Steamer MK1-3 Steamer MK1Description The Steamer MK1 was a robot designed for the purpose of transporting energy and electricity from one location to another, these robots ran on steam and were used in factories where power was needed in large surges as opposed to a continuous flow meaning the Steamer model robots were used instead of wiring. The Steamer MK1 was the first of the Steamer range and was therefore not optimised for it's job and also used low grade components however it was used in massive quantities. Drops/Loot -Medium storage capacity battery (sometimes dropped) -Scrap metal (often dropped) -Low grade computer chip (rarely dropped) -Copper bar (often dropped) Environment/Habitat In dilapidated factories and laboratories from the now bankrupt corporations of old times, before they lost the funding required for survival. The Mark 1 is only found in the most basic of industrial complexes, only being used in areas of manufacturing and low importance as they were cheap to manufacture. Spawn Rate/Spawning Conditions The mobs only spawn within an old run down factory, they were never programmed to exit their workplace. They will also spawn with other robots or turrets there to defend them. They are very common within their environment. Health/Mana/Energy/Armor -Low health -No mana -High energy -Medium armor Movement A very mechanical and disjointed walk in a style similar to the castle in Howl's Moving Castle. Attacks/Damage The steamer robot has no ability to attack, they were purely put in place to carry out their job of energy transfer and in this early model there was no need for the robot to fight, however due to a major malfunction in the robot, when it is destroyed it releases an explosion of steam and electricity severely harming anyone nearby, high damage but small radius with no effect on blocks. Pictures Steamer MK1 with and without steam (sorry for the terrible ability with pixel art) Steamer MK2 Description The Steamer MK2 was a robot designed for the purpose of transporting energy and electricity from one location to another, these robots ran on steam and were used in factories where power was needed in large surges as opposed to a continuous flow meaning the Steamer model robots were used instead of wiring. The Steamer MK2 was not used in the same factories as the MK1, it's main use was in military factories which explains it's much stronger materials and also it's new weaponry. Drops/Loot -Medium storage capacity battery (often dropped) -Scrap metal (often dropped) -Medium grade computer chip (sometimes dropped) -Steel bar (sometimes dropped) -Electric weapon ammunition (rarely dropped) -Tazer (very rarely dropped) Environment/Habitat The Steamer MK2 can be found in any old abandoned weapons manufacturing facility but is only found in weapons factories, not standard factories or research laboratories. Spawn Rate/Spawning Conditions How the mob appears and how often Health/Mana/Energy/Armor -Medium health -No mana -Medium energy -Medium armor Movement The MK2 still uses legs but they are much more co-ordinated than in the MK1. Attacks/Damage Due to the MK2's use in weapons factories it was required to have weaponry on it for protective purposes, the MK2 is armed with a tazer which gives out small damage but stuns and electrocutes any hostile people. The MK2 had the same fault as the MK1 in that it would explode when vital systems were destroyed however the technicians had managed to limit the explosion of the MK2 meaning it has a tiny radius but the same power which means it is devastating to someone at melee range but not any further away. Pictures Steamer MK2 with and without steam Steamer MK3 Description The Steamer MK3 was a robot designed for the purpose of transporting energy and electricity from one location to another, these robots ran on steam and were used in factories where power was needed in large surges as opposed to a continuous flow meaning the Steamer model robots were used instead of wiring. The Steamer MK3 was used specifically in high importance testing laboratories, meaning it has firepower and strength unmatched by many other robots. Drops/Loot -Rocket launcher (very rarely dropped) -Rockets (sometimes dropped) -Titanium bar, or other rare metal bar (sometimes dropped) -Medium Grade Computer Chip (often dropped) -High Storage Battery (sometimes dropped) Environment/Habitat The MK3 is found in old abandoned testing facilities, it was used in laboratories due to it's immense capabilities in transporting massive surges of power as well as it's firepower if situations arise. Spawn Rate/Spawning Conditions Generally in each laboratory there will only be one or two MK3 Steamers, they will be generally located in rooms of high importance where the highest grade loot in the facility will be found. Health/Mana/Energy/Armor -Medium Health -No Mana -High Energy -Very High Armor Movement The MK3 uses caterpillar tracks giving it great speed however this means it is limited to staying at the same level. Attacks/Damage The MK3 has two main attacks; the first is it's highly powered, highly explosive rocket launcher which not only has massive damage to people it also has massive damage to the environment around them. It's other main attack is a last resort, when the MK3's health drops below 30% it begins a 5 second process in which it turns all of it's parts in to one massive bomb with the potential of killing any unfortunate person nearby and the base the MK3 is located in if it is not killed before the 5 seconds ends. Pictures TO BE DONE SOON
Sounds pretty good. Reminds me a bit of the steam powered robots in Thief 2 - The Metal Age. They were called the Builder's Children, and had a combat and non-combat variant. I also remember that they were vulnerable to water getting into the boiler (which is something you may wish to consider as a tactic for fighting Steamers).