(Warning: this RP will feature dark subjects, violence, and things that are barely safe for work... Please be advised before continuing...) Well, now that the first chapter in the untold story is hopefully coming to a close, I believe it is time to begin preparing for the next step in this star bound journey... Something a bit more ambitious... More free... More... Insane... If you feel a bit intimidated by the scale, that's okay! That's why I and other GMs are here! To help everyone get set with their character and organize the RP and make sure it's fun (Or maddeningly frightening) for everybody! Well... It looks like things haven't gone as planned... The galactic blaze seems to have successfully conquered planets in the wake of Varmint Dancer's massive galactic force... "Eating the snake from the tail" as one might say, while varmint's own fleet has fled the system through a rift... But things are never predictable... Rioting, Revolts, and Rebellion flares through the galaxy as many refuse to be conquered after already loosing their planet... Some flee to other planets in the hopes for find freedom, others stay and rebel against their new leaders, some hunker down and pray they don't die, and some decide that if they can't beat them... Well... Join or die... While this is going on, something much bigger than even something of this scale begins arising... Ark technologies have begun awakening, and many inhabitants of the galaxy are desperately trying to get expose and wrench their secrets from them, and use such immense power to their will... But among the awakening of such powerful artifacts, awake even more powerful creatures... Planets disappearing and changing about the galaxy among the petty warring... Some are devoured as earth was before, some are conquered by seemingly godlike beings, and some just inexplicably wink out of existence... Out of time even... Entire parts of the galaxy sectioned off into their own separate little bubbles of endlessly repeated universe... The rules of reality are cracking, and cosmic beings of immense powers are the ones with the hammers... The ark as a race are beginning to return to activity... Scuttling about the feet of these cosmic deities are worshipers, cultists, and madmen screaming for appraisal, or begging for forgiveness... An entire chunk of the twentieth sector of the seventh octant has recently become enveloped by a single microverse, trapping everybody within those twelve star systems inside... You are one of these people... Trapped in this tiny bubble of chaos, you are who you are... Maybe not who you want to be, just what you are... Be it whatever fate has seen as your story... Rebel or conqueror... Survivor or traitor... Adventurer or hired researcher... Worshiper or blasphemer... Concerned for your minuscule war, searching for a way to reunite the galaxy, hunting for power from the ark technology, or asking the cosmic beings for a boon... Whatever your story may be in this twisted and collapsing world, now will be your time to tell your crooked tale to its heroic end... Or it's tragic conclusion... 1. GM'S WORD IS LAW (If you have an issue, take it up with me either in a personal message/conversation, or here in the OOC thread) 2. DO NOT GODMOD (This includes butt conjuring, mettagaming, not giving me a chance to dictate success or failure, and taking control of the RP and deciding what is going on) 3. DO NOT STRAY DRASTICALLY FROM THE STORY (Stick with the plot... Other than that, total freedom... 4. KEEP IN CHARACTER IN RP (This also means keep your character as that character. Don't go changing personalities without letting me know and accept it first...) 5. LIMIT OF TWO ACTIVE PLAYER CHARACTERS PER PERSON (However, only one can be protected from death as your main. This choice is permanent. Other characters can be submitted as NPC. Try and find a way to work them into the plot and you'll probably get them integrated) 6. NO PLAYER KILLING (Players can fight each other in PvP combat engagements, but they cannot kill each other in the end unless permission is granted by the player. 7. DON'T TAKE THINGS PERSONALLY (Shit happens in the RP that you won't like... When this happens, don't hate the GM's or other players for fucking with you. If you really don't like what happens, take it up with the GM's in a non-aggressive way.) 8. DON'T BE A DICK (Don't... Just... Don't...) 9. DON'T OCC IN THE RP (If it's something small, just put it in <>. Otherwise, post it in the OOC thread.) 10. NO METTAGAMING (Yeah, I put it in godmodding, but I have to reiterate and explain it. Essentially, don't take advantage of dramatic irony. If you know something that your character doesn't (Which you will if you pay attention to the rest of the RP), then don't automatically assume your character knows. IMPORTANT NOTE: Keep no secrets from GM's... If you have any big plans or big chunks of information that I need to know to work into the plot that you don't want spoiling to anyone else, IM it. Please not to keep it secret until I don't know what to do with it. Telling me is so much easier than trying to force me to improvise... What you need to make an app is the following: Name: self explanatory Race: anything from Starbound... Modded, suggested, whatever. As long as it is built around the lore of starbound... But if it is a mod or suggestion, please provide an image and a link to the mod/suggestion for racial reference... If you want to be a mutant, let me know what it is. Keep in mind that you have to start on Rasiq or Teissis if you choose to be one. Age: also self explanatory... Physical appearance: either provide a picture, or describe in detail how your character looks, how much they weigh, how tall they are what kind of muscle/far build they have, their facial and head hair, what kind of clothes they normally wear, what their posture is, etc. as much detail as you can... Personality: This will define your character's personality... Be it brutish, impulsive, and righteous; or possibly cunning, calculated, and cold... Be mindful with how your use your adjectives, as it will decide what you do that can keep you sane, and what you do will sap you mad with a guilt ridden consciousness... Stats: these are very important and will be what determines the outcome of the various actions you will do... You have a pool of stat points based on your level, starting with 80 points at Lvl 1... 10 is essentially average level for each stat... Each level adds an extra five to your pool, so twenty-two is the highest level you can have. You can gain stats by doing actions related to the stat... You can switch these around when you make your app, but once it's you make your first post, it will be finalized in my spreadsheet... There will be no going back... Strength: Brute strength... Plain and simple... Break the walls of the maze and smash what threats come your way... Determines how hard can you hit, how much can you carry, how hard you can throw, how painful a critical blow is, and how hard can you be hit...(melee dmg, carrying capacity, block efficiency, throwing range and damage, Critical hit damage(melee), and physical resistance) Also contributes to intimidation, and health points. Perception: The weaknesses are in the details... Observe the map of the maze and solve it, keeping a careful eye out for traps and obstacles... Decides how well, how far, and with how much detail can you see as well as how well can you judge things from sight... (Search, hit chance (range), critical hit chance, critical hit damge(range)) Additionally contributes to burglary (lock picking), dodge chance, discerning reality from psyche, and logic. Endurance: The tortoise beat the hare, water weathered the world, and battles are won by those that can outlast... Hike the maze for each path it has, back tracking and turning until you reach the end, fleeing from and outpacing that which wishes you harm. Determines how long can you last on a small meal, how much pain can you take, and how far and how long can you walk, hike, and fight.(metabolism, pain tolerance/shock roll, and physical endurance)... Also contributes to addiction chance, recovery rate, toxin and disease resistance, and resistance to pain-based sanity loss. Charisma: You're quite the charmer aren't you? Talk with the guy who stuck you in the maze in the first place, and convince him to give you a map, then chat with those within the maze to help you out and show you traps. How much do people like you, how well can you talk with others, and how likely will it be that enemies will listen(Social, speech, distraction, and mercantile skills)... Also contributes to general luck and craft (cook)... Intellect: Every puzzle has it's solution. Find and memorize the pattern in the design of the maze and math your way out, disarming traps and making weapons along the way. How good are you with technology, science, and puzzles, and how good can you stick things together?(Tech, Trap, Science, Logic, and Craft) Also helps with teaching people new skills, searching for clues and details, resistance to nonsensical-based sanity loss, and speaking irrefutably (or at least in a irrefutable sounding way). Agility: Can't hit what you can't see... Scale the walls of the maze, run from enemies, and quickly make your way to the exit... Dictates how fast can you run, how far can you jump, how well can you climb, how well can you avoid being hit, and how quickly you can react.(Acrobatics, Dodge chance, and respond). Additionally contributes to attack speed, equipment switching. Constitution: Battles are won with strength, cunning, and outlasting the opponent... But wars are won by those who can recover quickly... Just do the maze, rest a bit between encounters with traps and enemies, and continue on your way. Decides how hard you are to kill, how quickly you can recover, and resistance to any potentially harmful ailments.