Story The Peace keeper/El Pacificador

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by EssstrategaxArg, Feb 24, 2016.

  1. EssstrategaxArg

    EssstrategaxArg Master Chief

    hi everyone, i´ve joined the forums recently. i am from argentina and my english isn´t great as it should be. so i beg of you for patience :)

    this is the first chapter of a fanfiction series that i working on:


    The Peace Keeper

    Shen Whitecoral contemplate in silence the cold space through the hatch of his room, it was a beautiful show, so vast, so magnificent, so peaceful; just with contemplate it, he felt the peace coming over him, and make him grateful to be alive. the Stonefin´s rough voice through the speaker stormed the magic of the moment.
    -my honourable lord- he said- we´re ready to make the ftl jump. what is the first destiny you want to visit?-
    Shen meditated a few seconds before responding. It was a difficult mission that he lay ahead, so they'd be assigned it to him. Shen had been traveling through the galaxy as a missionary of peace since he had reached adulthood, carrying with him the hylotl peace to the other species. and helping the primitive ones to reach the glory. during his youth he lived for some years with the florans, travelling from community to community; teaching them philosophy, astronomy, mathematics and writing; he had a radical success in making them abandon their primitive behavior and make them wish progress culturally. That was the reason why he was promoted to ambassador apex when he was twenty-three years. but now his kind have a new task for him: pacify Three Rocks.
    Three Rocks was the name for a series of glitch colonies. it was three moons orbiting a gas giant, each with a dozen of Glitch settlements. the problem was that the proud nobles who ruled these settlements detested each other, each claiming that he was the legitimate government three rocks and demanded allegiance to other lords; the tension had been growing up, triggering in the murder of a feudal lord called Rustyeye, who ruled a small castle in Dragon's Sky, the smallest of the Three Rocks. no one knew who was the murderer, and the lords are accusing each other. causing now all Three Rocks was on the brink of war. as if this were not enough Three Rocks was in the same solar system that Bue Moor, a Hylotl colony governed by the tetric Carmaul Khan, a member of the black scales. If war begins Blue Moor would look drawn into the conflict.
    there´s seven lords in Three Rocks: Half Dragon's Sky was ruled by Robb Blue, the other half was now in the hands of Rustybeard, the son of Rustyeye. Oak Hill was the second biggest of the Three Rocks, Three fiefs disputing its control; The north was dominated by a cruel lord named Ironhearth, it was said that under the castle was a huge dungeon where tortured his subjects for pleasure; the West of Oak Hill was controlled by the obese Lord Hunter, and south belonged to Lady Winter. Lord Steelclaw had spread its influence for half River Moon through fire and blood, the other half was governed in part by Lord Redleaf and Lord Whiter, their hatred between them was only surpassed by their hatred of Steelclaw.
    -mister Stonefin- said Shen pressing the button on the panel that allowed him to communicate directly with the bridge of the ship- set the course for Oak Hill
    He intended to visit first Lady Winter, thought that as a woman she would show more willing to listen and work with him.
    -immediately- Stonefin replied
    Shen felt the ship was moving under his feet, a slight hum toured the ship when it start to move. through the hatch, the stars revolved while the frigate was put in position for travel. then the buzz end, Shen noted as the inertia of the shooting when they entered in the speed of light, and the stars have faded into a beam of white lines. The trip was extensive, so Shen leaned back in his bed and quickly fell asleep
    the impact awakened him. something was wrong, the room was illuminated by the red lights of emergency sirens. then the ship shuddered to a new impact, and Shen almost fell to the ground.
    -pirates- exclaimed.
    he ran quickly toward the communicator, a third shot hit the ship.
    -Mr Stonefin what is the situation?- he roared into the microphone.
    -pengüins my lord, i do not know how but they managed to intercept us during the jump, and now they´re trying to board. The bad news is that they have destroyed our FTL drive, the good news is that we are near Blue Moor- he exclaimed. his voice sounded agitated.
    -Take us there immediately- He ordered, and for the love of god do defensives maneuvers-
    they were completely unprotected, they were missionaries and diplomats, the ship did not have guns and they was not carrying any type of weapon on board more than a handful of traditional swords. they only hope was to reach the safety of Blue Moor. fortunately they were close, very close, they were entering its orbit. maybe they were going to make it. then the ship received a new impact, the alarms rang powerfully drowning the other sounds. Stonefin voice came out muffled by the communicator.
    -They've destroyed our propellers, the gravity of the Moon Blue Moor is dragging us. everyone get ready, we will have a forced landing

    to be conclued...

