I know I'm enjoying it! Aside from the pink warp beam all Novakids are forced to have clashing with my blue everything.
The one biggest peeve I have is the dirt. Why did they think it was good idea to make all dirt brown once you collected it?
I am definitely not team valor. nope, not valor, nope, nodda... yea I actually am... --- Post updated --- So anyways, Are we gonna create a new server for the clan?
Hey moonlit! Glad to have you back ;3 normally, I just lurk, but seeing as it's been two months, SOMEBODY's gotta welcome you home
so, how bout that starbound thing? or a better topic would probably be how has everyone been doing since the clan forum stopped being used.
i'm working on a build. lightly modded. still quite nice. REMAKING THE PROTECTORATE WOOOOoooooo........*falls asleep and purrs while doing so*