WIP Tokiri's Pet Replacements (Fox, wolf, Red Panda) --UPDATE: Red Panda Finished!-- (:

Discussion in 'Pets/Horses' started by tokiri, Mar 15, 2016.

  1. kitsunegalaxy

    kitsunegalaxy Void-Bound Voyager

    You can try to edit de png inside the xnb. Fox to cat is easier because the cat has less animations than the dog, so all you'd have to do is delete the extra sprites.
      fadedwaif likes this.
    • radhalla

      radhalla Void-Bound Voyager

      I'm so excited about having found this, I can't wait for more!
      • BeneathThePlass

        BeneathThePlass Scruffy Nerf-Herder

        The fox is utterly adorable, omg! I love it!
        • fox_rider

          fox_rider Space Hobo

          Hi, I'm a amateur game maker, can I use your fox picture in my original game? It's so cute and I really love it. Of course, I will cite the source of the picture in my game. I created this account just for asking you.
          • asmothstotheflame

            asmothstotheflame Scruffy Nerf-Herder

            Was anyone still working on the other animals? I was really excited about the skunk and raccoon!
              fadedwaif likes this.
            • fadedwaif

              fadedwaif Orbital Explorer

              Yeah,I looked at the pngs to convert wolf horse to wolf dog and couldn't figure out a decent strategy to copy over.

              I'm on Android and want the fox too but apparently you can't change default barking, so I was going to try the wolf!

              Buy I guess I can't have either :( . Adorable mod regardless
              • tokiri

                tokiri Big Damn Hero

                Dang people still using these. xD I never finished the other animals, lost the files unfortunately. But I did get close to finishing some hippogriffs a while back. I dew them for somebody else to turn them into a mod, but we never got the chance to do so. If anyone ever wants to make anything out of these, I'd be happy to upload the sprite sheet. People are more than welcome to re-upload and edit the stuff here~ (Tho I do appreciate credit!)

                Here's the baby! [​IMG]

                And the sprites,

                [​IMG] [​IMG]
                  nana2007nt and chorelle like this.
                • Aconian

                  Aconian Void-Bound Voyager

                  I love these <3
                  • xxcamofoxxx

                    xxcamofoxxx Void-Bound Voyager

                    How do I get these as an xnb file now...? :(
                    • tokiri

                      tokiri Big Damn Hero

                      Sorry! The XNB can be found here,

                      fox - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/0p1vl4dl7k4r008/AABsU1BwRQpjbUJSKEGw2FQka?dl=0
                      Panda - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/6s0v28p4ek8bg4u/AAA75HIzcekkHc5WSmLUlKxva?dl=0
                      Wolf - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jhchmtvs35x275q/AACiXMrgHMRJ8KeXR-Zro69Ua?dl=0

                      I dunno if they still work. It's been ages since I've touched these!

                      Thanks! :)

                      I'm not really actively trying to create mods, but I am working on a few new sprites for my current forest/fantasy stardew playthrough. I'll prolly throw them up here when I finish 'em. Just in case anyone else wants to use em. :) They mostly just drawn for my own personal playthrough tho!
                        Last edited: Jan 8, 2021
                      • AkaneSaikyo

                        AkaneSaikyo Void-Bound Voyager

                        I'm sorry but where are the links to download?
                        • iceypie

                          iceypie Void-Bound Voyager

                          Do you happen to have the png of the skunk and fox v2??
                          • j0k0l0k0

                            j0k0l0k0 Space Hobo

                            Link plssss to DL this
                            • bananna

                              bananna Void-Bound Voyager

                              theyre just a little up the page! :poke: this post, specifically

                              but the links here are the exact same ones, too, for convenience :kitten2:
                              fox - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/0p1vl4dl7k4r008/AABsU1BwRQpjbUJSKEGw2FQka?dl=0
                              Panda - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/6s0v28p4ek8bg4u/AAA75HIzcekkHc5WSmLUlKxva?dl=0
                              Wolf - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jhchmtvs35x275q/AACiXMrgHMRJ8KeXR-Zro69Ua?dl=0

                              Not sure you can find the Hippogriff or Fox v2 out as complete mods, though, since they lost the files - but if someone else made them and Im wrong, I would love to know so I can have fun with them too!
                              • Goudy2117

                                Goudy2117 Space Hobo

                                I love these! thank you~

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