    El Pacificador

    Shen Whitecoral contemplo en silencio el frió espacio a través de la escotilla de su cuarto, era un espectáculo hermoso, tan vasto, tan bello, tan pacifico; con solo contemplarlo sentía como la paz lo invadía, y se sentía agradecido de estar vivo. La áspera voz de Stonefin a través del parlante irrumpio con la magia del momento.
    -mi honorable señor- dijo -estamos listos para realizar el salto FTL ¿que destino desea que visitemos primero?.
    Shen medito unos segundos antes de responder. era una misión difícil la que tenia por delante, por eso se la habían asignado a el. Shen había estado viajando por la galaxia como misionero de la paz desde que había alcanzado la mayoría de edad, llevando consigo el mensaje de paz hylotl a las demás especies y ayudando a las mas primitivas a alcanzar la gloria. en su juventud convivió durante varios años con los floran, viajando entre comunidades; enseñándoles filosofía, astronomía, matemáticas y a escribir; tuvo un radical éxito en lograr que abandonaran sus primitivas costumbres y desearan progresar culturalmente. por eso fue ascendido a embajador apex cuando apenas tenia veintitrés años. ahora su gente tenia una nueva tarea para el: pacificar Tres Rocas
    Tres Rocas era el nombre de una serie de colonias Glitch. se trataba de tres lunas que orbitaban alrededor un gigante gaseoso, cada una de ellas con una docena de asentamientos Glitch. el problema era que los orgullosos nobles que gobernaban estos asentamientos se detestaban entre ellos, cada uno afirmaba que era el gobernante legitimo de tres rocas y le exigía vasallaje a los demás señores, la tensión había ido en aumento hasta desencadenar en el asesinato de un señor feudal llamado Rustyeye, el cual gobernaba un pequeño castillo en Dragon´s Sky, la mas pequeña de las Tres Rocas. nadie sabía quien era el asesino, los señores se acusaban entre ellos y ahora todo Tres Rocas se encontraba al borde de la guerra. como si eso fuera poco Tres Rocas se encontraba en el mismo sistema solar que Páramo Azul, una colonia hylotl gobernada por el tetrico Khan Carmaul, miembro de los escamas negras. Si la guerra estallaba Paramo Azul se veria arrastrada al conflicto.
    había siete señores feudales en Tres Rocas: La mitad de Dragon´s Sky estaba gobernada por Robb el Azul, la otra mitad ahora estaba en manos de Rustybeard, el hijo de Rustyeye. Oak Hill era la mediana de las Tres Rocas, tres feudos se disputaban su control; El norte era dominado por un cruel señor llamado Ironhearth, se decia que bajo su castillo había una enorme mazmorra donde torturaba a sus súbditos por placer; el oeste de Oak Hill era controlado por el obeso Lord Hunter, y el sur pertenecía a Lady Winter. Lord Steelclaw había extendido su influencia a la mitad de River Moon a base de fuego y sangre, la otra mitad era gobernada en parte por Lord Redleaf y Lord Whiter, el odio que sentian entre ellos era solo superado por el odio que sentian hacía Steelclaw.
    -señor Stonefin- dijo Shen presionando el botón en el panel que le permitia comunicarse directamente con el puente de la nave- ponga rumbo a Oak Hill-
    tenia la intencion de visitar primero a Lady Whinter, creia que por ser mujer se mostraria mas predispuesta a escucharlo y colaborar con él.
    -enseguida- respondio Stonefin.
    Shen sintio como la nave se movia bajo sus pies, un leve zumbido recorrio la nave cuando esta se puso en movimiento. a traves de la escotilla las estrellas giraban mientras que la fragata se ponia en posicion para el viaje. entonces el zumbido ceso, Shen noto como la inercia tiro de el cuando entraron a la velocidad de la luz, y las estrellas se difuminaron en un haz de lineas blancas. El viaje era extenso, así que Shen se recosto cama y rapidamente se quedo dormido.
    el impacto lo desperto. algo estaba mal, el cuarto estaba iluminado por las luces rojas de las sirenas de emergencia. entonces la nave se estremecio ante un nuevo impacto, y Shen casi cayo al suelo.
    -piratas- exclamo.
    corrio rapidamente hacía el comunicador, un tercer disparo alcanzo a la nave.
    -¿señor Stonefin cual es la situacion?- rugió al micrófono.
    -pingüinos mi señor, no se como pero lograron interceptarnos durante el salto y ahora estan intentando abordarnos. La mala noticía es que han destruido nuestro motor FTL, la buena es que estamos cerca de Paramo Azul- exclamo. su voz sonaba agitada.
    -llevenos alli inmediatamente- ordeno- y por el amor de dios realice maniobras defensivas-
    estaban completamente desprotegidos, ellos eran misioneros y diplomaticos, la nave no tenia cañones ni llevaban ningún tipo de arma a bordo mas que un puñado de espadas tradicionales. su unica esperanza era alcanzar la seguridad de Paramo Azul. afortunadamente estaban cerca, muy cerca, estaban entrando en su orbita. tal vez iban a lograrlo. entonces la nave recibió un nuevo impacto, las alarmas resonaron con potencia ahogando los demas sonidos. la voz de Stonefin salio apagada por el comunicador.
    -han destruido nuestros propulsores, la gravedad de la Luna de Paramo Azul nos esta arrastrando. todo el mundo preparense, sera un aterrisaje forzoso

    Last edited: Feb 24, 2016
    Zebe likes this.
  2. Zebe

    Zebe Space Kumquat

    Even though your English needs improving, the premise of the story is interesting.
    At this point there isn't much to say, but it's a good start anyways.
    EssstrategaxArg likes this.

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