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RELEASED Uros IV (RAM's version) v4.1

A ship that's a small, domed world.

  1. Mooncalf99

    Mooncalf99 Spaceman Spiff

    Okay, here's an actual problem.

    I decided to redesign a lot - basically building a cool house on the shipworld surface and moving the ship features to new places. Including the teleporter.

    However, when I teleport back to the ship, I appear in the OLD teleporter location... which happen to be underground. (See pointer location.)
    From what I can tell, the game teleports to a fixed location on the ship, rather than the actual teleporter. I guess you'd have to recalibrate the target when you place the teleporter, maybe?

    Is this a fixable thing? I can live with it if it's not, but it would be nice to have my shipbase work properly.
  2. greenRAM

    greenRAM Giant Laser Beams

    Sorry. I hate that too. If I could fix that I really would. From what I can tell that fixed teleporting position is something that can't be changed.
  3. TAImatem

    TAImatem Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I think I've seen either a command or a mod (or both) that changes spawn location, haven't tried it myself though
    Upd: found that mod! http://community.playstarbound.com/resources/world-start-modifier.4294/ (it also can be found on Steam) I will try to use it on a ship now
    Upd2: Works flawlessly (btw, there is also /setspawnpoint command. Works too, but requires admin privileges)
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2017
    Mooncalf99 and greenRAM like this.
  4. greenRAM

    greenRAM Giant Laser Beams

    This post is just to point you towards TAImatem's post above. Looks like a clever coder figured it out. I'll add the link to the main page.
    Mooncalf99 likes this.
  5. Mooncalf99

    Mooncalf99 Spaceman Spiff

    Groovy. :)
  6. Mooncalf99

    Mooncalf99 Spaceman Spiff

    The Glitch version of the Uros is very much messed up.
    This is what I arrived to, right after escaping Earth. No floor, no roof, no rainmakers. Other than those stone background blocks and the items attached to them, there's nothing. Oh, and the teleporter and captain's chair are gone too.

    Please fix this.
  7. TAImatem

    TAImatem Subatomic Cosmonaut

    was there anything interesting in logs? It looks like it failed to place dirt and stone for some reason
  8. Mooncalf99

    Mooncalf99 Spaceman Spiff

    Here's a pastebin log file for anyone interested: http://pastebin.com/yWK40YC3
    It does complain a lot about nonexistent Hylotl rainmakers, but no errors showing up when I arrive on the ship. I'm going to test the other races. Maybe crack open the paks and see if anything obvious shows up.

    Edit: False alarm. It turns out the culprit was our old friend, "Conflicting mods". Specifically, I had LoPhatKao's Racially Appropriate Ship Backgrounds installed, and removing that made things work just fine. Not sure why the Apex was unconflicted, but anyway. Things are fine now.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2017
  9. greenRAM

    greenRAM Giant Laser Beams

  10. balcoth2

    balcoth2 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I really like this mod but is not available for the custom race I play: the Avikan. They are similar to the Avali but less technological and that seems to fit more with a barren chunk of rock as your spaceship when compared with the very tech savvy Avali. I was wondering if there was a way to edit the .pak file to work with the Avikan custom race. please be descriptive as this will be my first time editing a starbound mod
    greenRAM likes this.
  11. TAImatem

    TAImatem Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Just checked that Avikan mod and saw a big problem: they use drawn background instead of tiles... Actually that might not be that bad, since (iirc) I made my program use tiles from the mod that has them, so it should use Uros's tiles then (use the race with the most appropriate background tiles)
    Now, about editing the mod itself: first, you should pick the version you will be editing, then I would suggest you to add universe_server.config.patch file in main folder of the mod with text similar to this:
        { "op" : "replace"
        ,"path" : "/speciesShips/felin"
        ,"value" : [ "/ships/felin/felint0.structure", "/ships/felin/felint1.structure", "/ships/felin/felint2.structure", "/ships/felin/felint3.structure", "/ships/felin/felint4.structure", "/ships/felin/felint5.structure", "/ships/felin/felint6.structure", "/ships/felin/felint7.structure", "/ships/felin/felint8.structure" ]
    (replacing "felin" in "path" with you race's name is mandatory, "value" points to .structure files in Ships/<racename> folder (which you should rename to your race's name))
    After all of that you should edit blockkey.config to match you race's furniture (easiest way is to simply use the program that I posted earlier)
    Hope I made it clear enough
    greenRAM likes this.
  12. greenRAM

    greenRAM Giant Laser Beams

    TAImatem explained it pretty well. Included in the download is a version for the Avali. You can use that as a template to make a version for any other race. I'll make a quick version real quick... looks like the race mod that the race comes from is the Elithian Races Mod. So, I'll make that as the dependency and up the priority by one just to be safe. Here's the download link of my quick edit of the Avali version...


    ...and there we go! Now, let me test it to see if it works.... yup! Works! I'll update the main download with the addition of the new ship race replacement here.
  13. greenRAM

    greenRAM Giant Laser Beams

  14. TAImatem

    TAImatem Subatomic Cosmonaut

    So, greenRAM, what about me adding extra race versions? (asked about it quite a while back)
  15. greenRAM

    greenRAM Giant Laser Beams

    Sorry. I tend to stay away from creating cross mod addons like that, at least for mods I don't really use. It's hard to get motivated by projects that I don't get to play with when I'm finished. I got a couple made already though, so it wouldn't be too hard for someone else to use them as a base to create others. Sorry for the late reply. I don't have much time for fun stuff like this these days.
  16. TAImatem

    TAImatem Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I was basically asking for permission to upload my edits (currently done for Felin and Fenerox). We could continue that discussion in PM, if you want
  17. greenRAM

    greenRAM Giant Laser Beams

    I see. Sounds good. I didn't read your message right. Sorry about that. You or anyone else is always free to use anything I've worked on.
  18. TAImatem

    TAImatem Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Just noticed that you actually use different plant colours for each race, so I'm going to adjust this first. After that I will upload it in here in this thread and (some time later) in Workshop and as a mod in playstarbound
    PS Hope it's easy to make Workshop show more than one creator
    PPS Biggest reason for me to want to upload my edits is because Workshop and standard mods sometimes aren't able to see each other for some reason

    EDIT: BTW, am I allowed to upload exe files by rules (can't find this forum's mod upload rules)? Want to include the ship adaptation program I uploaded some time ago in this thread
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2017
  19. greenRAM

    greenRAM Giant Laser Beams

  20. Mooncalf99

    Mooncalf99 Spaceman Spiff

    This mod remains my all-time favorite ship replacer. I absolutely cannot go back to old vanilla ships anymore.
    greenRAM likes this.

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