Boss version of the monster) it has more HP than the 2 previous Jacks, a melee weapon on one hand and a ranged weapon on the other, which it will drop if killed. Due to its size (and the fact that i imagine it as being a boss monster) it is unable to be captured. It has about 2 to 3 times the size of a regular one. Trap Jacks are asleep, but have a small laser sensor shooting out from their front (namely from the eye). If the player is careless enough to get hit by this beam they will wake up and charge at the player. It has the same sub-types as the Regular Jack, but has no Big Bad version. Note 1: They are slightly more powerful than Regular Jacks since they can be avoided. Note 2: This particular kind of jack cannot be captured (seeing as it is a stronger version of the Regular Jacks the player will have to capture a Regular Jack and train it until it reaches/surpasses a Trap Jack's power) If Captured the player will be able to randomize their Jack's colours & attributes once. Their speed will become that of a Ranged Jack, but will increase as it levels up. Their weapons can also be changed! If you pick up another Jack's weapon you can give it to your Jack and it will carry it around as if it were its own. The Jack can wield 2 different weapons, this way the player can give it a ranged and a melee weapon. Although the player can equip Jack weapons, Jacks cannot equip weapons other than those belonging to Jacks After recieving "swimming lessons" & "flight lessons" the jack will be able to fly/swim. While swimming/flying the Jack will use the strongest of its weapons with a slightly faster attack rate. While swimming the jack will not leave the box but its primary attack form will drop down from the box's bottom (an example would be a small minigun would pop out of the bottom of the box and the jack will use it to attack). It will spin its Windup Handle as if it were a boat motor to move around. While flying its weapon will also pop out from the box's bottom, but instead of using the Windup Handle as a propeller it will instead retract it, jump out of the box and spin its own body literally using its body as if it were a helicopter propeller. Images (I'm sure they'll look friendlier in-game if they win): Melee: Ranged: Big Bad: