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Bug/Issue Unable to Pick up Crab Pot in River

Discussion in 'Support' started by redlace, Mar 5, 2016.

  1. redlace

    redlace Void-Bound Voyager

    I placed a crab pot in the river (where the bridge crosses from the Mayor's house to the Library & Museum. My crab pot ended up above the bridge on the west bank, right where the bank turns further west (4 blocks up from the bridge). Now, I cannot pick it up to move it - I think because I cannot stand directly beside or below it (it's diagonal).

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    • GewaltSam

      GewaltSam Big Damn Hero

      Are you playing with Controller? Maybe try to stand near and use the mouse to click it directly. There seem to be a few things that go much easier if you use the mouse instead of aiming the cursor by controller. Maybe that helps.
      • redlace

        redlace Void-Bound Voyager

        I'll give it a try and see. And yes, I am using a controller.

        EDIT: Using the keyboard and mouse worked, I was able to successfully remove that crab pot!
          Last edited: Mar 10, 2016

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