I think your pronouncing it right! The 'Vi' rhymes with eye. And 'rorb' rhymes with orb. I think your description of thier life cycle seems about right. They reproduce like real viruses do. In fact, the miniboss virorb could reproduce before the host has died, which could let it infinitely spawn virorbs, instead of being fought alongside a team. Anyway, I've got the miniboss artwork scanned onto my computer now and I'm working on colouring it in, so I will probably have the pictures up pretty soon, then I might have time to add various details. I wasn't so keen on the idea of a Virorb boss at first, but now it's coming along pretty awesomely! Also, head-schlorped is the best word ever.
I wouldn't go that far -some entries are as good as this- but I'd be shocked if the Virorbs didn't at least get 3rd place. @Fluvirus: Yup! A general rule with bosses that have a lot of minions is that the bosses should spawn the minions, especially in an idea like this. So the boss could be multi-colored, and then the virorbs could shlorp away from him, like cell-splitting.
Head-schlorping for everyone! Do you think it would be possible to tame a virorb? Or are they just slaved to their insticts?
All virorbs would be tamable except for the cell virorb - who automatically becomes your pet when created at a lab- and the miniboss. (who you'll see on the post soon!) Tamed virorbs could do stuff like give you buffs when they're head-schlorping you, head-schlorp humanoid enemies, and fire lasers at stuff. Most of the information about this is in the 'Extra Stuff' spoiler.
I read all that stuff directly after my last post, and promptly felt a little stupid for not having done so earlier. Y'know, you've done a much better job of the parasitic/symbiotic headwear that I did with the Hair Squirrels. Congratuwelldone! But I am pleased to have provided you with Head-Schlorping.
There's the last update, featuring the Brainwasher Virorb miniboss. Phew... this has been a lot of work, but it was very fun! I can say the same for the whole contest too! Best of luck to everyone entering the contest! The devs are so awesome for holding this contest for the fans. I hope to see more in the future! Ribbity-ribbit!
Flu, our ideas are actually quite a bit alike. I have dozens of pictures of different types of Skatera, but I never really put them in because I didn't know if they would be in and I thought they might hinder the developers. But looking at your idea, I realize that I probably should have; overall it makes the submission better.
Haha, I thought the contest ended at 8 in the morning, but since it didn't I updated it ONE LAST TIME! For real! ...probably. There's more stats for the virorbs and a bit more info now. Thanks again guys! RIBBIT!
I would like to make a toast to the devs, to all the contest entrants, and to everyone else for their support! *PING* Okay! Who wants butter on their toast?
Just realized I hadn't said anything about how much i like this entry, it looks well designed to fit into starbound and definitely among my favorites. On a different note, mmm toast.
Just checked the thread again, and I just love the new one. I love the overall design as I stated before, the variety is great and by far my favorite is the trippy one. Good job on the entry again, and I hope you the best of lucks.
Phew, just managed to fix some grammar mistakes, typos and such before the deadline. I'm so nervous, but so excited at the same time! Thanks to all of you guys for supporting me all this way! RIBBIT!!!!!