The Penguin Syndicate XI - [GAME OVER]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Rgbunpro, Jul 21, 2016.

  1. SpaceMonkeyRingo

    SpaceMonkeyRingo Big Damn Hero

    Hah, since when did wookies walk on all fours?
  2. MilkCalf

    MilkCalf Supernova

    Since the Doctor created a timeparadox.
  3. Zebe

    Zebe Space Kumquat

    Wait, we won!? We won! Wow, didn't expect the game ending so soon.

    I investigated MilkCalf on Night 1, and saw that no actions were taken. Poptop does have an investigation ability, was that ever used?

    I was just feeling like ranting about this. I just modded for fun so I don't really care about being put on a pedestal in this stuff.
    Alkanthe and 611 like this.
  4. SpaceMonkeyRingo

    SpaceMonkeyRingo Big Damn Hero

    Please, let's not dive into BBC television shows
  5. MilkCalf

    MilkCalf Supernova

    Night 1I forgot and night 2 I investigated SMR.
    I was on your side from the beginning btw.
    Is there something wrong with BBC? Legit question. The only BBC show I know is Doctor Who.
    SpaceMonkeyRingo and Zebe like this.
  6. 611

    611 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    You need to watch Sherlock, man.
    Zebe likes this.
  7. MilkCalf

    MilkCalf Supernova

    Which one? The traditional Sherlock movies (check), New Sherlock (veeery loose chech) or New York Sherlock(loose check)?
    611 likes this.
  8. 611

    611 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  9. MilkCalf

    MilkCalf Supernova

    I googled 'BBC shows' and some shows that I already knew turned out to be BBCs.
  10. Alkanthe

    Alkanthe Supernova

    Night 1 I protected Hunter. Night 2 I protected Zebe (I almost protected Hunter though. Wonder if it would've worked...)
  11. SpaceMonkeyRingo

    SpaceMonkeyRingo Big Damn Hero

    No, just bad memories...
  12. Rgbunpro

    Rgbunpro Cosmos Killer

    As far as game XII goes I should probably start sign-ups.
    Especially since TPGII already is doing theirs...
  13. Alkanthe

    Alkanthe Supernova

    it's TPG2 you casual
  14. Rgbunpro

    Rgbunpro Cosmos Killer

    Shush you.
  15. SpaceMonkeyRingo

    SpaceMonkeyRingo Big Damn Hero

  16. Rgbunpro

    Rgbunpro Cosmos Killer

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