Modding Discussion What Are You Working On - v. Look, a WAYWO!

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by NightmareX91, Dec 8, 2013.

  1. NightmareX91

    NightmareX91 Phantasmal Quasar

    Yeah, I'm talking about the ores.

    Should I release my mod in its current state, or wait until the first tier of weapons are finished and fine-tuned?

  2. Cayote

    Cayote Aquatic Astronaut

    So how about changing the colors more towards this?
  3. NightmareX91

    NightmareX91 Phantasmal Quasar

    That would look much better.
  4. Astrum

    Astrum Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hhehe.. i was bored and thought i'd start a little project thing based off the Marathon game trilogy, only thing done so far is the armor you see below.

    Should probably start on Weapons/ Ship next

    What do you guys think? if any of you know of the game you'll
    definitely know what this lil' guy is..

    Ovvlind and Cayote like this.
  5. Cayote

    Cayote Aquatic Astronaut

    Alright changed the colors in the ores and also in the bars (same scheme)
  6. Omegnarok

    Omegnarok Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    working on a simple lightsaber for personal use, trying to get the position correctly but am having trouble! I know someone else has already made one already, I am just practicing on my first mod/added item. Here's a png if anyone wants!

    Attached Files:

  7. Cayote

    Cayote Aquatic Astronaut

    Yeah I've created a very simple one aswell, , I used the broadsword as a reference to positioning.
  8. feryaz

    feryaz Hey, You!

    I've worked the whole last day on this vehicle mod.

    After I couldn't make multiple ideas due to the LUA restrictions and the strict categories I've finally had an idea that was fully possible to integrate.
    Initially I've found tech's a bit boring, but it ended up pretty interesting and has quite nice functions to control movement.
    Was really fun to try to simulate gliding physics and to make a bit of gameplay around flying to balance it.
    Done it in a 18 hours ecstasis. I'm coming more from software development and it's long ago that I had such a blast at programming.
    Would really like to hear a few thoughts on it ;)
  9. Omegnarok

    Omegnarok Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  10. Cayote

    Cayote Aquatic Astronaut

    It looks really nice, it's one of the few things i've seen that pushed the api the furthest I think
  11. Cayote

    Cayote Aquatic Astronaut

    It was really simple really, Copy all the files from a broadsword, then change the picture file into a picture of a lightsaber, have the hilt in the image positioned closely to the one of the original broadsword, save it. change some properties in the .sword etc and I had a lightsaber, you can download the file and look trough the thinks I've used if you'd like, it's was very little work.
  12. feryaz

    feryaz Hey, You!

    Thanks. Yes, that was the intention. After my first try's without being able to really change or add functionality I thought to wait for a proper api.
    But in this case I could realize every single step as if I would have with full access. Thanks to the mech.
  13. Omegnarok

    Omegnarok Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    thank you, you tipped me off that it may be the position in the png and I have got the image all lined up!
  14. Cayote

    Cayote Aquatic Astronaut

    NP looking forward to what you make of it :) make sure you let me know!
  15. Omegnarok

    Omegnarok Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Ill let you know when I feel done with it :p , Going about it pretty casually so it might take a while. ;)
  16. Astrum

    Astrum Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well.. here once again.. is bob, but this time hes had enough of Vid Boi's shenanigans..



    Now i've just gotta figure out how to implement custom weapons and such..

    Anyone got any idea on how todo that?

    Also.. colored clothing, even when your saving the galaxy from random evils it still pays to be stylish!

    Last edited: Dec 13, 2013
  17. NightmareX91

    NightmareX91 Phantasmal Quasar

    Short sword
    Next up: Spear.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2013
    Spacerogue likes this.
  18. Xenogression

    Xenogression Aquatic Astronaut

    Working on a quest mod! :D Can be seen HERE
  19. glitchdetector

    glitchdetector Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm not working on a mod, but a modding tool for mac users:

    (It currently doesn't write the content as files, but everything else works)
  20. CptSteam

    CptSteam Aquatic Astronaut

    I'm working on a Christmas Mod. Some of the items can be seen here:
    Spacerogue and inorite3 like this.

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