The most ineffective greenhouse investment I think of

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by kolela, Oct 7, 2019.

  1. kolela

    kolela Void-Bound Voyager

    Now to wait for those fruit trees to spit out iridium quality before filling those with normal crops, so I don't need to throw those fruits into kegs.

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    • ShneekeyTheLost

      ShneekeyTheLost Master Astronaut

      Kegging still triples output instead of doubling like iridium quality. Even Preserves Jars are able to take advantage of the 40% markup from the Artisan perk, making them more profitable as well, and much less infrastructure required to refine them (60-90 jars as opposed to 210 kegs).

      However, it is far from an ineffective greenhouse investment. Quite the reverse, in point of fact. I would consider it to be one of the most effective investments around for the greenhouse. Even if you decide to just sell the iridium quality fruits wholesale instead of turning them into preserves, you're still looking at 308g/day/tree. It's not Ancient Wine's 330g/day/crop or Hop's amazing 420g/day/crop, but it's a heck of a lot better than a kick in the head.
      • sockpuppet

        sockpuppet Seal Broken

        I only plant peach and / or pomegranate trees in the greenhouse as you get the best price for the fruit when placed in preserves jar - 2 x the fruit price plus 50. All the other fruit trees have less return so why grow them in the greenhouse, I just plant them around my farm for decoration.

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