The Penguin Games 2 [GAME OVER]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Alkanthe, Jul 31, 2016.

  1. MrVauxs

    MrVauxs Giant Laser Beams

    *walking past by a bar*
    see's a knife infront of him getting out of a wall
    "What the heck is this?!"
  2. Dras

    Dras Void-Bound Voyager

    Are you playing?
  3. MrVauxs

    MrVauxs Giant Laser Beams

    idk actually
    but fuck it im playing for the sake of it
  4. 611

    611 Scruffy Nerf-Herder


    @Miss Alkane

    VOTE: Apathy Applied
  5. Dras

    Dras Void-Bound Voyager

    If you don't have a role you can't really play because we already know how many penguins there are meaning there's no way you can be a penguin if alkane doesn't change the number and if she does it means you're definitely guilty. Also you don't have these fresh profile picssss
    Alkanthe, zeskorion and Zebe like this.
  6. MrVauxs

    MrVauxs Giant Laser Beams

    where i apply to dont be a penguin ;-;
    --- Post updated ---
    a and these profile pics? im gonna update soon when i found a way to launch starbound with my sick vanity armor
    611 likes this.
  7. 611

    611 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Apply here. Although we're going to be running another game soon, @Rgbunpro will probably be happy to have you play, and that'll allow you to start from the beginning.

    On another note:

    Alkanthe and HunterC1998 like this.
  8. MrVauxs

    MrVauxs Giant Laser Beams

    here? but i though i shouldn't say my proffesion UH :wot: :X
    --- Post updated ---
    ~ and i learn how to delete these black things on my profile picture
  9. Dras

    Dras Void-Bound Voyager

    Read the rules first and then talk to alkane.
  10. Zebe

    Zebe Space Kumquat

    It's not likely you can join this game, but you need to talk with Alkane about that. If a player isn't posting enough you could claim their role slot.

    If you can't join this game, I'll give you this link. When there's a new game accepting players, the host will probably make a post about it here:

    Hmm, we're wandering to the treacherouss lands off topic... We probably have third parties around, since we only have 2 Penguins. Two of those sounds reasonable with this amount of players. I doubt there'd be 3 or more.
  11. MrVauxs

    MrVauxs Giant Laser Beams

    too much things to do to play - 4/10 -GN "I give up"
  12. Dras

    Dras Void-Bound Voyager

    Yeah first day is dangerous a wrong move could put us at a major disadvantage even with low amount of Penguin attacking the wrong people could cause a lot of trouble
  13. HunterC1998

    HunterC1998 Cosmos Killer

    1 Excuse me?

    2 Alex Crane...
  14. zeskorion

    zeskorion Oxygen Tank

    You cannot do this. You need to sign up at the game start. The only way you could even plausibly get into this game is if an inactive needs a replace. No matter what game it is, you must always read the entire op before participatimg in a forum game
    Maybe next game. I have a little vote ready for you.

    Mister vaux for president! President of the gallows.
  15. Alkanthe

    Alkanthe Supernova

    I added something to the OP, making it clear that we will not be accepting any more players. Just in case.
  16. Arra

    Arra The Waste of Time

    Annoyed. Of course they would turn this into a murder mystery.. Happy. Well, maybe I could sharpen my skills
    Apathy Applied and Zebe like this.
  17. HunterC1998

    HunterC1998 Cosmos Killer

    YOU! Orange tincan! Explain your happiness!
  18. Arra

    Arra The Waste of Time

    Explanatory. So I could get better at games of this ilk.
    HunterC1998 likes this.
  19. HunterC1998

    HunterC1998 Cosmos Killer're clean...
  20. zeskorion

    zeskorion Oxygen Tank

    Jumping to a conclusion
    For this?

    Most likely a joke, but if this were a real defense, i'd peg you both penguins

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