RELEASED Walpi-chan Mods (Everything kawaii)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by walpichan, Mar 18, 2017.

  1. walpichan

    walpichan Void-Bound Voyager


    No more uni. Forever. Now I can return to my true calling and mod like fuck <3
      Amburr, Mogipoki, Clotho and 5 others like this.
    • Clotho

      Clotho Subatomic Cosmonaut

      Did you graduate college this semester too? Twinsies~ :poke:
      • Cimeni

        Cimeni Phantasmal Quasar

        Can't wait to see more of these <3

        If modding custom NPCs ends up being too much work, replacing currently existing NPCs might be the way to go +w+ Either way, stalking this like there's no tomorrow!

        ...not at all because of Madoka possibilities. *coughs* No, of course not...~
        • walpichan

          walpichan Void-Bound Voyager

          Thank you <3 there most definitely will be Madoka stuff. At some point. Maybe not just yet but once some of the bigger overhauls (the main one being cooking recipes) are done I'll definitely start planning, so feel free to suggest ideas ^.^
          • walpichan

            walpichan Void-Bound Voyager

            Not quite yet - or at least, I don't know what degree I have and we haven't had the ceremony yet, but at least it's finally OVER~

            Congrats on your graduation! Omedetou~ <3 :party:
              Clotho likes this.
            • Clotho

              Clotho Subatomic Cosmonaut

              How do you not what degree you have? o _O Have you just not received the hard copy of it yet?
              And, yeah, I just skipped the ceremony cause A ) crowds, B ) I'd fall asleep and C ) too poor for cap and gown.
              I'm delighted it's finally over too. 卒業 おめでとう ! やったね!
              • walpichan

                walpichan Void-Bound Voyager

                As in I won't know what classification I'll get - first class, second class, third class... I stil haven't received marks back from some coursework so I won't be able to calculate anything just yet ^.^

                Aha, I'm not always good with crowds either (social anxiety), but I think my parents would really like to go - and because I've taken a year longer than I should have due to ill health it will all be strangers, and I'm actually worse around people I know (but don't like very much!) xD but yeah, ceremonies are so boooring, they take way too long :lod:
                  Clotho likes this.
                • Clotho

                  Clotho Subatomic Cosmonaut

                  Interesting. I'm not familiar with that kind of system myself, but I hope it goes well.
                  And sorry to hear about your poor health. I actually had the same thing keep me about 3 semesters behind so I feel your pain.
                  • walpichan

                    walpichan Void-Bound Voyager

                    Just a little something else I've been working on. @Mana-chan, @DreamerDrop, hope this is enough pink for the both of you ^_^ My aim is to please~! ♡

                    • walpichan

                      walpichan Void-Bound Voyager

                      Sorry it took me so long to reply to this - I actually just got my classification back yesterday and I got a first, so super chuffed I managed to pull through in the end :D Yeah, it sucks being stuck behind I won't be graduating this year with the friends I made in uni, which is a bit of a downer, but I'm still graduating and that's the main thing. I have ongoing depression and anxiety - I don't leave my house a whole lot because my last relationship was emotionally abusive and my ex lives like.... five minutes down the road, so I have panic attacks about meeting him if I step outside. Sooooo.... that's... not great - BUT it means I get to make SDV mods, and that makes me happy, so silver linings! xD

                      I hope whatever you were ill with, you're not ill with it any more? :) or at least that it's subsided a bit and you can get on with your life without much hassle ♡
                        Clotho likes this.
                      • Coolwyngs

                        Coolwyngs Giant Laser Beams

                        Ho my gosh this is amazing. I am in awa. So cool thank you for sharing this wonderful work.
                        • Mana-chan

                          Mana-chan Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                          Oh Yes! This is perfect. ♥ Already hyped it at tumblr. xD Thank you again for sharing it. ꒰⑅´͈ ᵕ `͈ ꒱✨
                          • DreamerDrop

                            DreamerDrop Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                            Oh my GOSH.


                            Walpi-chan, you're spoiling us rotten! ;u;

                            I love it, the cute starry pixels and moons are so perfect.
                            • walpichan

                              walpichan Void-Bound Voyager

                              Starry Sky Interface 1.0 released over on Nexus (download links posted above!). Couldn't finish everything on time today because of complications but I'll update it within a week with the complete list of recolours :)
                              • DreamerDrop

                                DreamerDrop Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                I took a bunch of screenshots while running around with it, and it's really adorable. [Tumblr Post]

                                If I could add a tiny criticism, I think the readability of the numbers in the inventory menu is a bit awkward. The pink on pink on pink can make it a bit hard to read how many items are actually in the stack. I'm not sure what colour would work better? Maybe Yellow and Blue together to be safe?
                                • walpichan

                                  walpichan Void-Bound Voyager

                                  Hi! Yup - I got a comment about that on the Nexus page not long after uploading so I updated the files so that the numbers are now blue. I might change that again in the next update to something that looks a little better, but for now, if it's hard to make out the numbers, just download the .zip from Nexus again and just replace your old cursors.xnb with the new one in that pack ♡
                                    DreamerDrop likes this.
                                  • walpichan

                                    walpichan Void-Bound Voyager

                                    So I finally finished making the Junimo Note recolours and I'm really happy with how they turned out. Problem is.... I like them so much that I'm wondering whether I should make a second set of menu interfaces that are more pink than blue, to match. I'm gonna ask on Tumblr too, but wanted to know what you guys thought? Would you want a more pink interface? I stayed away from that initially because I didn't want it to be overpowering and alienating for people who weren't really mad on pink. As I said, it wouldn't replace the current interface, you'd have the choice (much like the choice of plate colours in my Japanese-style food mod, when I eventually release it).

                                    Anyway, I could really use opinions ^.^

                                    • Coolwyngs

                                      Coolwyngs Giant Laser Beams

                                      I think so. I also think purple and silver would look amazing. But that is just me silver and purple are my favorite colors so I think most things that are those colors look good. But with your designs it would look amazing. I just love your work anyways.
                                      • DreamerDrop

                                        DreamerDrop Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                        I'd obviously say extra pink because, well, it's me. Everything should be pink as far as I'm concerned.

                                        That said, I think the pastel blue of the interface as it is provides a nice set of contrast so it's not overwhelming. I think I'd like both, honestly. I used to use the Vintage Interface Mod over the Pink Interface one because I found the pale beige more aesthetically pleasing and fitting for the valley than more intense pink. I think the mixture of different pastel tones of pink, blue, and yellow creates a really nice and varied interface aesthetic.

                                        Also, the Junimo Note re-colours are SO CUTE. Definitely makes it feel more like you're a magical girl completing quests for the Junimo's under the guidance of the Wizard. You could make a series out of that.
                                        • walpichan

                                          walpichan Void-Bound Voyager


                                          Starry Sky Interface updated on Nexus for version 2.0. Enhancements have been made to the original cursors and menutiles .xnb files and the junimonote.xnb has been added. If you already have this mod installed just download version 2.0 and replace your base files with the new ones in that pack.

                                          Two versions are a bit messy, but for now, and since I'm not finished with this mod and intend to add new colour schemes, I wanted to leave both versions for players to choose what suits them. I may merge in the future and scrap previous versions altogether, but for now I have more important things to worry about (like just finshing the mod full stop)! xD So bear with the messiness for now~

                                          P.S. @Coolwyngs I'll make a purple and silver version just for you over the next few weeks, so just wait for a bit~

                                            Coolwyngs, Clotho and DreamerDrop like this.

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