This is one of the best submission I have seen so far! It seems like it would fit in nicely with a game like starbound you have my vote!
Posting again just to say I love the new stuff. The air/sky/soul virorbs have definetally improved and I really like the new ones. It's pretty odd though that the corrosive virorb itemporarily takes away your helmet, but meh.... Still love them ; )
These Virorbs are awesome. A nice change from your common monster which just wants to bash your face in. Adds some more flavour to this contest maybe Starbound too .
This is a fantastic and original idea, I think it would be a great addition to the game Balloon virorbs sound like alot of fun ;p
Thanks, I was sort of thinking of the broken-armour debuff from terraria when i gave it that ability. Considering that there will probably be a near infinite variety of helmets in the game, I don't think it would be a good idea to make a player lose it forever. Maybe it could just remain broken until you fix it at the space station or reforge it or something, but i don't know whether that would actually work in the game. Anyway, new update, new sprites, new things. In the next update i hope to add the two virorbs aiMars gave me the idea for, and possibly an optional virorb mini-boss if there's time. The end of the contest is nigh, and I would like the chance to clean up the post a little before it gets judged. I seriously can't thank you guys enough for all the support and excitement for the Virorbs! I think i want to be a character designer in the future, it's so much fun! Ribbit!
Ah, as much as I hate to admit it... I think you're going to be the one who's going to win this. As much as I like my own entry yours seems to have much more "magnetism". And if that same magnetism pulls in the developers as much as it has the other forum goers, well, it's clear the rest of us don't stand a chance ^^; Not that you don't deserve it, you've clearly put a lot of thought into this and like I said before I can actually see this in the game. So, if we all had to lose to someone, I'd be glad if it was you ^^ (of course I'm still hoping to win as well )
Every time I look at this thread it just gets better and better--incredible work Amazing number of things that you've continued to add to this
I really think we have a winner here, and a well-deserved one too! You have my vote. Your entry evolved in such a great way over time.
Absolutely brilliant! Kudos on a higher-than-most chance of success! These things could easily replace slimes! I mean, come on, slimes are kind of stereotyped by now... so many games use them. They're great, but Virorbs make much more sense in space. More sci-fi than fantasy, so just another reason to have them. Personally, I don't see how you couldn't win.
Thank you guys! I updated the post, this may be the last update, If I don't have time to finish the miniboss. Just in case I don't get it finished, I'll tell you what it's about. Basically it is a Virorb that is found controlling the mind of a human, and is accompanied by a randomly picked team of other Virorbs. It is found as a part of various quests, where an NPC tells you that their friend has been brainwashed by a virorb and is wreaking havoc. The humanoid is very fast and has quite a lot of health, so you would have to kill the other virorbs so that you have an easier time fighting him/her. When they have been defeated, they virorb on the human's head dies and the human themself is freed from their mind control and will become an NPC who can join you. [EDIT: Updated the post with this, I'll try to add pictures if I have time.] The new virorbs probably won't get sprites, but I'm quite happy with how they turned out. Especially the steampunk one! Ribbit!
fluvirus, i salute your work, and i seriously hope that you win this contest. good luck with the devs.
Okay, just a little thing, but I personally feel it would better if the miniboss spawned the Virorbs. :/
So, what kind of lifecycle do they have? Is it along the lines of "If they kill a thing they have head-schlorped, multiple offspring incubate in the remains for a while and then spring off?" I like these kind of details. I support this head-based contest entry!
Good question. I guess that might be it. They lay their eggs in humans they kill and out of those eggs come young virorbs =)
very nice idea. Nothing can explain the amount of hard work you put into this o.o. Hopefully this is something that can be implemented in the game. I am also wondering if these virorbs will be able to be captured and used as pets o3o. Or mabey you can fuse a virorb with a sword or something and use the element that they have to your advantage.