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Bug/Issue Time desync

Discussion in 'Support' started by ShinyAipom, May 4, 2018.

  1. O-Castitatis-Lilium

    O-Castitatis-Lilium Void-Bound Voyager

    Has there been an update on this yet? I'm just curious because I am desperately wanting to play with my husband.

    Edit: I don't mean to bump this thread but I am very curious
    • KieferSkunk

      KieferSkunk Poptop Tamer

      I don't know that Chucklefish is even responding to the main thread anymore. They seem overwhelmed with bug reports. :( The issue is still listed as "Need more information" on the main thread, so either the tips aren't helping or they're not seeing all this valuable information we're trying to give them. :(

      I did notice that the latest patch (1.3.10) claims to have fixed some of the framerate issues that were apparently causing some desyncs for players, so perhaps give that a try and see if you're still having the problem?
      • AsRaccoon

        AsRaccoon Intergalactic Tourist

        1.3.12 (22 May 2018)
        • (Fixed) Clocks becoming de-synced from server latency (now will disconnect player)" :D :D :D
        • KieferSkunk

          KieferSkunk Poptop Tamer

          Saw that. Wish they'd actually worked on keeping the clocks synced rather than just saying "Your computer's slow? Too bad."
          • BlueRaja

            BlueRaja Void-Bound Voyager

            Despite the above changelog item, the issue is clearly still happening. Everything was fine for the first in-game year, but now my buddy falls literally hours behind me.

            Has anyone found a fix yet?
            • Capybaraaa

              Capybaraaa Intergalactic Tourist

              Necro-ing this thread but it happened again in 2021, a solid 3 years after the issue was first found.

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