(Hit points, recovery, toxin and disease resistance.) Also contributes to pain tolerance/shock roll (based on HP), and pain-based sanity loss. Dexterity: Swiftness and deftness are what makes great fighters great, among other things... Slink about the maze avoiding traps and defeating enemies in combat before picking the lock or picking the pocket for the key to the escape hatch. Determines how well you can sneak, how well you can shoot accurately, how easy it is to hit, and counter, how quickly you can attack, and how good of a burglar are you. (Stealth, hit chance(melee), counter chance, attack speed, burglary) Also contributes to dodge chance, crit chance, crit damage, block chance, and craft. Will: Those that can keep the will to keep going are those with true strength... Do the maze, and just power through it... Determines resistance to sanity loss and mental attacks. Contributes to just about everything, but in small amounts... (Essentially, 20 points in Will is equal to something along the lines of 2 points in every other stat worth of attributes) Sanity: Oh... Th s is a fun one isn't it? Was th re ever really a maze? Or j st your mind playing tricks on ou again? If you're sane, you'll have realized that there w s no death maze... Ju t an emp y r om... Keep your sanity in act, and you can see the truth. High sanity means your perc pt on of the world s true, but low sanity will desensitize you to jarring acts that would put a normal person in a pos ition of iscomfort... Lower sanity levels increases chances of failure for all tasks, (not to be confused with reducing chance of success... Not succeeding implies that things simply did not go right...) Balance this skill wisely, and maybe you can refrain from rending your friends unto their immolation... Attributes are essentially skill level. They determine the ability and effectiveness of your character in given situations. (Sanity loss resistance is an unlisted attribute) There are many attributes, but they should be easy to understand. Attributes are determined by a combination of stats, equipment, buffs, debuffs, and sanity level... Some skills require you to use points which will increase fatigue level when depleted, but can be refreshed by doing things that count as resting your character. The more difficult the action, the higher the cost. Focus is used to increase crit chance per turn (Any), Social points can be used to gather information or negotiate, tech pts can be used for crafting, hacking, and researching information, stamina is used in doing things like backpacking long distances, running, acrobatics; Health pts are used to keep you from death and from going into shock or being incapacitated, theft points can be used to commit acts of burglary (pickpocketing, lockpicking, safebreaking, etc.), and sanity points are what keep you sane. Keep in mind that there is always a chance to fail (different from not succeeding)... That number increases as your sanity level does... (% subtracted = 20-San-pts)So try and keep your sanity in tip-top shape before you let your trigger, scalpel, or grenade hand slip!! If you want to calculate these for yourself, don't forget PEMDAS! Melee dmg (Str+equ_mel), carry cap(10Str), block eff(Str+.33End•equ_blc), throw dmg(.5Str+thr_dmg), throw rng(2Str), crit dmg[mel](Mel_dmg•str), Phys-rst(Str•.2End+Arm), Str-check%(5Str) Search (Per+.2Int), Hit%[rng](4Per+wep_hit), Crit% (.1[Per+.2Dex]), Crit dmg(.1dex•.5Per•wep_dmg+Str), Focus-pts cap(10Per) Met-rat(1/1.5End•hrs•.1wgt), Met-cap(10End), Stam-pts(10End+.5Agl), adct%(1/.5End) Social-pts(10Cha), spch%(5Cha-diff), Dist%(4Cha-diff), trade(margin distance=5Cha) Tech-pts(10Int), Tech-Lv(Int), Craft-Lv(Int), Logic puz diff-mod (diff-.25Int), Sci-Lv(Int), Agl-pts(10Agl), Acr%(5Agl-2Wgt_lv), Agl-$($/.25Agl+Wgt_Lv), dge%(Agl+.5Dex-Wpn_wgt) HP(10Con), shk-Lvl(.75HP-End, .5HP-End, .25HP-End), Rgn(.1HP), Rcv([Con+.5End]•Hr), Poi-rst(1/.4Con), Dis-rst(1/.25con) Snk%(4Dex), thf-pts(10Dex), Hit%[mel](4Dex+wep_hit), Atk-spd(.2Dex•.1Agl-Wgt_lv), Ctr%(Dex+.5Agl-Wgt_wgt), brgl-lv(Dex), brgl%(4Dex-diff) san-lss-rst(Wil%), bonus to all: (wil%) Sanity-pts Cap(San), Sanity resist(1/San), All att(att-Spts), dist%(Spts•5-Per), dist-severity(2Spts-.5End) Traits: Traits are what defines your character as a character... They determine what they are and are not good at in much greater detail than stats... There are some requirements for traits of course... You must have at least one positive and negative trait, plus an additional negative trait for Deepest fear. Keep in mind that your traits have to stick to your character's personality and build for the most part... If you go against the main traits (neutral is fine to forget) There will be consequences... Either in you forgetting you have an advantage, or ignoring when I use a negative trait against you... Otherwise, you are free to use them as you will. Traits in bold are inflicted by the GM, and are sometimes possible to be changed through certain actions. Positive traits: These define what your character is good at or general good qualities. They can include being good at a skill (Thief, marksman, hunter, athlete, driver, pilot, leader) with a craft (Blacksmith, gun nut, chemist, grease monkey), being knowledgeable (Ark researcher, linguist, Professor), having good connections (good debt, good side of law enforcement, well known merchant, black market connections), having good training (Meditation, Marines, Navy, Martial arts), Balancing out negatives(Self-Control, Dense muscle, Attractive, refined other senses), or other such traits. You may have a reasonable amount of positive traits, but they must be balanced with each other as well as with your negative traits. Neutral Traits: These are additional details about your character that simply flesh them out a bit more. They can have a positive or negative effect, but not by much. Some can even be used as a means to increase sanity level. They can include things like hobbies (reading, gaming, browsing, knitting, whittling), minor facts (Knowing Latin, being a Shakespearean actor, good tastes in wine, a passion for music), or any other defining traits (Likes the color blue, like shiny things, bartender, homosexual, pharmaceutical researcher, pole dancer, etc.) You may have any number of these, just try and keep them simple, and don't go overboard. If you have a question whether something should be neutral or the others, just ask. Negative traits: These are what truly define a character. What is it about them that makes their tick just a bit more unique. What makes your character an imperfect mortal. These are what make a character not good... There are so many negative traits, you just have to find the ones that fit for your character... They can be anything from addiction (Alcohol, stims, pills, smokes), to bad connections (Debt, wanted criminal, bounty, escapee), to mental disorders (Psychopathy, Dyslexia, Depression, Bipolar, Kleptomania, Anxiety, Schizophrenia, OCD), to disease (Cancers, Leprosy, Carrier for Moontant virus, Moontant, AIDS, Avian flu), to chinks in your armor (Cybernetics highly sensitive to electronics, muscle weak, smokers lung, blind, lazy eye,), to just bad traits that cause trouble (Clumsiness, thief, control freak, attention whore, short tempered, lazy, perfectionist, workaholic, completionist, hemophobic, glutton). You can always have as many negative traits as you like, but there must always be a deepest fear trait. You should share it with me in IM to keep it secret... If you want... Keep in mind that some of these disadvantages can have their advantages (Psychopath being immune to guilt, always hyped on stims can boost athletic skill, masochist increases pain tolerance and can bolster sanity, sadists have a crit chance bonus, etc. Best keep these advantages to yourself though.) Also, be aware that giving your character a lot of good disadvantages makes the GM smile... And a happy GM is a generous one... Equipment: this is what you are wearing. It includes armor (Helm, mask, neck, shoulder, forearm, glove, knuckle, breast, items "On belt" (three items that you can use quickly such as stimpacks, syringes, and nanowrap patches), Tools kept in close reach (lockpicking kit, medkit, etc.), and weapons of all kinds. Though you do need two hands to do a lot of things, so best keep your weapons sheathed and holstered when you don't need them... Keep in mind that all items have weight and size and will impede you in combat and in travelling. Inventory: discus this with me. Includes everything you have on you minus what you have equipped. Changes of clothes, odd baubles, this and that, etc. Once again, I'd like to remind you that things have weight and take up space, so you won't be going around a cumbersome plank of wood or a desktop computer in your pack, regardless of how much you can carry... History: This is how your character ended up as they are now. You should probably discuss present plot points with me. But beyond the now, be creative, Stick to your character, make it interesting, and make sense. That's all. Start(Original players ignore this): This is where your character is now... Where it is is up to you, but keep in mind that it has to tie in with the current plot somehow, and that they'd have to end up on any of these fifteen planets at some point. So put how they got where they are even if it's already included in the History... Ask the us if you want suggestions or help with anything at all. If you want to leave anything up to me or the Co-GM, let us know... Other notes: Just other things about your character that should be known. Nothing too major... Back stabs are guaranteed crits Crafting requires materials, but sometimes things can be improvised. Either as a source of the material, or as a replacement for it. All puzzles have solutions that can be solved without assistance. Though additional help and chances is always nice... 0HP does not mean "dead", but rather "totally incapacitated until revived somehow" Dead is when your character is in an irrecoverable condition from which you cannot be revived... Because you are dead. Conditions for being dead include lethal headshots, organ damage, asphyxiation, and almost any other possible condition in which you are most certainly dead. The way sanity works is that there is a chance for your perception of reality to be distorted. Sometimes slightly, sometimes severely... They can range from hearing things being said that you didn't actually hear, to reality being completely distorted and incomprehensible as real... Everyone is a piece on the board... If you need help or have any questions, ask! These are everywhere that you can go for now. More will be opened up as the story progresses and I make more. If you want additional information, please let me know. Star planet-main biomes-current alliance/condition-inhabited areas-starter sites(name/size/ownership/purpose) δφσ-13(blazing star) Bauriss-Desert/scorched-Blaze controlled, formerly independent-1 small town, several small farms, Blaze encampment-(Bauriss/town/ruin/spaceport, outpost Cinder/base/Blaze/outpost Veridian-Desert/scorched-USCM controlled, Blaze assault-1 large merchant city-(Veridian/city/USCM/mercantile) ßΓα-26(Gentle star) Calcaras-primary terran-UR controlled-One massive capitol ciry, Two large cities, several medium sized cities, innumerable towns (Perir/Massive city/UR/Capitol, Slaiq/large city/UR/Commercial, Troil/large city/Blaze/Capitol, Skeil/city/UR/Industrial, Treil/city/ruin, Skeil/city/ruin, Elslis/town/UR/trade-Slaiq, Qveiltis/town/independent, Trolfdir/town//Ur/trade, Sprelvis/town/ruin) Leltiq-Primary terran-none(independent)-several small towns, too many assorted floran camps-(Teintil/town/trade-Floran camps, Speildaqt/town/manufacturing and processing, Uolti/town/trade, Veil/town/lumber, any floran camp near cities) σπß-42(black dwarf) Rasiq-midnight-???