What NPC who isn't marriageable would you like to see available?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Borodin, Apr 15, 2018.

  1. Cramped Sultana

    Cramped Sultana Big Damn Hero

    I want the Traveling Cart Woman, mainly so I can have her pig on my farm to keep my truffle pigs happy. He's cute.
    • Axe Garian

      Axe Garian Oxygen Tank

      Robin, cause she's fun, I like her, her Orange Hair is pretty, & i've had the Cutscene before after getting some friendship with Maru where Demetrius acts annoying to me & i'm not gonna thank him for it. (Jerk!) Go ahead, take away my Shroom Cave in Revenge... worth it! :p I swear Robin looks too young & pretty to be of Mom Age too. First time I ever played & met her in the beginning I swore she was bout my Player Characters's age or a little older, then when I found out I couldn't Romance her cause she's already Married to Demetrius & Maru is her Daughter, I bout dropped my Jaw in shock!

      Traveling Cart Woman, cause I like how she sticks it to the Gotoro Empire... those Scumbags. Honestly i've never really been able to Eyeball her Age just from her appearance... IMHO she could well maybe be a Young Adult not long outta her Teenage Years for all we know.

      I woulda swore I thought Marnie IS Marraigeable...? Or is my Memory screwing with me...?

      I haven't got to meet Sandy or Mr. Qi yet, but from what i've read about them on the Wiki, both seem like interesting peeps, & in Sandy's case i'm a sucker for Redheads. :D Gal Character created with Shades on & one of the 'not-normal' Skin Colors marrying Mr. Qi could be... interesting... :p

      Linus could be interesting to marry but think he's a bit old for the Player Character. :p

      Willy has an unfortunate name, but also seems like a nice guy too. Shame he's also a bit old to be married.

      Marrying the Dwarf dude could be fun, I like Dwarves & a Interspecies Marriage like that with cute little Dwarf Kids could be cool! :D No known info i'm aware of on the Dwarf's Age either, so for all we know he could be a late teen or young adult by Dwarf Years.

      Krobus could be interesting to Marry if ya made your Character to look like a Goth. :rofl:

      It could be interesting to be able to marry Vincent or Jas IF & I repeat IF a Mod ever got made that changed the Player Character so they were a little kid running a Farm like an Adult. :p (I'm not being serious on this one... ;))
      • AdamGotStardrop

        AdamGotStardrop Scruffy Nerf-Herder

        For the guys: Wizard, Clint and Gus
        For the gals: Sandy

        Obviously excluding the villagers who already in a relationship. I don't wanna be a homewrecker guys lol.
        • Honor Shipping

          Honor Shipping Big Damn Hero

          I feel like there's more to Stardew Valley and it's being hidden from us... There's no way those stores can survive with the population of the town that we see... Just you wait, the next update will feature the rest of the town, all new marriageable characters, and a government conspiracy that it's our job to put a stop to with as many parsnips as we can ship.
            kittentamer and HansHohenheim like this.
          • Lilliput

            Lilliput Supernova

            Coming this Winter...

            [Shot of a seemingly quiet small town...]

            ...one farmer will learn...

            [Darker, quick cut shots of Marlon, barricading up the guild hall from the inside while Slimes press against the windows; of Morris, hair and cape whipping in the downdraft, boarding a Joja helicopter; of Willy, retreating in horror as something rises from the waters off the docks...]

            ...that everyone will reap what they sow...

            [Close up of a terrified Abigail]

            "You can't go down there alone!"

            [Shot of Gunther, alone in the library at night, as something looms over him from behind...]

            ...and that some seeds...

            [Shot of Linus, rolling back his sleeping bag to reveal a secret hatch under his tent...]

            ...won't stay buried forever!

            [Shot of Leah, back to back with the farmer, holding an axe as they are menaced in the dark woods...]

            "...there are too many of them!!"

            From the producers of Starbound comes a story so gripping...

            [Shot of Penny, weeping, as she hugs Pam; shot of Evelyn's trembling hand reaching for George's.]

            ...so shocking...

            [Shot of the Witch flying high overhead, as the Wizard Rasmodius watches her, a sad expression on his face...]

            ...so thrilling...

            [Quick half-second cuts showing Qi's casino, the Mutant Bug Lair, and Skull Caverns...]

            ...that they'll need an Iridium Crowbar to pry you out of your seat.

            [The cuts get quicker, rapid flashes of a fog-shrouded mine level; bats whipping across a farm; glowing fireflies in the Secret Woods, etc, etc... until the screen blanks and the logo appears...]

            STARDEW VALLEY.

            [Shot of old Gil, rocking quietly by the fireside.]

            "...jus' like old times, eh, Marlon?"

            *FADE TO BLACK*
              Rae791, kittentamer, xyris and 11 others like this.
            • WilliamZ

              WilliamZ Phantasmal Quasar

              This makes me wonder who are throwing rocks at Linus tent, I'm pretty sure that It is Abigail.
              • Kiddles

                Kiddles Void-Bound Voyager

                Sandy and the Wizard are my top picks. Sandy could establish her shop in the little outside space on the farm, and as your spouse, could give a 20-25% discount on goods. Similarly with the Wizard, with his outrageously priced magical constructs, and they can each to go their other places twice a week or something. Could also set up potential encounters between Sandy and Emily, and the Wizard, Caroline and possibly Abigail.

