Unexpected game lag?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Colorfulshitbox, Jul 15, 2016.

  1. Colorfulshitbox

    Colorfulshitbox Poptop Tamer

    So I've been playing Stardew for about 2 weeks and have not experienced lag in the entire time I've played it. But suddenly it started lagging terribly. Help? :cry:
    • CjBeats

      CjBeats Weight of the Sky

      Have you recently downloaded anything new? That could be it, or it could just be normal lag. Sure the game hasn't lagged the first two weeks, but that doesn't mean it isn't entirely lag free. Also maybe you internet or something was going through a rough patch. It's nothing non-normal don't worry, but there are many reasons it could have lagged. (Unless it is completely un-normal in that case im completely wrong and it's time to sacrifice your pc and get a new one)
        Colorfulshitbox likes this.
      • Colorfulshitbox

        Colorfulshitbox Poptop Tamer

        Thank you, it was a download thing, I fixed it though!
          CjBeats likes this.
        • CjBeats

          CjBeats Weight of the Sky

          No problem! Glad you got it fixed!
            Colorfulshitbox likes this.

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