SuperMandrew submitted a new mod: Time Control - New tech allows time manipulation! Read more about this mod...
I cant complete the course the first door.... all that's there is a switch which does nothing.... Shouldn't the first switch be wired to the top door? or something i don't know shame looks cool but o well... i am assuming its meant to open the top door with the first switch then you go across press second switch witch opens bottom but closes top then you use back in time but the first switch isnt working for me rofl
That's very odd. The switch is wired properly for me. Have you tried leaving the area/exiting the game and retrying it? This should force it to reload, and hopefully it's wired correctly then.
SuperMandrew updated Time Control with a new update entry: Time Stop added! Read the rest of this update entry...
how does the time stop work? if you were to shoot bullets, would they pause and let you make a wall of bullets? edit: tested it out, and wow time stop is short..
Yea, I wanted the time stop to be short since I wanted it to still be balanced within the game. It's already a pretty powerful move, and I think setting the time stop to be even longer would be game-breaking. Shouldn't be too hard to increase the time length for time to be stopped if you unpack it and modify the source though!
could you make rewinding and stopping time toggle able and gradually use up energy? (for example set it to 40 energy per second so unless you have a buff its 2.5 seconds)
maybe try looking at source of the phase shift module? If this mod works the way that one does that would be awesome!
SuperMandrew updated Time Control with a new update entry: Potential future bug fix Read the rest of this update entry...
I must resist the urge to mod this mod so it's DIO's stand ZA WARUDO. Seriously though how does time stop even work? I've seen it in the base game files but afaik nothing in vanilla uses it.
There's a sword with it? What? How have I missed this? I guess I have some item testing to do then...
hey,i have problem, i'm competed quest where need bring 1 diamond to scientist, but on next quest where "obstacle course" time rewind just wont work,i pressing "F" and nothing... P.s. /reload don't help