i'm thinking traps are the way to go in this game for fending off monsters so crafting jail cell=15 iron bars so you could capture a monster to make your own pet would be nice but i also want this boulders trap doors(that you can open/close) turrets (plasma,lazer,acid,bullet) for the people in the game who are to lazy to outside the space station to slay alien this is your place who build these leave suggestions down below on what you think the game should have and how youwant them to be crafted
This post is a mess. I don't understand the poll at all. As of the wire-like system, I'm pretty sure they said something about it (the devs). For the traps... maybe there will be dungeons. Instead of random traps.
It's a trap! But yeah, I like traps a lot. For me, pitfalls are where it's at. Remote controls would be a nice feature that would work well for them (setting off gates, triggering darts, opening trapdoors, ect ect). I"m sure we'll have them, they'll be fun for capturing animals for study and whatnot.
I hate those. They should be easy to spot when you get near it . Like, it starts blinking a bit. ... I once lost all my items to these in Terraria, xD.