So you choose a random planet to go to and *BAM* your space pod hits something on the way down, its a turtle! Fight your way through multiple levels of turtles with increasing difficulty and better loot with each turtles demise, all they way down to the planet.
As much as I ****ing love turtles, that might be a bit complicated trying to tack on an extra area above the planet for this fight. An alternative is to have a sort of 'boss planet', that is infested from the surface to the core with ravenous turtles, who you must battle in tunnels and caverns before climaxing at the core, which may or may not be a colossal turtle.
This would be pretty fun, except for the fact that I wouldn't have much fun murdering turtles, since I love them.Eh, I'm a pirate, what do I care?I only want the loot!
I have a better idea. Why dont we have a flat world, carried ont he shoulders of elephants, which they themselves stand on the back of a giant turtle -w- Turtles all the way down man.