This one's german, too. The text actually makes sense but it's a bit of weird anyway. And funny. At least if you understand it... I'm native german so i don't have problems... I'm currently listening to Rammstein, Celldweller, System Of A Down, Two Steps From Hell and some Charts...
Oh no - I understood. That is why I mentioned Ramstien. I just meant the costumes and underwear dancing.
Yeah, I know. I just really love the arranges, is what I mean. Especially with the mecha musical references, that one being similar to 5TH MOV: GUNDAM, from the Gundam Unicorn OST. (Although Lullaby of a Deserted Hell is fantastic in its own right, yep.)
I know... it's pretty much the same thing when I play Touhou Pocket Wars: Zun makes a series of Danmaku shooters and fans lap up the epic music... for a drunk he did very well.
Continuing the Japaneses Theme. [ Though its just Jazz Rock ] Some great trumpet and Piano and Drums.
Haha, yeah. I'm a fan of RichaardEB's covers for the game as well. xD If you're interested, here's a few more songs from The String Gamer's album: The Megalovania cover is probably one of my favorite renditions of the song thus far.