-1 ruined apex lab-Rasiq lab/base/Independent/base µφτ-32(gentle star) Glaitsul-Oceanic/terran lush-Hylotl council controlled, Blaze assaulted-One massive city, several towns, many small farms-(Treilsama/city/HC/Capitol, Alqitsu/town/independent, Galtiei/town/Blaze, Tleishka/town/ruin, Sklorovas/town/ruin) Teltsuil-Oceanic/lush-Blaze controlled, formerly Human Council-Three large cities, several small towns-(Iatania/city/Blaze/communications, Sveirta/town/Blaze/trade, Qolroisa/town/blaze/mining, Chaiqtsu/town/blaze/manufacturing, Basville/town/HC, Rolvtir/town/ruin) αδφ-50(excited star) Treiach-Oceanic/Tropics-Sallok controlled, Blaze assault-Three medium cities, five small cities, several small hamlets and towns-Sultqeir/med-City/Sallok/port, Fleistikar/med-City/Sallok/trade, Scroiltreis/med-City/sallok/Capitol, Preiltikas/city/sallok/engineering and manufacturing, Treiltisveir/city/sallok/port, Klostrei/city/blaze/resources πδΩ-0(radioactive) Xeiliss-irradiated-independent-one small outpost-(Falkistar/outpost/TMRCMA/research) Teissis-artificial-independent-one hidden base-(Teissis Medical Resarch Center for Medical Advancements/base/TMRCMA/research) @zeskorion(NO LONGER PARTICIPATING) Name: Nener "splicer" opter Age:46 Species: Apex Alliance: apex self-styled rebel(former miniknog scientist) Physical characteristics: A well built and strong apex, with a ruthless cleverness to match. A distinctive blue fur coat, and very bright and clean teeth, with mischievous, and darting eyes, always sizing people up Personality: calm and methodical, acts very kind, but does not waver when it comes to killing or dealing death. Has a very soft voice, so kind it borders creepy. He reads people very well and has an uncanny memory, as well as the trained ability to some degree to predict simple actions traits- Positive: miniknog training-resistant to most forms of torture and pain, and can maintain a cold steely facade doctor- incredibly smart, and trained in several fields, mostly biology psycho-harmonic parasite- he has a parasite named tesla that can grant him some certain... powers predictive- uncanny ability to predict people and see through lies Neutral: no cursing- never curses, never blue-he is blue. this is very distinct Negative: coward- tends to run away from threats. which he is pretty good at, surprisingly wanted- several powerful organizations want him. dead or alive weak-he may be smart and cunning, but he is lacking in the way of combat psychicaly degraded- his mind has been entered so many times, it is not hard to get in, even though he has found ways of hiding important info. stats: Strength: 3 Perception: 10 Endurance: 14 Charisma: 7 Intellect: 20 Agility: 3 Constitution: 3 Dexterity: 10 Will: 15 Sanity:15 Default inventory: PBTM, or precise biological tool manipulator. A device similar to a matter manipulator, but with much shorter range, and much more precise. It can manipulate tissue without breaking skin, and can show injuries on a small monitor. It can also destroy tissue, if brought close enough. It can be used to manipulate machines as well, but not as efficiently, and much slower (tissue repair is slow as is). modified adapter for pbtm, to give it a high intensity lightsaber-like beam body armor injector module, injects combat stims as needed Backstory:a miniknog scientist, very prestigous. However, he never approved of the apex method of science, calling it "inefficient", and pointing out that even if they try it thousands of times, on thousands of apes, the results would be the same. He was exiled from the scientific community, and fled, to find the rebellion. They seem to elud him, however. (thats where he is now) Other stuff: wanted by miniknog Torn apart by an agent as the ship came crashing down. Suffered severe bodilly mutilation and lacerations. Missing most organs within chest cavity... Fortunately for him, arkian blood makes one a bit more resilient than most. Even death can't always keep her nieces and nephews... Even if she can touch them and hold them, maybe keep them over for the weekend... Entered Despair's lexicon and dropped dead through complete brain death. Luckily, scheduled meetings with death and her siblings can be left. How easily depends on the sibling... Name: 26, calls himself grefov. Race: Supernova - a mutated novakid experiment Age: he may as well be 23, as he forgot everything before the procedure Physical appearance: A multicolored novakid, usually wearing a heavy matte white suit with reflective insides. he is fully covered, and has a very strange brand, a large amount of twisted metal pieces, all fused into one amalgam. under the suit, he is constantly dripping and regenerating plasma- his shell is nearly molten , and is malleable, plasma constantly bursts through cracks and rifts. Personality: Volatile. self contradicting. constantly in pain, always yelling and speaking in very choppy sentences. he is an amalgamation of several different novakids, all in the state they were at death. needless to say he is absolutely batshit. he is set on bringing down the blaze Stats: these are very important and will be what determines the outcome of the various actions you will do... Strength:10 Perception:18 Endurance:2 Intellect:5 Agility:2 Constitution:20 Dexterity:1 Will:20 Sanity:2 Traits: Positive: Plasma control- the concentrated power of six brands in one entity allows control of any plasma within a meter not controlled by another brand (meaning no controlling other novas). this also lets him use his dripping plasma as a weapon fire sense- can sense any heat source, or potential heat energy source. this lets him tell where people are and what materials his surroundings are, as well as get a general view of them heat immune- will not burn up with heat. this makes him effectively immune to any fire or plasma based weaponry regenerative- he can regenerate plasma without feeding- however, he loses plasma faster than he gains it, unless he is in a false shell. this means he can quickly regen from most attacks Neutral: amalgam- six in one, he is very volatile, and hexpolar. yeah, thats a thing. yeah, i just made it up. blind- self-explanatory Negative: superheated- even hotter than a normal novakid, he burns up anything he touches, and while he cannot melt steel beams, he can heat them enough to reduce their structural stability- this also limits his functionality with guns, as any gunpowder ammunition will blow up in his face going supernova- puts off enormous amounts of energy. while this is contained by the suit, he will need to keep feeding himself when not in the suit- mostly with plasma and other high grade fuel- even erchius, though that can have some unpleasant side effects. if he does not feed or get back to an enclosed space, he will die Venting needed- if he is in a false shell, and does not vent plasma regularly, the shell will explode from excess plasma Deep fear (jareix, i know what yer plannin by specifyin this)- immortality, never dying Equipment: flamesuit- a specially made suit allowing him to not burn up everything he touches, essentially a second shell Inventorry: nothing History: the 26th result of an ongoing experiment on a way to reconstitute a novakid when the brand is missing. after trial and error, they created a fake shell, and made a brand from those of other novakids. after injecting a bit of plasma to jumpstart the brands, the plasma began replicating at a startling rate, killing the scientists in a room. a scientist entered in a specialized heatsuit, made to travel on stars, but he died. the suit was still in testing, and had no way to cool down the inside. he put the suit on, inside out, the thing functioning as a false shell. he was stabilized after this, and was put to work in the lab as a living solar furnace. however, many still hate him for killing those scientists. he decides to escape Start: Teisiss- Plasma research Other notes: "It would appear that despite his superheated nature, 26 was successfully absorbed by what could be described as a radiation powered mass of flesh. One that feeds off of the powerful energy of the radioactive star, and apparently even grevov's supernova. Curiously enough, the poor bloke's brand is still active and emitting occasional pulses of varying degrees between six colors... like a sparks of life are still present within the brand... Additional scanning has revealed the presence of novakid communicative pulses of radiation. However, as opposed to a pulse, it seems to be a continuous stream of output of varying wavelengths. When translated to sound, it sounds almost like a chillingly harmonized scream... Oh well, perhaps he'll decay someday... I'm sure he'll be plenty joyous when Mætria takes his soul... All things must come to an end after all... No matter how tragically... @Arra Name: Allestar Kaiyon Race: Avali Gender: Male Age: 20 Physical appearance: About 4 feet tall, average avail size, 150 pounds, Four large plumes covering his ears, his feathers on his arms are starting to grow back. His feathers have red designs on them. Somewhat commanding air/posture to him. Personality: Nice, kind. Zealous about protecting his friends. Trusting. LVL: 6 Strength: 8 Perception: 10 Endurance: 10 Charisma: 11 Intellect: 12 Agility: 10 Constitution: 8 Dexterity: 10 Will: 13 Sanity: 12 Catch-phrase: " I cannot die yet! I must atone for my sins! " Positive traits: Determined, wont let anyone hurt his friends. Quite smart. Good fighter. Arkian knowledge. Neutral traits: Likes to read. Negative traits: His nano-processor can be malfunctioned by a simple em pulse. If his processor malfunctions, everything is MUCH louder to him. Not particularly strong. Blaze target Equipment: Violium infused white cloak. Red stripes across the chest. Implanted nano-processor in brain. Nanite blade { Think large overhanded hidden-blade } on his right hand. Two necklaces, one with an orange prism. The other has a light cyan sphere. Inventory: Nanites in bloodstream, slowly regenerates his wounds. Small fusion grenades. Nano-tether system. { Grappling hook } History: He was trying to escape his old life, all his sins. But somehow, due to his bad luck he reconnected with the Galactic Blaze. He tried to betray the people he was helping. Ferris tried to bring him back to the side of the "righteous" But Allestar refused. Horadeaus offered him power, but he refused. All he wants is to atone for his