Jeez, it's gonna be hard for the Penguins without being able to role claim Boring Humans. But it'll also be more fun for everyone else because everybody gets a special role, so that's nice.
I try to make the setups so that all early game claims would screw up the Civilians to make it sure the Penguins have a chance get their game started on the first night. But that means killing roles, so this game could end up being very short... civvies can just hope the protective roles can do their job. So everyone should think twice before claiming, 'cause the chances are that you'll get either blocked or offed.
Or you know, everyone could stop claiming. In this games civilians shouldn't have allies. It just lowers the tension that this game lives off of.
There can never be too much fluffines. There are surprisingly many animals around: Owl Stalker, Owl something, Firepaw, Rii, Jonesy the kangaroon...
Game thread for the Penguin Syndicate V: a fancy new logo/banner ooh I'd rather not prohibit claiming; after all claiming is a powerful tool for both civvies and penguins. For example, claiming to avoid being lynched. But as a civilian strategy an agreement to stop claims is a nice idea that we haven't seen yet. Claiming a power role makes a player vulnerable, that's a fact... but in other hand everyone is a power role in next game. actually I just realized that this is possible If there are two killer roles and one alpaca left, and the killers take each other off during a night, the alpaca is the only one left. Then alpaca could declare whether or not they ever want to vote themselves. If yes, alpaca votes itself off and wins. If not, literally everyone is a loser.