playing around with a small mod that expands the threat range of planet types. i want for example to allow a forest planet to appear at a tier 6 star and be scaled up in threat to match, or a volcano planet at a tier 2 star and be scaled down (but leaving the hot-EPP requirement as is). but what i see after expanding the threatRange is that it's picking random threat values in the range every time. i'd like it to pick the same value as the star, or the nearest value if out of range. which lua script is responsible for picking the threat range when generating a planet? it was fairly straightforward to figure out celestial and terrestrial_worlds configs but i want to adjust the code to not make a random-range call. couldn't find any lua scripts that seemed to be responsible for planet generation. thanks. - i realize another option is to create copies of planet types with different threat ranges but if it's possible i'd rather not, just because that sounds tedious and inflexible.