sins. Boring one really. Entered Fate's lexicon with Harold, ding dong died of brain death, crucified while dead, comes back an hour later with no new power. Of course, Horadaeus always has a trick up his sleeve... One way or another... Name: Elsie Sinclair Race: Human Gender: Female Age: 19 Physical appearance: Light Red hair,5'4 ft tall, 90 pounds, Slightly pale, light pink eyes. Personality: Friendly, easily annoyed, Spacey. Strength: 4 Perception: 15 Endurance: 11 Charisma: 15 Intellect: 7 Agility: 16 Constitution: 5 Dexterity: 11 Will: 6 Sanity: 10 Alliance: Bad guys, but not the Blaze. Positive traits: Great shot, Very observant Neutral traits: good cook Negative traits: When she starts to drink, she can rarely be stopped. She has Asthma. Gets lightheaded often. Hemophiliac. Worst Fears: Water and needles. Equipment: Gauss revolver, bag full of Gauss slugs. wears a thin jacket over her t-shirt and sweatpants. Inventory: On belt: Gauss revolver, Several Gauss slugs. bubble gum packet. History: She was raised by a kindly family of apex, she was abandoned at a young age. She was found on her new families doorstep one rainy night. Her family, the Cheskys, raised her as their own. One day after she reached 15 years of age her family allowed her to leave...and she did. Now, Elsie seems to have wandered into something big. Name: Miraa Race: Human (Aberration) Age: Unknown. Young-ish Physical appearance: Skiin color isn't grey, like that of a pale Caucasian. She has sky blue eyes Personality: Distant and sad. Her old happy self shines through at rare moments. She rarely ever talks anymore. Strength: 20 Perception: 4 Endurance: 5 Charisma: 7 Intellect: 5 Agility: 20 Constitution: 5 Dexterity: 4 Will: 6 Sanity: 4 Positive traits: Blur: Very fast Ow! My ribs!: Very strong Innocent.....ish: She looks like a little girl! For petes sake you cant really shoot a little girl without some remorse! Electric feeder: Although she can ingest food, she doesn't need to. She gets her energy from electrical sources Neutral Traits: Ooh...Pretty: Likes flowers Negative traits: L-leave me alone.... : Doesn't care for the company of others, and will actively avoid it. Even running off at times Open Wound: When she gets hurt, she doesn't heal until she has ingested a equal amount of materials to fix it. I.E ( She loses a finger, she has to ingest the equal amount of calcium and protein equal to the finger, then it regenerates pretty fast. ) Huh?: Nearly blind and deaf ... : She doesn't talk much, so if a important piece of information comes her way she might not tell anyone OW! My tail! : Her tail is very sensitive, her proverbial "weakest link" Wh-why: Due to her almost tormented existence, she isn't the sanest person/aberration Equipment: Dress, Slippers Inventory: Metal bracelet with the word " Daggeres " on it History: Her life hasn't been the greatest. Some sort of aberration of nature. The people she cared about always getting taken away from her. It seems that her life is a perfect image of Despair. The man that rescued her from the lab she was held in. Killed. The orbide penguin mutant that took her in after that. She was taken away from him and hasn't seen him since. She doesn't talk much anymore. She has drawn cold to everyone, seeming to just want to be left alone. She has have a small holoplayer, which plays a audio log { You hear a click, it seems an audio log is beginning } " Log: 15: Servanna Kravis: Well, it seems that one of our test subjects had a...most unusual...parasite that we did not detect. The parasite... { You can hear someone get up and walk away, you hear talking in the back ground } How would I explain how the parasite hatched?....Did I ever see the human movie called Alien?...Yeah I have, so? Ah, I see what your getting at. { You hear someone sit back down } The parasite emerged in a way that can be closely related to the chestburster scene in the human movie called " Alien". Log: 25: Servanna Kravis: Well...the parasite has matured quickly. Into the form of a young human girl, save some abnormalities. Her forearms are covered in a tough bone-like material, same with her hands. Her hands are three fingered claws. She also has a prehensile tail which resembles a vertebrae. We will begin testing soon. She says she is hungry. Log: 28: Servanna Kravis: { You hear the squeak of someone sitting down in a chair, they sigh as if they are sore } Oh...that's sore. Well, we did try and experiment on her, simple things. Reaction, hearing and eye tests. She is nearly blind and deaf, doesn't seem to be any sort of degeneration, but more as if she wasn't fully developed. Also when I was trying to get some scrapings of her tail, she screamed in pain and hit me with her palm. She launched me seven feet backwards. She cracked my sternum and broke three of my ribs. I advise that we treat her tail carefully, and we also bring in a psychiatric care specialist. Oh, I also forgot to add what she ate, she ate three sixteen ounce steaks.....so....yeah. Log: 37: Corrupted Ahafubafvba x[[]''][][]---ad.p[ad,[lagf][/daa/d]ada\da'daq]q'/aedad/a]/]f.a.a]f.at]g1554623467687='a /d. Miraa. Start: Jareix's pick @The Alonne Name: Harold Munin Age: ?? Species: Basitin ( Previously) Ningen (Currently) ( http://community.playstarbound.com/resources/ningen-reboot.3398/ ) Alliance: Fate Physical characteristics: 5'11 | Around 130 lbs. w/o armor, 170 with | Blue, cat-like eyes | Sloppily parted brown hair | Calm voice | Slightly handsome | Personality: Cheerful on the surface, but slightly mentally distressed underneath. Good traits: He's good with staff weapons, making distractions, being unnoticed. Also quick, has good reflexes, has been trained by the Royal Guard, and when he means to kill... well, you don't want to find out. Knowledge of fate (Bonus to perception) Neutral traits: Enjoys most types of music, tends to try and cheer others up, likes to draw. Bad traits: Too sloppy, too trusting, doesn't take things seriously, too laid back in general. Fate's "promoted pawn"... Takes things too far, is too loyal. Default inventory: Rairi's scythe "Crescent of Fate", backpack, iron armor (Under his clothes), pistol. Requested role: Protagonist Backstory: Harold Munin was born to a family of Royal Guards, like his friend Oliver. Though two years separated them, they were still the best of friends. They trained together, fought together, and explored together. His mother trained him in acrobatics and his father taught him how to wield rapiers. Sadly, Harold was no good at this and tried to find different weapons that would suit him better. He learned that he was good with staff weapons (polearms), axes, and that he was okay at using broadswords. When he was 10 and Oliver was 12, they set out to find Oliver a medical school so he could become a proper doctor after Harold had graduated from the Royal Guard academy. When they arrived at Earth, Harold met Rairi for the first time. During the time Oliver was taking classes at New Stanford, Harold trained under Rairi to become better at scythes. He also crafted his first nano-scythe, using a mix of Ningen and Basitin technology to make an ancient form of scythe: Made with a strong wood as the arm of the weapon, this Kamiko scythe was forged by hand - Both Rairi's and Harold's. Though it couldn't slice through armor as easily as Rairi's, it got the job done on medium and light armored opponents. When Oliver graduated, he, Rairi, and Harold celebrated before deciding to head on an adventure together. It was a good time, too, because as they were leaving the Tentacle behemoth attacked. After the events of Untold, Oliver goes back to his homeworld to teach medicine, while Harold awakens in a strange maze... Strength: 9 Perception: 10 (+2) Endurance: 10 Charisma: 5 Intellect: 10 Agility: 13 Constitution: 7 Dexterity: 14 Will: 12 Sanity: 10 Other stuff: Harold thinks he's becoming the hero. But what's really going on...? Art: Entered Fate's lexicon along with Allestar. Dropped dead with temporary total brain death... Regained consciousness about an hour later after meeting with big red himself... Simple and boring... Name: Rin Flame ( I made this guy;s name years ago, it isn't because of the Blaze, I swear! ;~; ) Race: Avali Age: 25 Alliance: Blaze (Former); (???) current Physical appearance: He has a modified avali cloak instead of the generic Blaze Commander cloak - it reminds him of his friend Hylan. Personality: Serious, yet kind and filled with hopefulness for the future. Strength: 8 Perception: 8 Endurance: 5 Charisma: 7 Intellect: 12 Agility: 7 Constitution: 12 Dexterity: 7 Will: 8 Sanity: 10 (I added four extra points, so he can have a head start in Constitution + Intellect. Is that okay? If not, just edit them out in the forum post...) Positive traits: Former Blaze lieutenant (Good leader) | Tactician | Trained rifle specialist | Has access to the Nexus (Boost to Intelligence, maybe?) Neutral traits: Enjoys chatting with his comrades, making battle plans in his head, is an art lover like most Avali. Negative traits: Implant in his head can be disabled by an EMP, temporarily putting him out of action. | Doesn't trust those he believes to be inferior. | Isn't very skilled in melee combat, will try and pull his pistol instead of fist-fighting if possible (even if it's a bad idea). | Doesn't have many social skills. | Feels bad about killing his friend. | Has an anger issue. | Equipment: Modified Avali light helmet | Cloak with a red ribbon | Modified Avali exosuit | Nanowrap bandages/medkit | Fragmentation grenades | Pistol | Blaze-painted Avali energy rifle | Small duffel bag (empty besides the Arkian Lexicon he opens at the beginning of Unseen, his inventory) Inventory: Backup pistol | Avali nanodagger (strapped to his side) | Spare change of civilian clothing (to blend in) | Spare black cloak | History: From birth, Rin was separated from his pack. He was captured by the Blaze, alongside his friend Hylan, while his pack and tribe were executed... ( He was a hatchling then... ) Hylan and Rin were trained to be leaders - tacticians with the ability to lead entire platoons and/or installations. First, they were tested for combat prowess... They were tasked with killing one of their own. When they finally happened upon the target in a cave, Hylan was fatally shot. Rin took down the target, and rushed over to Hylan. "Go on;" Hylan said. "End me. I don't want to have a slow death..." Rin, terrified and urged on by his friend, pulled the trigger... They were 18. The saddened trainee took his friend's cloak as a reminder, and always wears it, alongside his helmet. Five assignments and three promotions later, Rin is 25 and a Lieutenant Colonel. he's called out to replace Ferris on Bauriss. On