                As for the whole Marnie thing, I personally ship her and Lewis, so I wouldn't wanna get between them. And I still wish there was an event where they would just tell everyone and then get married.
                • Aytie

                  Aytie Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                • musical74

                  musical74 Space Kumquat

                  I'm thinking Sebastian, given his request to throw a potato against the mountain as hard as he can...

                  On the topic of who should be added, Sandy and Gus, they run businesses that aren't threatened by a competitor and therefore are stable!
                    CountryKit likes this.
                  • Stryder87

                    Stryder87 Giant Laser Beams

                    Holy crap I wanna see that movie!!!
                    • Astrid Speckles

                      Astrid Speckles Subatomic Cosmonaut

                      Gus, Sandy or the Wizard, personally I just want to have a deeper relationship with the Wizard- mainly platonic.
                      • Kagurahime

                        Kagurahime Aquatic Astronaut

                        Robin, Jodi and Gus.
                        Robin, because she's a hard-working redhead, who knows how to care for herself and make $.
                        Jodi, because she's clearly unhappy in her current marriage and obviously a catch. Her kids also need a better father.
                        Gus, because he's industrious, hard-working and kind-hearted. I loved the scene where he had that little talk with Linus. <3
                        • silentgrace7

                          silentgrace7 Poptop Tamer

                          Definitely Krobus.

                          Although Kent pisses me off, and it lowkey hurts to see Jodi in a marriage where she's only staying for the kids. So probably Jodi too.

                          While we're at it, I want Gunther to be a friend and marriage candidate ;) Maybe he can offer tips on where to find certain artifacts ("with the ancient tombs buried in the desert sands, you're bound to find a couple gold artifacts in there.")
                          • Ailsaek

                            Ailsaek Phantasmal Quasar

                            I’d cheerfully marry both of them. Seriously, they’re both adorable, they’re both really nice, I would love to make a triad with them.
                            • Ailsaek

                              Ailsaek Phantasmal Quasar

                              I agree with this. I was a bit disappointed when Shane was made a marriage candidate and not Clint. IMO, he’s much more salvageable, and a storyline where you gradually get his attention away from Emily would be a hoot. I mean, seriously, your first real conversation is basically “Hey player, you’re a girl, how do I talk to women?” *So* much the story of my life when I was a teen.
                              • Ailsaek

                                Ailsaek Phantasmal Quasar

                                I think I love you.
                                  kittentamer likes this.
                                • Stryder87

                                  Stryder87 Giant Laser Beams

                                  I'm still trying to figure out what Linus' reaction at the very end of that scene meant. Was he touched? Was he feeling guilty? Was he unhappy that people felt they had to give him food when he was obviously doing well on his own (remember his comment that he chose to live like that)? I just haven't been able to figure out his reaction, although, every time I see it my first thought is that he feels guilty/ashamed at being offered and accepting it (if he even did... we don't see it actually happen).
                                    HansHohenheim likes this.
                                  • HansHohenheim

                                    HansHohenheim Void-Bound Voyager

                                    Definitely Linus.
                                    Normally I play FwF games since that's just how I run my playthroughs, but Linus is so freaking sweet and adorable at times that it makes me so angry I can't marry him or give him a home. Best I can do is keep shoving hundreds of horseradishes down his throat every week so I feel better about myself.
                                    Literally speaking, I feel like Linus would make a better husband than Shane, Sebastian, and Alex. Mainly because he seems so wise and out of place among the people of the city. Kinda like a Morpheus to the game. We as the players know more than the others in town, but Linus obviously has history and knowledge he isn't letting on that I'd love the game to delve into more often. He's homeless by choice and prefers nature to humans, but he's caring and trustworthy if he feels like he knows you enough. He's absolute marriage potential.

                                    Call me Beyonce cause I wanna put a ring on it.
                                      kittentamer likes this.
                                    • Dakmordian

                                      Dakmordian Phantasmal Quasar

                                      I've found Marnie to be attractive and fun since I started playing back in the original release (except that weird side-ways sprite that doesn't match). The issue of her and Lewis is like.. he will never capitulate and settle down with her, his "career" is too precious to him. She deserves real happiness, and two farms hooking up to become a bigger entity isn't a bad deal, either. Maybe we can adopt Jas. I really wanna adopt Jas, damn it.

                                      My ex would swoon if the Wizard was available. We had a mod going that did this but it's been broken since 1.2...

                                      Honestly, regardless of who else was marriageable, the fact is that they all have families and I wish so hard that there was more interaction with them. Family dinners, bonding events, etc. Reactions from them in town if you marry their sibling/child, etc.
                                      • Odd Farmer

                                        Odd Farmer Pangalactic Porcupine

                                        Sandy would be my choice.

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