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Bug/Issue (unstable 0.9) Early Game Desert Planets Bugging the Player Ship

Discussion in 'Starbound Support' started by Daxwred, Jul 17, 2016.

  1. Daxwred

    Daxwred Void-Bound Voyager

    So, I've run into this bug twice now on two different characters. So I thought I might as well bring it up. I'm a hylotl while on the quest to look for things on forest planets I have gone ahead to a desert planet instead/also because I ran out of things on the surface of the forest planet but that is another story. Any who when in orbit of the desert planet the first tell is that when I sit in my captain's chair no navigation menu pops up. So I have a hard time leaving the planet, this bug also seems to affect saving of the ship world and loading the planet world as I get perpetually stuck in the teleport animation until I force the game to close and start it up again. Which has cause a duplication of stuff on my ship before where I picked up a table from my ship went into my teleporter, got stuck, quit and restarted the game and now had the same table where I left it on the ship and in my inventory. Also it affected death once, I died and skipped the animation then sat there staring at an empty ship with out movement controls or the ability to click on the teleporter where I assumed my character was. I hope that is enough information to pin it down because this is a very annoying bug.
  2. Crixalis

    Crixalis Master Chief

    same here - im also a hylotl btw :rofl:

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