Thank ye very much. Tis a shame we had to kill you first but alas this is a war and peeps are gonna die
Rip me though. Thanks for the game @Rgbunpro Hunter... It's sorta your fault ;-; You gave the penguins a reason to kill me,
Being a pengu is quite fun. Especially when you get to confuse Zebe. Also @Rgbunpro are we gonna get added to the death chat? Don't blame hunter he just voted you first. We simply just jumped on that train and caused the lynch.
Sure. I've sorta been neglecting the dead chat for the whole game. It's suffered the most from the "I always forget something" Syndrome.
GG, I guess. I think this is my last Syndicate game for now. Mafia games here have been plagued with inactivity, and it's just not worth playing in my opinion. People don't actually even play, and see how it has affected the game? Consecutive penguin wins in both TPS and TPG. I didn't have fun in the last TPS, even as a Penguin. It was a great year both as a GM and a player, but I guess it's over for my part now. Yeah I'm confused. Why didn't you vote to majority lynch Ren when you had the chance? You could've won then and there.
Hunter just voted first... Then the penguins had a reason to lynch me. Anyway... Even if it happened to someone there might've been the same result, but at least we might've gotten a Different result. But whatever. I. Just want to do something else now. I failed ;-;
That was a misjudgement on my part. I thought that if I killed Ren we still would've been outnumbered so I decided not to do it. It was only till later that I realized I screwed that up. My penguin game wasn't so hot this game, I made some not so good decisions that made the game a lot longer than it should've gone.
Maybe we need to shut the game down and restart later. A fresh game attracts more players and us stubborn veterans would be given a chance to recharge their batteris.
I kind of agree with that, but then TPG will still be running and then it feels like a rival company came in, stole all our customers, and put us out of business, you know?
Actually not true. TPG is not running rn. Alkane is taking a little break and getting caught up on everything else.
Eh, She'd still probably be back before we were. Buuuuut I digress. I do feel like taking a break would help me clear my head a little probably. Being a mod is hard and I have like %510 respect for zebe. He's a legend.
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