Having spent way too much timing building in Terraria and MC, I would kill for triangular blocks that could possibly be rotated. If that's too much, just have 4 different kinds of triangular blocks? I just want right angle triangles.
My idea was one type of block that is divided into four triangles like so: Each side that is touching another block would make its respective triangle visible, allowing one block to function as most kinds of slopes. There's some limitations to how you can build with it, but they could be easily overcome via a special tool that allows you to manually toggle which of the sections are displayed. Overall, I think it's a pretty clever way to go about it, if it's to be implemented. It'd only take 4 bits of data, with each bit corresponding to one of the sides. Any bit set to 1 causes its side to display, and if they're all 0 it functions automatically. If there's no adjacent blocks and no sides to display, it could either drop itself or just display as a full block.
Triangular blocks would be nice for aesthetic reasons, but Devs said we will be able to literally walk over small block steps. So we don't have to jump over small steps anymore like in terraria.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toy_block "Block" isn't an actual shape itself, so being a triangle doesn't exclude it from being a block.
Having to include triangle versions of very block would be heck on inventory. Maybe they could include a item called a detailing tool that puts a mask over blocks so you can shape them how you want.
I would love some triangular blocks as well. Ever since Red said that he was thinking of adding sloped tiles, I've been imagining the various things I could build with it.
You people. What's next, round squares? I'm just kidding. I think this is a great idea, and it opens up even more possibilities. For instance, curved or round blocks.
This is amazing . But I think you should only be able to do so with materials which are crafted, and with a special machine that you need a blueprint to get . ... I wanna do a slide . Oh, I just realised when I tought of the slides, how about glass triangles make you slide ? Anyone? (Secret slides ^o^)
I'm not sure triangular blocks are really needed that badly, considering they fixed sloping issues other block games have had, and they would need a lot of memory to implement them properly. A lot of the pre-made structures will supposedly not be made out of blocks anyway
Triangles would make for nice aesthetics, perhaps you could craft 2 from any material and the direction they face depends on where they are place (flat faces with other flat faces), that would make for a pretty simple system.
Yeah, that's what I meant: what Alpha_Squad said. Like in Minecraft: you craft stairs, that does not mean all blocks are made of stairs, so, that but with 2d graphics and slopes, not stairs ?
Stairs in minecraft have a very important purpose in streamlining diagonal movement on the horizontal and vertical axes. Don't tell me they're just decorative.