Wait, we won!? We won! Wow, didn't expect the game ending so soon. I investigated MilkCalf on Night 1, and saw that no actions were taken. Poptop does have an investigation ability, was that ever used? I was just feeling like ranting about this. I just modded for fun so I don't really care about being put on a pedestal in this stuff.
Night 1I forgot and night 2 I investigated SMR. I was on your side from the beginning btw. Is there something wrong with BBC? Legit question. The only BBC show I know is Doctor Who.
Which one? The traditional Sherlock movies (check), New Sherlock (veeery loose chech) or New York Sherlock(loose check)?
Night 1 I protected Hunter. Night 2 I protected Zebe (I almost protected Hunter though. Wonder if it would've worked...)
As far as game XII goes I should probably start sign-ups. Especially since TPGII already is doing theirs...
H Y P E W O R K http://community.playstarbound.com/threads/the-penguin-syndicate-xii-signups-open.121079/