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RELEASED The Stars My Destination - Sword and Spells 0.2.5c & 0.2.6b(NIGHTLY)

A sword you can do Combo, A wand you can do Magic

  1. hythl0day

    hythl0day Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Then what's your idea on this? Maybe let the sword tech can restore some energy when you need just like Mage tech does? Or instead of drain ALL energy, make it a cap, like lock 75% of the energy when you out of battle?

    Or, instead of energy, let them consume some new resource or items(however I still don't know how to achieve this by code)?


    And I just have a new idea.
    Let the swordmaster's tech have a function to restore energy, but it requires you to stand still and take a few seconds, then you can not use this method in a battle.
    And you can have energy anytime when you need.


    The mod's direction is still a bit vague to me, I need some new idea.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2016
  2. hythl0day

    hythl0day Subatomic Cosmonaut

    hythl0day updated The Stars My Destination - Sword and Spells with a new update entry:

    0.2.5c & 0.2.6b

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. Wow_Space

    Wow_Space Void-Bound Voyager

    Here's my proposement on the sword tech. Some of which are re-mentioned from your ideas

    • Press F for some kind of movement ability
    • Press G for a special attack depending on which sword you have
    • Press H to recharge energy at a high rate but unable to move. This or give some kind of special buff
    • Successful attacks recharge energy
    • Normal energy recharge works as normal except recharge rate is around 50% slower. IMO, not necessary
    • Enable the combos even without the tech but increase the energy requirement by a ton if they were to not have the tech
    And here's some random tips. Limited "ammo" for weapons like the scroll consumables are kinda quirky. You shouldn't have to restrain the player of the fun and content you created just to balance things; only do so if it adds better and fun gameplay, but balance is still important. And remember these techs take the head slot so try to let it use the tech keys (F, G, and H).
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2016
  4. Shinime Unknow

    Shinime Unknow Void-Bound Voyager

    i don't want to farm the essence someone can give me the way to spawnitem them?if i can?
  5. baconsama25

    baconsama25 Cosmic Narwhal

    /spawnitem soulessences

    Also, on the nightly only version, the assassin quest place ( in front of him?) doesn't open.

    Another thing, does it binds the character to the mod, or permanently attaches any scripts on them? If so, how could I deal with it using a software like notepad++ (because quests/codex editing aren't working on starcheat).
  6. hythl0day

    hythl0day Subatomic Cosmonaut

    the item name for these essence is "essence_red", "essence_white", "essence_green", "essence_blue"

    /spawnitem essence_red 50 **** say you want 50 red essence ore
    /admin **** to quit admin mode, this mode will stay turn on even if you quit the game, so always remember to turn it off when you don't want to use it any more
  7. hythl0day

    hythl0day Subatomic Cosmonaut

    The door in front of the character is not the entrance but the exit.

    The entrance is somewhere more covert(just go to the Avian's house and pay attention to the structure underground, you'll find it.)

    For your last question, I don't quite understand what do you want, I never used starcheat, what exactly do you want to edit/cheat?
  8. baconsama25

    baconsama25 Cosmic Narwhal

    Ohh, I wasn't interested in the mage path for that character so I turned back on that place quickly, but thanks! I'll look into it.

    It's not to cheat, rather I'm just trying to find a way to clean a scripts from a mod that were bound to a character save. Imagine a mod that, despite being well coded gets discontinued and breaks the save in a new stable version, which already happened to me once. When I open the player file with notepad++ it's somewhat legible, so maybe it could be used to wipe out old scripts or to force the game to scan and clean them? I'm not too much of a roleplayer, but even so it sucks to lose a character that you played long enough.

    Either way, I'll look for bugs to help you when I play in the nightly version , it's a very promissing mod ( and seems quite well made ) but still too early to put into my stable folder.
  9. hythl0day

    hythl0day Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I don't think there's any script binding to the player save file except for the TECH.
    To remove this mod, only thing should be reminded is to uninstall the tech(or change to vanilla ones).
    I myself tried play with this mod and delete the modpak directly and no error occurred (those mod items of course would turn into PGI)
    And I think backup your whole "giraffe_storage" folder before any install/uninstall is much easier.
  10. baconsama25

    baconsama25 Cosmic Narwhal

    It is, but sometimes it's only gives a problem after installed and a good while after the latest backup.

    And I didn't mean your mod, I meant in overall, i.e. frackin universe or starbound side stories. They're great modders but you never know when their work might get discontinued. I hope some form of script cleaning is implemented in the vanilla someday.
  11. Shinime Unknow

    Shinime Unknow Void-Bound Voyager

    thank you ^^
  12. JesusBillyChrist

    JesusBillyChrist Phantasmal Quasar

  13. hythl0day

    hythl0day Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Normally this happens when you are using the wrong version(nightly/stable) of modpak, so plz check it to be sure.

    If the modpak is correct yet you still get that error, give me your game log so I can find out what's wrong with your game.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2016
    JesusBillyChrist likes this.
  14. yenilmez

    yenilmez Orbital Explorer

    Can you make sword a little bit powerful like tier 6 sword could be 28 or 30 instead of 24 and can you list all the combos for swords not just the new ones all of them Pls
  15. hythl0day

    hythl0day Subatomic Cosmonaut

    the higher level sword's combo is inherited from lower's. so it is all there. so the tier6 have 5 combo(includes all the combos of others)
  16. Wyvrn101

    Wyvrn101 Master Chief

    I'm Having trouble uninstalling without the game crashing
  17. DemiGODeath

    DemiGODeath Void-Bound Voyager

  18. DruidicSymphonies6713

    DruidicSymphonies6713 Astral Cartographer

    I need help! I killed the swordsman!!! AND IT WONT COME BACK!!!
  19. ThatEmoGuy

    ThatEmoGuy Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hey, just wanna say good job on the mod and all, but will this mod have the potential to have any broadsword work with the Swordsman tech or will it be limited to "The Sword" only?
    PS. this is not a request, just a question, just wanna say great job on this mod again, expecting great things from this in the future.
  20. Doomsday18

    Doomsday18 Void-Bound Voyager


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