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Resolved Wargroove 2 using massive amounts of memory and stalling/crashing

Discussion in 'Support' started by CaptainDrMcAwesome, Jan 18, 2024.

  1. CaptainDrMcAwesome

    CaptainDrMcAwesome Space Hobo

    I've been playing Wargroove 2 for several months. Starting on January 17, whenever I start Wargroove 2, the game slows down to unplayable after a handful of inputs (I can get into the opening screen of a battle in Campaign or Conquest mode and that's about it), and soon crashes. Windows Task Manager shows massive memory usage -- 3GB, then 5GB; the highest I saw it get to was 27GB of RAM usage (I have 32 GB of RAM on my PC). I am playing the Steam version on Windows 11. I do use the cloud save backup feature through Steam.

    I uninstalled and reinstalled the game (no change). I uninstalled and reinstalled it onto a different drive (no change). I verified the files of the installation on Steam; Steam said they were all fine.

    Any advice? Anyone else experiencing this? Thanks. I've uploaded the log.

      Attached Files:

      • log.txt
        File size:
        10.8 KB
    • CaptainDrMcAwesome

      CaptainDrMcAwesome Space Hobo

      I was able to contact one of the devs on Discord; this was fixed in a preview release (I switch to preview release on Steam).

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