his way to the planet, however, he decides to read up on his past. He's shocked by what they did to his tribe, and swears revenge... Name: Oliver Kennith Age: 16 Species: Basitin ( http://twokinds.wikia.com/wiki/Basitin ) Alliance: N/A Physical characteristics: Good reflexes, strong-willed, slightly tougher than an average Basitin, quick on his feet. Personality: Cold and calculating, rash yet kind. Specialties: Medical use, rapiers Pros: Brilliant genius, can heal a broken bone in mere minutes. Fairly effective with pistols, knives, and rapiers. Cons: Not very tough, too quick to react for his own good at times. Default Inventory: Medical kit, rapier, precision knife, saw blade, messenger bag, pistol w/ holster, glasses. Ancient scroll, partially destroyed from incantation. (Uses remaining: 1) Requested role: Support/Side-Protagonist Character Backstory: Oliver Kennith was born to a family of officers in the Royal Basidian Guard. It was known from a young age that he was a brilliant genius. His father taught him how to use a rapier, figuring that he would become a member of the Royal Guard as well. Instead of following his family's role, as was expected of him, he decided instead to become a doctor, due to the fact that almost all basidian doctors had little to no medical training. Since there were no good doctors on-planet, he asked his good friend Harold to come with him on his search for a proper medical school. Harold agreed, and together they left their homeworld and flew off to their goal. Three years later (Present day) Oliver has graduated from the University of New Stanford on Earth, just in time for it to be attacked by the Tentacle behemoth. He, Rairi, and Harold barely escaped Earth when the invasion occurred, and were saddened by watching their new home destroyed. Now, he, Harold, and Rairi are traveling with their new friends to unknown destinations. Who will they meet? What will they find? Who knows! Other Stuff: He's mainly a support character. Lost his arm and died of asphyxiation through damaged lung tissue after losing arm. Pretty boring honestly, despite how exciting the event must have been. Oh well... All things must come to an end after all... No matter how pathetically... Name: Rairi Enigma Age: 19 (As of current plot point.) Species: Human Male (Ningen shapeshifter) http://community.playstarbound.com/resources/ningen-race-mod.191/ Physical characteristics: Fast, quick to react, tactician, strong Personality: Calm, caring (True side) Specialties: (crafts, trades, skills, etc.) Mercenary work Pros: Can assess a situation instantly, then put the information to use Cons: Rushes into battle too quickly Default inventory: Scythe, dual pistols, grappling hook, armor and clothing. Requested role: Mysterious character, Pro-tagonist (Get it?) Background: So far, what we know of him is that he's a Ningen shapeshifter - a genetically and cybernetically enhanced human who can shapeshift into others (as long as he's consumed some of their DNA, whether through eating or absorbing with magic). He works with two others - Basitins named Oliver and Harold. Other stuff: Also part of my novel I'm writing ;3 This death is among my favorites. Brutally experimented on by the famed twins of varmint, before having his powers harnessed and painfully torn out of him. Unfortunately for him, he survived the process and in his state of total helplessness, was publicly crucified, cooked, killed, and then finally eaten and devoured by the associates of his former employer... And so fell the slayer of planets. All things must come to an end after all... No matter how powerful... @Solar313(NO LONGER PARTICIPATING) Name: Ruslad Melnik Race: Apex Age: 25 Physical attributes: Thin, lean, wiry, bright green eyes, thick brown hair, small hands and feet, weight: 97 pounds, height: 5 feet 2 inches Personality: Shy, Quiet, calculative, Stats: Strength: 5 Perception: 10 Endurance: 5 Intellect: 10 Agility: 15 Dexterity: 15 Will: 10 Sanity: 10 Positive traits: marksman, blacksmith, ark artifact hunter, survivalist, smart, rifles, pistols, knives. Neutral traits: Speaks Floran, Apex rebel, has pet poptop named Nom, is very skilled with his weapons and rifles but not very good with other weapons, Negative traits: Short tempered, when loses temper becomes extremely irrational and angry, Wanted by Miniknog, has Narcolepsy (sleep disorder), unskilled with weapons and tools apart from what he is accustomed to. Equipment: Full Aegisalt armor, 2 hidden knives and 2 hidden pistols, belt: nanowrap bandage, one small red stimpak, mini knife, backpack with air holes in it Inventory: Slightly burnt photo of family, ration of food, water canteen, Pet poptop named Nom, Pixels: 2000 History: When he was eight his older brother left for college, later that year, Miniknog troops attacked his home and burned the colony down. His parents died defending him and he barely made it out with a photo and his pet Poptop. He escaped by means of the escape ships S.A.I.L. and was adrift for four days before finding a human colony. They welcomed him into their community and for four years taught him how to fly a ship, shoot a gun and survive in the wild. He left a stronger Apex. He was then after captured by slavers and illegal sweatshops, always escaping. He then decided to do something with his life, he therefore bought a broken matter manipulator and fixed it up. While fixing it, he heard of an Apex rebellion against the Miniknog. A way to exact his revenge. He joined and became a highly respected member because of his skills with a forge. Well, until the chaos began. Start: Speildaqt @critsarecool Name:Artyom Vitalyk Age: 35 Species: Drozolian (http://community.playstarbound.com/resources/drozolians.2736/) Alliance: Protagonists Physical characteristics: Light green color, “hair” is a slightly darker green and messily spiked up. Dark blue eyes, resting mouth is downturned. His blazer and white dress shirt are both unbuttoned and ruffled, revealing a white undershirt on underneath, his black tie is undone. His dress pants are ruffled as well, and his shoes are scuffed. Overall a rough appearance. Personality: When sober, irate and easily annoyed. When drunk, calm and cool headed. Pros: Exceptional with weaponry, stealthy, and intuitive. Is able to figure out how to get the job done most efficiently. Hitman, high functioning alcoholic. Neutrals: Calmed when drunk, and prefers to drink with others over alone. Cons: Everything that could go bad does when he’s sober, and the hangovers are killer. He lacks greatly in social skills, as in he’s blunt, not shy. He’ll do anything for the right price, even if that means turning on his employers. Also, he can’t swim. So… he’s terrified of water. Strength: 11 Perception: 16 Endurance: 9 Charisma: 5 Intellect: 13 Agility: 10 Constitution: 13 Dexterity: 10 Will: 11 Sanity: 7 Equipment: Heavily modifiable sniper rifle, energy pistol, combat knife, flask of alchohol, small simple medkit, small blast frag grenade. Inventory: Midsized duffel, various alchohols, change of clothes, and a variety of bullets for his rifle. Backstory: He grew up in an orphanage on a backwater planet. When a firm came around recruiting, he signed up, seeing as he had nowhere else to go except for the iron mines and die an early death. He was 13. Now he is 35, with enough kills under his belt to make a Peglaci peacekeeper shudder. He is living day to day, killing when it’s required of him, drinking the rest of the time. Other stuff: He prefers long range over close up, his favorite brand of alcohol is made by Phobes, it’s very sweet with a bitter aftertaste. He prefers his coffee black and spiked with brandy, and takes hard alcohol over beer or wine. Name Simon Race Apex Age 54 Appearance Old, mottled grey fur. Dark blue eyes, with splashes of grey in them. Skin under fur is a dark tan. Lengthy, muscled frame, approximately 5’11”, 178 pounds. Scarred all over body, from small nicks to complete gouging of flesh. Crooked nose. Has a “resting bitch face”, where he always looks at least slightly peeved off. Personality Merciless. If you are a detriment, or are weak, you are to be cast off. Firm believer in the saying, ‘a chain is only as strong as its weakest link’. Normally very rugged and blunt. Stats Strength: 13 Perception: 8 Endurance: 10 Dexterity: 18 Charisma: 3 Intellect: 10 Agility: 13 Constitution: 14 Will: 14 Sanity: 7 Traits Aspect of Terror: S͗ͩ̂ͪ̎̍̋̑̇̓ͤ͑̽ͯ̚͘͏̼͈̬̻̘̖̮͓̰̰͢͢i̵̷̟̰̘̲̲̫͕͖̤͈̠̘̘̜͒͒͗̌͑̂ͯ̿ͤ͊̂͐̐̈̿̽ͫ͝͝͠ͅͅͅǧ̨ͨͧ̾̌̾͏҉̧̜͖̞̫̖̺̖̩̳̦̹͎͇̭͍̼̯̤h̵̡̭̗̯͍̤͙͖̝͔͎͎̫ͥ̆̈́͒ͨ̈̂̀͟ẗͩ̀̾̀҉̷̧͕̘͎̙͍̠̟̀ͅ ̦̱̻̼͔͖͖̭͍̼̙̞̯͒ͧ̅ͪ̏ͦ́͆̿ͣͬ͆ͯ̍̓̈ͪ̚͟͝͝ͅŏ̵̵̡̳̰̼̳̺̬̼̦̭̮̮̟͎̩̯͔̘̱ͣ̊̓̉̀̒͆̇ͬͣ̑f̆̒͗̋̆͑ͮ̆̆̏ͯͫ̚͟͏͙̥͍̩̥̣͉̻̣͔̤̰͈̝͘ ̨̫̟͇̼̰̜̗̯̤̳̦̩͈̹̫ͤͥͣ͐͆ͦ̀͘͜t̵̢̹̮̲̟̲̲͓͉͊͂͒͐̀̕͜ḧ́ͯ͛̐̔͛̀̾҉̭̗̦̝̥͡a̵̢̱̩̖͋͊͊̀̚͠ͅṱ̢̨̙̱̟ͪͤ̊̓ͨͭ ̶̛̮̱̹̱̝̰͉̥̯̥͖̝̙͈̯̝͙̬̯ͣ̈̄̽͌̉͌̍̂ͧ̍͊ͫ̏͞w̴͙͉̞̹̜͈̦͍̦̪͍͓̻͍̤̣ͬ̈́̋͋ͩ͊̾ͯ̄͢͝h̢̛̲̟̱̘̥͔͙̣̜̹̼̱̏̓̏̏͂ͥ̆̌̋͘͞ḯͦ̒ͧ̔͛̃̑̍̇ͭ̃ͫ̉ͫ҉̡̙̤͙c̷̶̢̦̻̥͈̰̪̝͖̣͍̪͗̆ͬ̓̚͞͠hͩͨ͒ͣ͊͏͚̥̮̹͇̯̰̟ͅ ̒̍ͮͩ̌͑͐҉̵͖̹̥͖̤̤̹̤̱o̴͙̱͔͔̱͓̖̮̬͉͛ͤͮ̊̇̏̀͡͝n̸̮̜̩̘̭͍̳̰̻̝̥͉͖ͣ̏̀̚͝ͅȩ̛̻̙͉͕̖͔̟̼͈̜̤̤̮̭͔̎͒̑́ ̷̵̙̱̙̙̣͎̝̭͙͕̜͚̟̦̖͉̭̦̈͑̊̉̚͢f̫̗͕͉̼̬̦̥̫͕̖̤͎̘̰̟͑ͫͧͩͮ́͞͞ͅͅȩ̴̸̳͔̺̥̺̟̖͎͈͊͂̂̂̊͟a̶̧̭̣̟̖̫̬̤͈̗͓͈͎̓̀̽͒̊̉̈́͢ŕ̢̟̟̮̲̪̭͆̊̋̊̀̔̿̕s͊ͧ̈ͬ̋͒̒̃͊͊ͥ̓̿ͣ̌̈̃ͪ҉͖͉͈̣̲̹̣͇͖͙͓͝ Ex-Minikong: Special training that all Minikong go through makes him hardier than most, and more resilient to torture. Torturer: Having seen, and been a part of, the depravity of apekind, he isn't shocked very easily by scenes that would make normal people’s Sanity crumble. Numb: Due to his life experience, Carson thinks of pain as a mere annoyance, disregarding it. Sewing: Something has to pass the time while waiting for “patients” to regain consciousness, right? Though, the canvas wasn't always cloth... Blunt: He is straightforward to a fault, which can make some situations quite awkward. Depth Perception: Has poor depth perception, making using ranged weapons difficult. Numb: As a side effect of his numbness, he is unable to feel injuries, and may bleed out without realizing that he was even hit. Equipment Soul-infused naginata, blade is constantly flaking grey dust when unsheathed. Set of five throwing daggers, small flask of water, roll of bandages. Inventory Torture kit (assorted tools such as a fingernail remover and a skinner), 3 days worth of MRE'S, small backpack, shoulder holster for naginata, belt holster for knives. Backstory Grew up as an experiment, to see how much the body could physically, and mentally, take before cracking. Due to his, unique, upbringing, he bonded with his tormentors. Eventually the program was deemed a failure, and the torturers took him under their wing, teaching him their trade. During one of the Minikong’s occasional purges, where they tie off loose strings, they found him, and took him away, systematically killing and dumping him with the rest