Trade Glitch in Adopt Me!!!!!

Discussion in 'Games' started by vince77, Apr 8, 2022.

  1. vince77

    vince77 Orbital Explorer

    Okay so I read about this glitch online and tried it, to my surprise it works but I tried it thrice and it only worked once and now I can’t seem to recreate it. It basically converts your common pet to a legendary one.

    What you need to do is:-

    Get a common pet (cat, dog whatever you want)

    Now go to the neon cave and go near the “E” circle.

    Now continuously spam click on the “E” circle and then click on “Ok” over and over again.

    After some time it opens a glitched tarde window with a legendary pet.

    Don’t ask me about how many times you will have to click to glitch it out. I just used an auto clicker and it took me like 10 minutes to glitch out.
  2. nox1399

    nox1399 Intergalactic Tourist

    My daughter, she is 7 years old, and she plays this game! Last week she spent $40 on some purchase, she told me it was for buying a pet. Do you really think this glitch can be replicated or recreated? She is onto my life and I’m afraid that next time she will take my CC and do a bigger purchase (although I have added 2FA, but who knows kids these days, they find a way of doing what they want to).
  3. vince77

    vince77 Orbital Explorer

    I have tried it only once, and posted it here. Have not been able to go back to the game in last few days (out on a trip). But yes, you can try. Maybe if it works for your daughter, you can save being robbed again xD Just kidding, I think it can work, depending on the auto clicker you are using. It should be real fast.
  4. nox1399

    nox1399 Intergalactic Tourist

    Thanks, I got a call from bank that day to confirm that transaction, and I was like, wtf! Then they said it’s for a game and I knew where did that money go. I would ask her to try this trick, and let you know if it is still working. Hopefully! Which auto clicker are you using for this thing? I don’t believe most things I download from the web, they bring nasty stuff with them.
  5. vince77

    vince77 Orbital Explorer

    In our country, banks don’t care so much lol. There was a credit card scam with one of my friends, where the scammer used his details for purchasing an iPhone haha. He called the bank, and asked for a refund, they never got back can you believe that? For the glitch, I am using GG. It should serve the purpose for you. If not, you can just ping me here. I am excited to see if this can be recreated. Once I am back from my trip, I will check this out again.
  6. nox1399

    nox1399 Intergalactic Tourist

    Wow! That’s one hell of a scam. Thank you so much for your suggestions and this chat! Kids won’t listen to you if you give them suggestions, my daughter especially is very stubborn but maybe with time, it changes. I will see that tool and recommend it to my little one. She should be able to figure it out better than me.
  7. vince77

    vince77 Orbital Explorer

    Yeah sure thing man! Cheers.

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