WARNING: DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS MOD ANY OTHER PLACE THAN NEXUSMODS. WWW. STARDEWVALLEYMODS .NET STEALS MY AND OTHER PEOPLE'S MODS AND UPLOADS THEM ON THEIR WEBSITE WITHOUT PERMISSION. DON'T DOWNLOAD OUR MODS THERE Toys For Children - Furniture mod, adds child toys For a family with two toddlers there is a sure lack of toys and playthings scattered about the place. This mod replaces the wizard couch and two house plants with a doll house and paint stand, a toy yellow truck and a jack n' a box. The dollhouse and jack n' box are a recolor of the ones from Jas's room. Also, the doll house and paint stand are a single item. There was left over space on the sprite sheet after i added the doll house, felt like it would be wasted space. Possibility for future additions, leave a comment if there's something you would like added and its within reason. Just remember the more items I add the more items i have to sacrifice, until it becomes possible for adding new content. Update V0.3 Update for Game 1.1 V0.2 Replaces the Birch dresser with a rocking horse. V0.1 Original dollhouse/paint stand, yellow truck, jackn'box Download here http://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/167/?
Oh! I totally need to like.. get the nursery retextured and stuff to look like a cat play room.. so my cats instead of kids mod will be awesome... Thanks for the inspiration! Now to see about getting it done..
I'm a bit confused on how to use this because its an XNB file. Do you put it in the mods folder? If someone could help me I'd would really appreciate it.
replace the file in the main data file. this is a replacer for the furniture.xnb file. XNB's are what the game uses for its files.
Those look cute, but instead of replacing the furniture in the xnb file, you could add them into the game with CustomFurniture! Thanks for making them btw, I also found the lack of children toys in SV a bit sad.