RELEASED UPDATED: Rival Events for Maru and Penny (now includes Poly options!)

Discussion in 'Mods' started by BrintheHufflepuff, May 1, 2019.

  1. BrintheHufflepuff

    BrintheHufflepuff Scruffy Nerf-Herder


    Rival Events for Maru and Penny!

    One thing I had always loved about the original Harvest Moon games were
    Rival Events! I felt it gave more life to the game and the characters!
    So, I wanted to try my hand at making some rival events for Stardew
    Valley. I've seen some rival events for the vanilla couples, but I
    always loved the idea of Penny and Maru together! I had so much fun
    making this!


    • Six new events! Three for Penny and three for Maru at heart levels 4, 6, and 8.
    • The option to either help Penny and Maru get together or keep them apart
    • Talk to people around town to see what they think of Maru and Penny's relationship!

    NEW (optional) FEATURES:
    • Six new poly events! Get invited into Maru and Penny's relationship, go on a date as a trio, and, if you get married, four new dates for you to go on, one per season!
    • This mod is necessary if you want to marry Maru and Penny at the same time.

    Things to Come (Eventually):
    • Other Rival Couples
      • Next in mind for me is Sam/Sebastian (And then maybe Sam/Sebastian/Abigail)
      • I hope to make Rival Events for all the characters eventually!
    • Thanks to sivolobwho who made an AMAZING guide on how to create custom events. Without that guide, I would have been stuck at takeoff!
    • This is the appearance mod I'm using in the photos, for anyone interested.
    • Simply put the unzipped folder into your StardewValley\Mods folder!
    • Make sure you have smapi and content patcher installed!
    • If you want to see the Poly Events, go into the config.json and turn "Poly Relationship" from "false" to "true"
    • If you want to know the event triggers, please read the "readme"

    There shouldn't be any conflicts with existing mods! But if anyone comes
    across any conflicts or sees any mistakes, please let me know!


      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Jun 14, 2019
    • LibraryLass

      LibraryLass Subatomic Cosmonaut

      Awesome! I love this!

      Though I have to admit I'm a little bummed that you chose both of my favorite girls for your first mod. But hey, maybe that'll get me out of my comfort zone enough to start paying more attention to Emily or someone.
      • BrintheHufflepuff

        BrintheHufflepuff Scruffy Nerf-Herder

        Or you could download a polygamy mod and be a happy little triad :')
          LibraryLass likes this.
        • DreamerDrop

          DreamerDrop Scruffy Nerf-Herder

          The mod my heart has always longed for...

          Thank you so much for this? I'm so glad people thought they'd be a sweet couple too. :nuruflirt:
          • Kourah

            Kourah Master Chief

            This is lovely ♡
            I really hope you do more couples! I'll be looking forward to it.
            • LibraryLass

              LibraryLass Subatomic Cosmonaut

              Darn right I will.
              • mirnamika

                mirnamika Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                Could you please do Abigail and Sebastian? They've been my otp since I started playing.
                • Kourah

                  Kourah Master Chief

                • BrintheHufflepuff

                  BrintheHufflepuff Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                  I don't have any plans to do Abigail and Sebastian at the moment, but after I finish my Sam/Sebastian events, I want to write some events for Sam/Sebastian/Abigail as a trio :)
                  • BrintheHufflepuff

                    BrintheHufflepuff Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                    MAJOR UPDATE

                    Spring Heart Event.png

                    Fixed: The first event will now trigger only on Thursday not any other days.
                    Fixed: If you've done the community upgrade, you can now still trigger Penny's 6 Heart Rival Event
                    New: If you talk with certain NPCs within four days after an event triggers, they will make comments. Robin, Demetrius, Sam, Sebastian, Harvey, Penny, Maru, and Pam all have a couple new lines
                    New: The option for a poly relationship!
                    • This adds 6 new events! An event at 8 hearts, an event at 10 hearts, and 4 events at 12 hearts after you marry both Penny and Maru. One new event for each season.
                    • Simply go into the config folder, set "Poly Relationship" to "true". The default is "false."

                      GayOreos and Ombeliane like this.
                    • sleepycakes

                      sleepycakes Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                      this is great! i've always loved the idea of them as a couple, and rival events were one of my favorite parts of HM too! thanks for the cool mod <3
                      • panpixiepixels

                        panpixiepixels Yeah, You!

                        this mod is absolutely lovely!! thank you so much for creating it, and to anyone curious if it still works, I'm playing in stardew valley 1.5 + stardew valley expanded and it works amazing (with a few minor glitches but nothing serious) thank you!!
                        • SolarCurious

                          SolarCurious Void-Bound Voyager

                          Does this work with multiple spouses? I'm already married to Penny and I don't want to date Maru, but It'd be nice to see them together too.
                          • Lokfun1995

                            Lokfun1995 Void-Bound Voyager

                            So quick question : is it still pissoble to marry both penny and maru at the same time since the dependency for it has changed ? I tried to just offer the pendant to both of them, but the second one refused.
                            • Armita93

                              Armita93 Intergalactic Tourist

                              Just wanted to add on that I've been playing with this mod and as of Oct 2022, it still works. There are a couple small hiccups coming out of an event but nothing game breaking that I've seen. I am now looking into how to marry both Maru and Penny with the linked mod taken down. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to marry one and then the other or if there is a way to marry both in one ceremony. Either way, love this mod and I'm so glad it's still accessible here.
                              • QueenTallLegs

                                QueenTallLegs Space Hobo

                                I actually really like this mod, and this got me thinking. I saw you saying you had plans for Seb and Sam, but i've also been looking for a mod for Sandy and Emily, you've done SUCH a great job with this mod (and i'm just giving ideas) but I feel like that would be an amazing mod for the Sandy x Emily fans (basically me).

                                P.S. Keep up the great work btw, you've done an amazing job with just this one i'm sure there is more to come!:nuruflirt:
                                • Ches713

                                  Ches713 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                  I've had this mod for years and I've really enjoyed using it! Personally I think they're much better suited to each other than their "vanilla" pairings so I'm happy to have this option. But I think it's broken after the 1.6 update, either that or its not compatible with SVE or something? I'm in fall and an event triggered in town, where Penny told me she's waiting for Maru to finish her shift so they can do their usual picnic by the saloon. But then when that dialogue ends, nothing else happens and the event is stuck. I was able to hit the Skip button to get out of it but now I'm worried I've locked myself out of their story for this save :(
                                  Not sure if you're still active in Stardew but thought I'd let you know just in case. Hope it's something you'd be up for fixing <3
                                  • GayOreos

                                    GayOreos Space Hobo

                                    Love this so much!! Can you do one where Robin and Dem break up over time, leaving Robin dateable? I understand if its too much work, I just honestly think Demetrius is toxic :p
                                    • the_orist

                                      the_orist Aquatic Astronaut

                                      hey so i fixed it on my game, it was an issue with the code. where it says "warp maru 36 56 2" you have to delete the 2, same with harvey's warp, and it works fine
                                      • batsandroses

                                        batsandroses Intergalactic Tourist

                                        There's a few spots with issues in the events, but I think I managed to get all of the ones I saw so far working! I really enjoy this mod and I'm glad I can play it!

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