How so? I actually think they're fairly powerful if they have luck. Two successful infections will do a fair amount of damage, especially if they manage to hit Penguins.
Okay, I suppose I could start signups for TPS 16. Here's a few things you should know before signing up: It will be a fast-paced game. 24h Days, 12h Nights. If you're sure about what you're doing, you can submit Night actions early, before the Night begins. Activity rules: you must vote every day and tell what you do with your possible action every Night (even if you don't use it). If you miss three of these, you will be removed from the game. It's not terribly hard to keep up with these rules, since this game will be short and fast. I expect the game last less than a week. (This game, XV, would've lasted 8,5 days with these rules. Besides that doesn't count the days and nights that end early.) If people don't want to follow these rules, I'm willing to reconsider, but there are other games coming, so I'd prefer a quick one. Player list: 611 CjBeats Jake9039 Alkanthe Secondhand Revenant dyachei voiditect Jimlad 42 Ryast .Fable. PsychoSoldier YOU RIGHT THERE YES YOU LADDIE CMERE AND BRING YER PALS
/in? Alkanthe mentioned this game on the mafia universe discord and they linked me so I'd like to give it a shot if you don't mind someone new to the place
Who, me? I'll have you know I don't like being referred to as Laddie. That's just as long as Jimlad, and Jim is not hard to type! All three keys are right near eachother! Sure, I'm in.