Heyooo~ So I love the song Two Weeks Notice and was wondering if there's any sheet music for it I was playing it on the piano, but in the wrong key. Then I tried to play it in the right key but it's hard because now I'm used to playing it in the wrong key..... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (just made that line because signatures look weird on this part of the forum...)
Hey Catoosie! That's awesome that you've been playing Two Weeks Notice on the piano! There isn't any sheet music written out for it yet, but I'd be happy to put something together for you over the weekend, if you'd like. In the meantime, I can tell you that the song is in the key of a-minor. The verse chord progressions alternate between "a-minor, F-major, C-major, e-minor 7" and "a-minor, F-major, C-major, G-major." The chorus chord progression is "F-major, C-major, E-major, a-minor." Anyway, I hope this is helpful! I'll send along some sheet music soon
I had no idea that you used witch-craft to produce music! That's the only possible explanation since I don't understand anything you just said.
Haha! Yeah, it's mostly witch-craft. I mix ginger root shavings with the toe-nails of a giant, and throw a piano key or two in there for good measure, and then, *poof!* music! That's what I always meant by "mixing."
You can also tell I'm a witch because of the cat familiar in my profile picture. He goes by the name of Thaddeus Kronkwist III...but I call him Binky.
Hey Catoosie! So, attached to this post are two PDFs. One is just the piano part--you'll notice quite a few rests in there, because it primarily just plays during the song's intro and outro. The other PDF is the score for all the parts in the song except for drums, and what I call the Mushroom Synth--it's an instrument that enters somewhere in the middle of the song that glides around, and almost sounds like someone talk-singing. Standard notation for that instrument wouldn't make sense, because it's based more on synthesizer functions (specifically portamento) than actual note pitches. The score PDF has everything written-out in separate parts, with the piano listed first. I would've liked to just put together a piano reduction of everything for you, but, unfortunately, I don't really have time to do it properly. However, I find that sometimes it's more fun to look through the actual score yourself, see how all the parts work, and put together your own piano version anyway. Sorry the scores aren't particularly pretty, and sorry for any errors/weirdness they might contain. I wish I had time to make sure everything is standardized in there, but at the very least, they should have all the pitches in the right place. Anyway, I hope they're helpful, or at least fun to look through. Have fun with them, and let me know how the playing goes!
while this topic so still up does anyone know the songs lyrics? my firend and i have had debats over it, she things its gibberish =p anyone know
Good question! So, there's a bit of a story for this, for those who are interested The song was originally written as something of an Easter Egg for people who figured out the puzzle at the night club in the city area of TAG. If you go there on a particular night, you'll see a performance by "The Fizzy Pixels." Stephen and I thought it would be fun to have a special song that you hear while you're in there, so I started working on a punk-ish sounding tune that would fit the line-up of performers he had put together. There weren't originally any plans for vocals in this, or any of the TAG tunes, but I just happened to be jamming along with an early version of the recording one day, and singing over top of it. While goofing around, the lines "I don't want to be a part of your revolution, I don't want to be a part of anything" popped into my head, and I thought they were pretty neat, so I wrote them down. I thought the first line "I don't want to be a part of your revolution" expressed an interesting anti-Globocorp position (Globocorp being the evil corporation in TAG, for which the band members worked during the day), probably because, at least at the time, I was tired of commercials and ads saying "Join the Revolution!" for some random, inescapable product--sodas and such. And the second line "I don't want to be a part of anything" just seemed like something any good punk band would say. Those are my interpretations anyway, but I certainly encourage listeners to come-up with their own. Later, I decided to just record them, to see how they sounded in there. If I remember correctly, I sent both a version with vocals, and a version without vocals to Stephen, because I knew I was going out on a limb there; but Stephen, being awesome and always supportive of artistic experimentation, said yeah, let's go for it! So we went with the version with vocals You can also hear a version of the song on the juke-box in the desert area, with record-pops and such. There's one more place where you hear the version with vocals, but I won't say where it is, just in case some people haven't gotten there yet--Stephen surprised me by having it play there
Just have to chime in and say that a music dev posting sheet music for their game at the request of a fan is pretty amazing. I will definitely play around with this a bit later. Also, giving the story behind the song is pretty neat too. I feel as though all of the developers at, around and near chucklefish have to be the best in the indie game scene right now.
Hi @beta_red! I'll skip the glory-and-praise part for your amazing work on TAG/TAW, right now I really just registered specifically to thank you very much for the story and lyrics regarding "Two Weeks Notice" (tag_fizzy_pixels.ogg in the 'original', first TAG game, I'd attach for reference but IANAL, license and all...). I've just played through TAG (TAW pending) and after seeing the Fizzy Pixels band playing standing on the bridge (spoilered below) and noticing the voice track added (I first listened to it on the desert jukebox, no voice there IIRC! seems that actualy both versions of the song were used in the game), I went on internet googling rampage to find the barely audible lyrics. And you've left such a gem hidden here! Not easy to find though when all you have is the name of the game and a couple of words By the way, I can't help hearing similarities to the guitar (?) track from the opening of TwoWeeksNotice to the performance of this guy (below), but then, there's a finite amount of chords of given length, so probably a pure coincidence.. but I heard both of these for the first time on the very same day, crazy. For you as the author of TwoWeeksNotice that will probably sound totally different, but I thought I'll drop you a link to that, maybe it'll make your day like it did mine