of the bodies. However, this was not the end, this was just the beginning. He had caught Terror’s eye, and was given a second chance. Start Antagonist Fear Afraid of becoming useless, not being valuable for anyone. @FactoringZettaShonic Name: Eva Voss Gender: Female Race: Human Age: 20 Physical appearance: Personality: Very excited about everything and never serious Strength: 5 Perception: 13 Endurance: 7 Charisma: 3 Intellect: 10 Agility: 12 Constitution: 4 Dexterity: 3 Will: 10 Sanity: 13 Traits: Positive traits: Is very good at taming creatures and uses this in battle. Neutral Traits: Likes reading. Easily bored. Negative traits: Very trusting. Not very strong. Can barely hold a gun without somehow stabbing herself. Scared of a lot of things. Adverse to fighting. Refuses to enter dark places(Deepest fear). Equipment: armor: Just normal clothes.items "On belt": An encyclopedia, one red stimpack,one nanowrap. Tools kept in close reach: None Inventory: Mostly just books and a few basic supplies. History: She was traveling from planet to planet gathering books and ended up whereever she is now. Start(Original players ignore this): Jarry halp Other notes: @haynesy566 Name: Kiro Ashwood Race: Hylotl/Floran Hybrid Age: 29 Appearance: Lean and Strong, average height and normally wears lightweight combat suit or the Tough Set (Found on the Starbound Wiki). Has a Scar running over his left eye. His skin is composed of hard scales with a barky texture, colouring is an odd mixture of blue/brown. He has no hair aside from the stunted leaf that gorws awkwardly atop his head. Personality: (This is gonna be tricky) He is calculated, doesn't rush head on into dangerous situations. He's also blinded by loyalty to his friends. He's slightly desensitized to most emotions after his brother was murdered in front of him by Blaze soldiers. Can be overcome by anger which causes him to do unspeakable things to those that cross him. Relies heavily on Silverclaw to be his voice of conscience. Backstory: Kiro never knew his mother. His father never talked about her and he thought it had something to do with traits of his that closely resembled a Floran. He got bullied in school and suffered tremendously. His father was taken away by the Hyltol soldier when he was just thirteen years old. His father instructed him to leave the planet and find someplace safe to live. Since then Kiro had stowed away on a cargo ship heading to a popular city for mercenaries to unwind after work. He was taken in by a friendly group and taught the tricks of the trade then decided to go solo, racking up over three hundred contracts in his first year, he decided that this was his only way of life... until he found out about his brother. He had met Silverclaw and an eccentric Glitch named Shaftcatch who helped him locate his brother but it was too late. The Blaze had murdered him in front of Kiro's eyes, consumed by rage and with the help of Silverclaw, and Shaftcatch, he destroyed the entire Blaze encampment on his brother's home world. Stats: Strength: 15 Perception: 15 Endurance: 10 Charisma: 5 Intellect: 10 Agility: 15 Constitution: 5 Dexterity: 10 Will: 5 Sanity: 10 Traits: Positive: Proficient at combat and hunting, crafting makeshift weapons and is street-wise. Quick thinking. Connections in Black Market and Mercs. Proficient at sneaking. Neautral: Enjoys food, not overly talkative. Negative: Desensitised to most normal emotions, quick to anger. Slight Stim addiction. Has a bounty on his head for crossing a pirate band. Lactose intolerant. Equipment: Vinehacker (Slung across his back) and a Novekid laser pistol he picked up from a Nova trader, also kept in holster on his right leg. Dressed in lightweight combat gear, designed to minimise noise. Keeps two stimpacks and a nanowrap patch handy. Tools include an omnitool, and miniature laser cutter. Inventory: medium food rations, torch, spare bandages and photo of father History: See Backstory Name: Silverclaw (last name unknown) Race: Avian Age: Unknown Appearance: White feathers adorn his body with a blue pattern resembling waves on his back. His talons are covered by serrated steel blades that he uses to tear apart his enemies. Personality: Serious, but has enough normality in him to see if his actions or the actions of other effect those around him. He has a small sense of humour but does not often take much amusement in joke-telling. Backstory: Had a rough upbringing. He didn't quite fit into the Avian way of life, seeing their strong religious traditions as primitive and foolhardy. He left his home planet once he had matured and studied martial arts in a monastery at a neighboring planet. Once he had mastered his unique martial art he moved to one of the cities and took up bodyguard work for many famous people. He quickly became a feared and renowned bodyguard, attracting the attention of Baron Shaftcatch, the rightful heir to the Glitch throne who had been outcast due to his incompetence and outlandish lifestyle. Silverclaw worked with Shaftcatch ever since until the Baron was murdered by Blaze soldiers alongside his fellow Glitchen friend, Vector. Stats: Strength: 10 Perception: 5 Endurance: 15 Charisma: 10 Intellect: 10 Agility: 10 Constitution: 10 Dexterty: 5 Will: 15 Sanity: 10 Equipment: Blades on his talons, a medkit, dressed in plate combat armor. Omni-tool. His other weapon is an implanted EMP in his left wing, it is detonated by Silverclaw saying the command word "Zenith". Traits: Positive: Calm, easy-going. Proficient martial arts skills, skilled cook. Neutral: Sense of humor, likes animals. Negative: Emotionally unstable due to the loss of Shaftcatch, Gluten intolerant, allergic to some types of flowers. History:See backstory Inventory: Small food rations, nano wrap, photo of parents[ @Roland Weiss Name: ‘Surge’ (Real name unknown) Race: Avali Age: Mid-forties Physical Appearance: Encased head to toe in an armoured exoskeleton and standing at 4’4”, Surge is a giant by avali standards. He rarely shows his face, due to a large disfiguring scar across the right side of his face. His armour painted white with red markings that look like blood splatters. Under the armour his plumage is a drab grey. Fig.1, Fig.2 Personality: Dour on a good day, he seems to speak with a calm tone. When he gets into combat however, he livens up in a ‘berserk’ fashion. Stats: Strength: 11 Perception: 9 Endurance: 11 Charisma: 6 Intellect: 9 Agility: 5 Constitution: 10 Dexterity: 10 Will: 9 Sanity: 5 Positive Traits: Swordsmaster- He favours close engagements, where he is most deadly. High Pain Threshold- While just as susceptible to injury as anyone else, Surge is not bothered by non crippling wounds. and physical torture in unlikely to faze him. Armourer- Surge brings some nasty toys to the party, and has learned how to keep them in working order. Champion of Ruin- +5 STR -2WIL -2SAN in combat situations. Neutral Traits: Interested in Philosophy Negative Traits: Lives on the Edge- will not back down from a fight; even when the odds are ‘unfavourable’. Vengeful- A firm believer in ‘An eye for an eye.’ Should someone wrong him, he’ll seek reprisal, hunting those in question with a single minded determination. Deepest Fear, Uselessness- Nothing irks him more then the feeling that there is nothing he can do. Should things be truly hopeless, he is bound to fall into a deep depression. Equipment: Kriegsmesser- a single edged, slightly curved ’sword’ with a straight crossguard and nail. Armoured Exoskeleton- powered, to increase effective strength, as well as protect. Gauss Pistol- with two spare magazines Nanowrap bandage Inventory: Backpack Few days worth of MREs A philosophy book Spare power cell for his exoskeleton Compact tools (for Armourer) History: What can be said about the wanderer who calls himself ‘Surge’? Some say he is motivated by revenge, others say he is simply gripped by wanderlust. In reality he lacks direction, drifting from port to port seeking a cause in life. However, he always finds trouble wherever he goes, leaving a bloody path after carving up those who have wronged him. @Quilavabom Name: Nepaomi (Nepi) Species: Kineptic Age: 22 Sex: Male Height: 2'11" Weight: 30 lbs. Appearance: He has soft, dark brown (dominant color) and tan fur, a red strobe gland that turns marigold when under stress, a little pink nose, and cyan irisis with a marigold rim. His cheek fur is mid-length and blends in to his half-mane on the back of his neck. He is rather slim with a lean musculature, and his four tails are sleek, but not so thin as to be whip-like. He wears a denim-colored, marigold-trim padded vest with a gray t-shirt underneath, and his cargo shorts are gray with a dark-gray waistband. The backside has four short sleeves for his tails, which also have a marigold trim at the openings. His gloves are dark gray with marigold accents, and the focii on the back of his gloves are red. Personality: Simple, but not simple-minded, Nepaomi typically will take the path of least resistance whenever opposition rears its ugly head. He's a good-natured, gentle young man who is steadfast in his morals and upbringing. When left to his own devices and undisturbed he takes on a stoic demeanor, in his own words described as: "Just existing." When engaged, it takes him a short moment to transition to a more responsive state. He's learned to cover this transition with simple, reflexive responses. Though he dislikes crowds, he's prone to showing off a bit when an appropriate opportunity presents itself. This tendency is exacerbated when someone else is grandstanding at the expense of a less able individual; he is not sure if this stems from a desire to put the offender in his place, take the negative attention away from the victim, or to prove to himself that he's just as good as anyone else. Underneath his gentle, playful exterior, however, a heart beats for justice. Hearing of murders, extortions, or any other manner of the helpless or innocent being taken advantage of seems to have little effect (though there are certain triggers that can send him into a fit), but personally witnessing such an event will throw him into an indignant rage. Depending on the severity of what he witnessed, he can become hostile and even flat-out dangerous. LVL: 2 Strength: 2 Perception: 9 Endurance: 10 Charisma: 3 Intellect: 7 Agility: 9 Constitution: 15 Dexterity: 10 Will: 15 Sanity: 10 Positive traits: + Glovetech mitigates physical frailty + Natural night vision + Heavily resistant to nonlocal poisons and drugs + Small: easily slips through the cracks, infiltrates and escapes easier + Light: rickety bridges over chasms aren't much of a problem, can piggyback stronger allies, easy to carry to safety if he overexerts