Hello, my friend and i have been playing Stardew Valley and a long story short we can be get kind of competitive with each other. so when the fair came around we trying to see who could get the most fish in the fishing mini game. after 5 rounds of fishing i found that each time i played i could only get 6 fish with each being a perfect and no trash or gaps of waiting for them to bite. my friend then barged to me about how she was able to get 16 or more fish every time. this is a large gape in numbers, to say the lest. when i asked for a screen cap she said she didn't take one. so this large difference has been bugging me, what is the high possible number of fish that can be caught in the festival mini game with no mods or cheats?
I believe your friend is either lying or mistaken. Even if you got a bite immediately every cast and each cast was a fish, the progress bar goes up only so fast that it's about 10 seconds from Hit to pulling in the fish. That would mean you'd need at least 160 seconds to catch 16 fish. You only get 100 seconds per game. My best has been 7 fish and I felt that was the best possible I could do.
thank you both for your help in this, my friend has a long history of using mods and cheats and not telling anyone, then acting like she is just good at the game. this dose also explain why she has no trouble with the king fish or rare fish like the lava eel. i feel better about my fishing skills now. thanks again.
some people have a lot of shame in them and they try to hide it with dishonesty. i hope your friend can one day feel comfortable enough in her own skin that she can be more forthright. glad to help though
Most I've ever gotten was 7. I've gotten a few more "bites" than that, but trash. Probably 10 bites all told. (Sorry, this is probably already closed topic, but eh)