Useless room.

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Scarlet36, Apr 1, 2020.

  1. Scarlet36

    Scarlet36 Space Hobo

    I'm sure this has been suggested before but I prefer to play my game childless, which means the upgrade to the cabin that adds the spare two rooms leaves me with a useless room with two beds and a crib in it. It would be awfully nice to be able to take a hatchet to those or shove them into a storage box and free up the room for other uses. Nice Library, formal dining room, you know... something useful!
    • Scritchowl

      Scritchowl Big Damn Hero

      Siince its supposed to be the "upstairs attic fill it with creepy dolls, krobus and a talking skull that wants you to make wine and cognac"

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