I get it, but Psychopath isn't really Starbound themed, so I'll stick to the Cultist. we've been in a fast food restaurant in the dimension of nonsense the plot is nothing but an excuse
Well, there is much more discussion than I expected to be happening here. Guys, calm down, the game hasn't even started yet and you're already going crazy
The Syndicate is back. now is the time to go crazy Did I say that? I don't remember saying that. Well if I did maybe this is the right thing to do: Welcome to the Wilfrey Syndicate everyone! jk
I just sent you that gif and you're using it again already? No, don't rename the thread! It should stay about penguins, and not Wilfreys !
I'm applying this gif to every point in my life, as it tell the story of a young man reaching for his dreams, beaten down by a destitute world of toasters that get in his way all the time. Rename. The. Damn. Thread. DO IT. THE WILFREY SYNDICATE MUST RISE!
Oh, you support your new thread overlord? Well aren't you sweet! HAIL THE KING OF SCIENCE YOU PLEBES, WILFREY SYNDICATE WILL RISE!
You should know I'm irresponsible by now, I signed no documents stating I can't abuse gifs and/or memes!
Excuse me? I'm the only "Super Hot Boi" around here! I literally LOOK LIKE WILSON. What isn't to love? I'll 1V1 you in a science battle anyday, scrublord! (Funny as shit post, btw!)