himself Neutral traits: Encyclopedic knowledge of kineptic society Likes to spar with others Doesn't take more than or better than what he needs Occasionally makes really bad puns Extremely flexible Collects shiny rocks Negative traits: - Righteous (Does not lie, cheat, steal, etc. for selfish gain) - Cannot communicate without gloves - No thumbs without gloves - Math intolerant - May draw unwanted attention due to being a rare species - Communicating in the dark gives away position (strobe gland) - Exotic technology - Stims have no effect - "I might need this later" Syndrome Equipment: Padded vest with removable metal inserts, gloves, module gauntlet extension (holds 3 modules for rapid swapping) Modules on hand: Pyrokinesis, Lithokinesis, Pulse, Cloaking, Healing, Warding A small pouch to hold pretty gemstones that he finds. Inventory: Food History: Nepaomi doesn't have much of a story to tell. He grew up on his species' homeworld of Nepet, safe from the dangers of a hostile universe. From time to time reports would come in from the outside about significant events: a new intelligent species popping up over here, a civilization collapsing over there, one people being conquered by an invasion while another was freeing itself from the grip of tyranny, and other such happenings. It bothered him that the tragic stories were far more frequent than the good ones which had, in fact, become less and less common. The concept of such a place was difficult for him to comprehend, even though he knew the history of his people like the back of his glove. If it truly was that bad out there, perhaps it could use a little good to balance things out a little. Maybe he could do something. But Nepaomi was a realist and knew one tiny, insignificant kineptic would be about as effective against a hostile universe as using a fork to drain an ocean. Instead, he settled for sight-seeing and gathering up a few exotic gems for his collection back at home. And hey, if he could help a few people out along the way, all the better. Maybe he'd even be able to compile some history records on other species to bring back home. Everything would probably be just fine, right? Right? Deepest Fear: [redacted] @ShatteredEntirely Name: Olan "Flare" Vaneskii Age: Mid to early 20s Race: Avian Alliances: USCM (Former) Redtail Securities (Defunct) Description: A medium-light build (140 lbs), yet lanky (About 6' 5") specimen of the Avian species, muddy dark greenish colored feathers. Moves quietly and quick on his feet, he stands up straight at least. Gives an outward initial appearance of a calm, cool and collected marksman. Personality: Caring, friendly usually panicked/worried to some degree, speculative, inquisitory to a fault, knows how to take a hint, breaks easily under pressure. Traits (Good): Fast and light, usually aware of things, excellent marksman, his feathers blend into foliage easily. Traits (Neutral): Enjoys collecting postcards, plays the violin, prone to snapping a bit when bored. Traits (Negative): Easily panicked, afraid of the dark, He can (doesn't mean he will) snap, or get pushed off the deep end and ending up shooting someone/something. Stats: Strength: 5 Perception: 20 Endurance: 6 Charisma:5 Intellect: 10 Agility: 9 Constitution: 5 Dexterity: 8 Will: 6 Sanity: 6 (Ah yes, the SPECIACDWS system) Inventory: Camouflaged steel full tactical armor ESSR-21c Gauss marksman rifle, paratrooper carbine. (7.62mm variable munition flechettes) The ESSR-21c is a compact folding stock version of the popular rifle, in the human 7.62mm caliber it fires flechettes that can range from simple "dumb darts" to self-guided (and expensive) HE missiles. It is also a magnetically fired weapon, meaning light recoil, and incredible muzzle velocities but it requires two ammunition types. The flechettes themselves and a solar-powered capacitor. P-44c Lightweight, compact, integrally suppressed pistol. (45. ACP) Personal Data Tablet Load bearing backpack Flares High powered flashlight (Almost blinding) Survival kit (MREs, toiletries, stimpacks, Olan's favorite postcards, etc) M36 Survival Knife Backstory: Olan was born into a grounded Avian settlement on a borderworld, where he became the beloved little brother of all the young birds in the village, meaning that his entire childhood was full of pranks played on him. The final defining "prank" was when a kluex-loyal warship warped to the planet unnoticed and began firing into the town at night. Poor little Olan was then constantly afraid of the dark, first because of the torment of the other children and the sight of all the people he had ever known killed in front of him from some unknown assailant. His parents managed to grab him and take him offworld before he was killed as well. After this, and a few years amongst the stars, he willingly drafted into the USCM xeno detachment (pretty much the French Foreign Legion in SPACE!) during a campaign against the influences of Kluex, where he served as a sniper. He later was dropped out of service because of his reputation as "Flare" regarding his fear of the dark and his use of flares, which almost burned down the HQ of his battalion. Out of service and looking for work he joined Redtail Securities, a fledgling private security company on their first foray into an actual contract. Sadly, this was not the case, as he's now stuck in this hellhole they call the Twentieth Sector. Start: Olan finds his ship, the RSC Zephyr has managed to crash land onto σπß-42's Rasq. The zephyr has already sent out an emergency distress signal, all alone, he hopes to survive. @ReinaO3O(NO LONGER PARTICIPATING) Name: Helios Mirane Age: Unknown/Can’t Remember (looks young) Species: Novakid Physical appearance: A female golden Novakid with long wavy corona, her brand is an omega symbol. She wears a black vest with gold buttons, sheriff’s slacks, fingerless hunting gloves, and she occasionally wears a cowboy hat. She's 5'7' with a thin frame. Personality: ✦Helios cannot display her emotions due to the lack of a face, thus she is very expressive through hand gestures and her body. ✦The Novakid’s outer appearance is bright and cheerful, she tries to treat everyone with respect and kindness. She seems very emotional, however, Helios is actually logical and bases her decisions on reason and what the best outcome would be, over other people’s opinions and concern. ✦Helios’ loyalty is easily wavered if it comes down to “what would help the majority?” She wants to better the future, even if it means a few sacrifices must be made along the way. ✦She’s extremely curious, tending to ask other races and people about their lives and inquiring more info on them. When she was younger, she realized how awful her memory was and started to record anything she finds interesting or needs to remember, into a journal. Stats: Strength: 6 Perception: 9 Endurance: 8 Charisma: 10 Intellect: 12 Agility: 8 Constitution: 8 Dexterity: 5 Will: 8 Sanity: 6 Traits: Positive: ✦Excellent marksman, Helios came from a line of Novakids who were extremely talented with guns, bows and any long range weapons. She knows all the ins and outs of nearly all guns that exist and carries a hefty arsenal of them with her on her adventures. ✦Instinctive, Novakids are known to be more intuitive than all the other races. She can tell if someone has the intent to harm her ✦Adaptability, “Everything is false until proven wrong. Knowledge is belief, thus you cannot be certain of truth.” She isn’t really phased if something ends up being wrong, even reality. The Novakid can adapt to tough situations easily. Neutral: ✦Talkative, she’ll try and talk her way out of everything, preferring to try all options before resorting to violence. Negative: ✦Helios hates not knowing things, she dislikes not having information, as long as she has even a small description of something or someone, she is content. If not, she’s persistent on receiving (even if it’s incorrect) details on a subject. ✦Despite being an excellent marksman, she’s usually the last to pull out her weapon. Initiation is not her strong point. ✦She writes down everything on a journal. Her thought processes is very disorganized, so she tends to switch in and out of topics and her sentences are quite disjointed. If you were to see her journals it’s...quite a trip, due to how disconnected and chaotic everything is. Thus why she keeps it hidden from others. She's afraid of seeming insane. ✦The only person she truly cares about, is Ace, the only person from her home planet that understood her. Because of that, he is her weakness and she puts his safety above everyone else’s, including her own. ✦She has a fear of being forgotten; afraid that her existence is meaningless. That fear, is what drives her to write in journals, she wants to be useful. Equipment: A travel backpack, a revolver, a sniper and a SMG (carried on body, imagine borderlands 2). In battles or when she’s out adventuring she’s usually wearing belts containing ammo. Carries a journal and a mechanical pencil with refills. Inventory: Extra weapons/weapon components on the ship, a huge closet with both her and Ace's extra clothes, a bookshelf full of old journals from when the two were younger and untouched ones encase they run out. Backstory: Helios’ colony of Novakids were not allowed to move about the cosmos like others, because of the recent activities with the ark, after giving up the struggle and settling down, her colony became simpleminded people, who decided to just sit back and watch how the universe will end. They found the struggles of the fleshier inhabitants in the universe, as futile and pointless, refusing any alliances that people attempted to form with them. Helios was born after they had settled down, so she had never seen the stars, she grew up to be a curious girl who liked to ask questions. She was always curious about the strange races that came to visit her planet, stopping by to buy food or refuel their ship. Constantly berated by her parents for questioning whether or not it was ethical to sit back and not help or asking what the universe outside of their planet was like. She grew tired of being coddled and upset at how confining their society was. She began to dream of exploration, thus she enrolled into flight school. Later, becoming one of the top students and graduating at a very young age. After that, she and Ace became a team and decided to venture out into the cosmos. Name: Ace Age: Prefers not to disclose/Doesn't really care (looks young) Species: Novakid Physical appearance: A male blue Novakid, with a long wispy ponytail-like corona, his brand is an X. He wears a long black coat, black work gloves and a scarf given to him by Helios as a gift when they were younger. Ace is 