The Merging of Two Forces

Discussion in 'Side Quests' started by Goldenrod000, Jul 25, 2015.

  1. Goldenrod000

    Goldenrod000 Master Chief

    Hello, fellow Starbounders! Today, I bring you an idea that might require some NPC work, but sounds like a fantastic idea to me and hopefully to others as well. Whether you like the idea or not, please give me feedback if you can, and please enjoy!

    The quest starts when your race and another race, which is determined by what race you are, are being threatened by two other random races, selected without any pattern whatsoever. The threat is that you and the other race are in an all-out war against the two other random races, and you and the partner of yours (who will, like I said previously, be determined by the race you are) need to team up to survive while bullets and rockets are being rained down your base. The chart below describes what races will have what allies:

    Apex: Teams up with a Glitch NPC
    Avian: Teams up with a Human NPC
    Floran: Teams up with a Hylotl NPC
    Glitch: Teams up with an Apex NPC
    Human: Teams up with an Avian NPC
    Hylotl: Teams up with a Floran NPC
    Novakid: Completely random! NPC's race will be determined randomly.

    The main goal of your mission can be defined by three different missions, which you can do if you choose to. You can be defensive and protect the base and your fellow allies from heavy enemy troops and high enemy fire, you can be offensive and kill all of the remaining enemy forces left on the battlefield, or you can be full-on offensive and attempt to destroy the enemy's base completely, with the help of your allies, of course.

    I will try to upload pictures of what I imagine a warzone for a mission like this to be, but I can kinda tell you in text to give you an understanding of what I would appreciate for the warzone.

    For the battlefield itself, I imagine nothing more than a flat land with no plants or trees, littered with guns dropped from deceased soldiers and a few props to serve as cover for enemy fire, some props being crates which could contain pixels, guns, or explosives.

    For the two bases, I only imagine a simple square room with decorations all around (mostly war decorations such as hunting trophies and spears on a plaque or decorations to suit the two races inside said bases). I also imagine a few training dummies similar to the ones found in Glitch villages placed somewhere in there, and I can imagine a few chests carrying useful tools such as ammunition and explosives. The two bases will be colored differently to differentiate the two from each other: One can be green or blue to represent the good guys and you, and another can be red or orange to represent the bad guys. As an added challenge and sense of security for both teams, a defensive turret similar to the ones used in wiring mechanisms can be used to serve as a way to make the full-on offensive mission more of a challenge.

    A few other things I would find fascinating to see include special, unique items that you can get for completing a mission (some ideas including an army suit and helmet or a special gun), a possible badge for doing your mission very well (similar to badges given to people being promoted in the Army), and a new kind of explosive introduced to make the battle more realistic (a good idea would be a landmine or a proximity mine), but that could probably just be my experiences with army movies kicking in.

    Anyways, I hope you like the idea, and if you don't, I completely understand with the most sincerest of thoughts. Just don't spew hate messages about how much it sucks and how terribly crazy the idea is. I don't need to be reminded that me and my idea are crazy fifty-seven times, thanks. Now, for reading this far and possibly skipping to this part, have this emoticon: :lickitung:

    EDIT #1:

    I have thought a bit about my idea, and it's got a few things missing to it that I would love to add to my idea. First of all, a good way to sneak a boss into the side quest is to have a overheard discussion between the enemy team, suggesting that they have a "secret weapon" in store for your team, which turns out to be a giant mech, which you and your allies must destroy. This sounds like it would be a good boss fight for the defensive, offensive, and all-out offensive mission because it could easily be placed during the end of the war; as defensive, if all the attacking troops have been destroyed, the mech comes out and tries destroying the base as well, which you must destroy before the base is destroyed. As offensive, if all the troops are killed, the enemy teams uses the mech as their "last resort" due to lack of living troops. You obviously need to destroy the mech before it destroys you and your allies first. As all-out offensive, the mech could simply appear through the rubble of the once-standing enemy base, attacking you as another "last resort" due to the entire base being destroyed. Overall, I believe a mech boss would be great for the final battle in this war, considering the whole game revolves around a semi-futuristic storyline anyways.

    Another idea I forgot to tell you is that I looked at my post again, and I really didn't put in how this mission would be introduced. To clarify, this mission would be introduced via an NPC in the Outpost, just like most other side quests are introduced, and when you return from the war, you are given your reward(s) from the same NPC, just like most side quests, so the introduction and ending of this mission would be similar to most other missions out there.

    Yet another idea I forgot was that this mission could possibly have certain target soldiers or main targets that you would be put to the task of killing. This would be called the "seek, locate, and destroy" mission, and it could go along with the defensive, offensive, and full-on offensive missions that I established earlier.

    One more idea that I have is that the battle could actually be a slightly medieval-style battle, with bowmen and cannons instead of soldiers and turrets. However, this would be a terrible idea if the mech boss was still taken in account in this battle, unless some storyline was introduced in between to explain how a large, fully-functional, futuristic, bullet-shooting mech was somehow able to come into play during a medieval battle.

    Now, for reading this far, I'll give you the pleasure of looking at an adorable emoticon of a cute white cat running. :kitten:
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2015

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