@Thingyman || Mafia Championships 2018 Representative Vote || Jake9039 - Alkanthe, PsychoSoldier CjBeats - HunterC1998 Okay, the voting is over! @Jake9039 is the Chucklefish Forums Representative! I guess you can head over to Mafia Universe and get acclimated to that place.
Likewise, if you want a different perspective, my door is open Jake. Although Alkane is clearly the better choice, having been to the championships twice rather than just once. Just give me a PM if you want my discord. Zebe probably would also be a rather good person to talk to.
If anyone has a way of prodding @Jake9039 please do. His game is starting tomorrow and I desperately need him to confirm. Alternately, @CjBeats please let me know if you'd be ready to step in (if you could register on MU and check in there, that'd be awesome)
Was actually coming in here to give him a poke. I see people have beaten me to it. Hope he makes it or CJ is able to step in.