5'9" he's built quite thin. Personality: ✦Ace isn’t very expressive, in body language. The easiest way to know what he’s feeling is through the tone of his voice. ✦He’s unlike a lot of the other Novakids, deciding to stay silent instead of speaking out his mind. However, whenever he does speak, his words are very catty and rude. Helios is the only one he has a soft side with. ✦He’s very dependent on people he’s close to, clinging to them for support and protection. The best way to describe him is a child blindly following their guardian. ✦Despite being the tactical one of the duo, he’s actually extremely emotional. Most of his decisions put the lives of his comrades over efficiency. He doesn’t want anyone he’s close with, to get hurt. Stats: Strength: 6 Perception: 12 Endurance: 6 Charisma: 4 Intellect: 14 Agility: 4 Constitution: 6 Dexterity: 8 Will: 10 Sanity: 10 Traits: Positive: ✦Engineer/Technician, Ace grew up fixing electronics and eventually started to study engineering. He usually sits on Helios’ ship, performing maintenance. If you need something fixed, he’s the right person to ask. ✦Quick Thinker, he is able to come up with a conclusion in a tight spot, one that prioritizes self preservation and safety of those he cares about. It doesn’t matter what the outcome is, as long as those he cares about is unharmed. ✦Loyal and devoted, he’ll follow those he considers as friends and family to the ends of the universe. ✦He know how to cook. Neutral: ✦Observer, Ace will choose watch and listen to those around him, over joining in on the conversation or participate in activities. He will only join if someone asks for his input and or requests that he joins them. Negative: ✦Blind devotion, if he trusts someone, he won’t go against their judgment, of his own will. ✦Stubborn, if someone tells him that what he is following or what he believes in is ridiculous, he’ll refuse to believe them. The only one that can sway his mind is Helios. ✦Not a fighter, he’s a strategist and a technician, he has no skill in battle except self defense, but that is about it. He’s best utilized with planning, than executing. ✦Dependent, he’s dependent on others to live. Despite being cold he’ll cling to people, thus why he keeps his mouth shut. Equipment: A Backpack, a portable S.A.I.L. device, which he uses when he’s away from the ship's console (think of it like car keys + a smartphone). He carries an army knife and a taser, both used for self defense. Inventory: Several toolboxes full of items to maintain Helios’ ship. Extra clothes in the ship. Food in the ship. Backstory: Ace was an orphan, his mother gave birth to him and completely forgot about his existence. He grew up under a lot of abuse and cruelty, because of how poor his living conditions were, he became extremely bitter towards his biological mother’s actions, so he decided to go against what Novakids were known for, having a short attention span. He started to keep journals to write down important events in his life, using it as a way to develop self discipline and forcing himself to start remembering things that would have been lost to his kind. One day he met another Novakid. At first he was extremely cold towards the girl because he thought she was another mindless bimbo, that was until the girl started to keep a journal like him. Of course her journal was more observations of people, other races and findings, while his was more personal experiences. But the two bonded over the fact that they wanted to record their life, unlike everyone else. Ace began to study engineering, strategics and technician, while she studied combat and weapon smithing. The two later became a team after graduating and set out to explore the cosmos. Promising Helios’ mother that they’d return home one day and that they’ll keep in touch through S.A.I.L. @Jirky-Kake (NO LONGER PARTICPATING) Name: Clair Jolt Race: Felin (http://community.playstarbound.com/resources/felins.68/) Age: 25 Physical Appearance: Weighing in at about 70 lbs. and 4' 6", Clair is very small in stature and is somewhat sensitive about this. Her fur color is mainly a pale yellow with her hands, feet, the base of her tail, chest and belly being a light brown. Her face has three parallel scars that go down on the left side, the scar in the middle going right over her eye. She has heterochromia, meaning that both of her eyes are differently colored; her left eye is green while her right eye is a sky blue. Her hair is slightly darker than her fur color, is consistently messy, and short--about shoulders length. She has a small, black button-like nose, like that of a cats with two pointed ears that pokes out of her hair. Her tail is almost two feet long and is prone to dragging across the floor depending on her mood. Personality: Her personality can vary at times, as she can be playful and happy at one moment, but turn spiteful and angry in the next. Due to this, she tends to keep to herself, becoming a loner a lot of the time to avoid confrontation that might suddenly change her mood for the worse. When in a good mood, she can be nice and a little mischievous. However, on the opposite end, she can be temperamental, difficult, and aggressive. Stats: Strength: 2 Perception: 12 Endurance: 12 Charisma: 3 Intellect: 6 Agility: 14 Constitution: 11 Dexterity: 12 Will: 6 Sanity: 7 Traits: Great at fishing, electric weapons specialist (resistant to electric attacks) loves exploration/traveling favorite food: fish, likes being out in the rain bipolar disorder, Blaze deserter, very difficult to wield heavy/high-recoil/large weaponry and wearing medium/heavy armor Great Fear: Planetary flight or flight with gravity Equipment: comfortable clothes; A dark-grey t-shirt, short jeans. A small roll of nanowrap patches (three nanowrap patches). A small dagger with an electrified blade. Two pistols that fire electric rounds. A sky-blue satchel Inventory: a wire necklace with a small, yellow shard of a gem as a pendant and an old, silver-like badge (not made of actual silver). History: After leaving a guild that disbanded four years ago, Clair tried to find new meaning by being hired as a mercenary for Blaze. However a few months later, she left on her own terms. [/spoiler] @Jareix Cryvix -Head GM @Relten -Co-GM IF I AM MISSING SOMETHING OR YOU HAVE QUESTIONS, LET ME KNOW! *I WON'T BE OFFENDED! *unless you are intentionally being a dick... In which case, shove off...
by the way, a gift to everyone who was in the previous RP's @DustyScabbard, @The Alonne, @Kaiachi, @Capn' Kane, @haynesy566, @zeskorion, @Arra, @critsarecool You start off at Lv 3! You start off with 100 pts to spend rather than just 80!
Sorry, but yes. Luckily you can for the most part copy paste everything over... Though the stats and traits you'll need to create... (Nnnngghhhhhh... Too tired....)
I'm a little unsure of how the stat thing works, so how many of them can we have if we are level three? And how do we write it in the app? Just the name of the stat?
The way it works is that you invest stat points into each stat, of which you have all of them. Each level adds an additional ten points to your pool of stats, allowing you to increase them further. So it should look a little something like this: Lvl3 Strength:7 Perception: 13 Endurance: 12 Charisma: 10 Intelligence: 8 Agility: 19 Dexterity: 12 Constitution: 8 Will: 6 Sanity: 5 7+13+12+10+8+19+12+8+6+5=100 You can essentially think of it as each stat starting with 10, but then you can displace those points from one stat into other stats. Most other people would start with only 80 points to spend, so they'd have to either resort to be below average but well rounded, or very specialized.
@Jareix Cryvix Name: Harold Munin Age: ?? Species: Basitin ( Previously) Ningen (Currently) ( http://community.playstarbound.com/resources/ningen-reboot.3398/ ) Alliance: Fate Physical characteristics: 5'11 | Around 130 lbs. w/o armor, 170 with | Blue, cat-like eyes | Sloppily parted brown hair | Calm voice | Slightly handsome | Personality: Cheerful on the surface, but slightly mentally distressed underneath. Good traits: He's good with staff weapons, making distractions, being unnoticed. Also quick, has good reflexes, has been trained by the Royal Guard, and when he means to kill... well, you don't want to find out. Neutral traits: Enjoys most types of music, tends to try and cheer others up, likes to draw. Bad traits: Too sloppy, too trusting, doesn't take things seriously, too laid back in general. Believes he's doing the right thing, but is Fate's pawn... Takes things too far, is too loyal. Default inventory: Rairi's scythe "Crescent of Fate", backpack, iron armor (Under his clothes), pistol. Requested role: Protagonist Backstory: Harold Munin was born to a family of Royal Guards, like his friend Oliver. Though two years separated them, they were still the best of friends. They trained together, fought together, and explored together. His mother trained him in acrobatics and his father taught him how to wield rapiers. Sadly, Harold was no good at this and tried to find different weapons that would suit him better. He learned that he was good with staff weapons (polearms), axes, and that he was okay at using broadswords. When he was 10 and Oliver was 12, they set out to find Oliver a medical school so he could become a proper doctor after Harold had graduated from the Royal Guard academy. When they arrived at Earth, Harold met Rairi for the first time. During the time Oliver was taking classes at New Stanford, Harold trained under Rairi to become better at scythes. He also crafted his first nano-scythe, using a mix of Ningen and Basitin technology to make an ancient form of scythe: Made with a strong wood as the arm of the weapon, this Kamiko scythe was forged by hand - Both Rairi's and Harold's. Though it couldn't slice through armor as easily as Rairi's, it got the job done on medium and light armored opponents. When Oliver graduated, he, Rairi, and Harold celebrated before deciding to head on an adventure together. It was a good time, too, because as they were leaving the Tentacle behemoth attacked. After the events of Untold, Oliver goes back to his homeworld to teach medicine, while Harold awakens in a strange maze... Strength: 9 Perception: 10 Endurance: 10 Charisma: 5 Intellect: 10 Agility: 13 Constitution: 7 Dexterity: 14 Will: 12 Sanity: 10 Other stuff: Harold thinks he's becoming the hero. But what's really going on...? Art:
Physical characteristics. As in height, weight, looks, etc. What about traits? (Used instead of pros and cons) Also, there's no real "requested role" requirement, though it's good for you to have it there. And by the way, there's a bit of a difference between "Controlling" and "Manipulating"